Although Midtown was surrounded by the Void with a velociraptor in the middle, Midtown did not believe that the Void dared to kill him.

The result is indeed the same as Zhongcheng's guess, and the virtual does not dare to really kill the middle city, but the virtual still dares to ravage the virtual city.

In this way, Midtown was bitten by three Spinosaurs, and although it also tried to struggle and resist, it was finally injured by the Void in the face of the number of the other party.

The other velociraptor voids were not embarrassed, and just like that, the void swaggered back to the camp with his men.

As a result, in the camp, he saw his parents who had been waiting for a long time, and his heart was flustered at this time, and he couldn't imagine why his parents were here now

? Could it be that he had been discovered? At this time, he was very nervous.

How can Zhang Yuelu understand that the void is a void of heart, it just thinks that the void is afraid of itself, so it keeps trembling.

After spending one night in the void, Zhang Yuelu was ready to go to the camp of the other three children.

I don't know if they are used to living outside, since seeing the children of Xiao Jiu Xiao Shi, Zhang Yuelu honestly misses her baby a little.

Although they are not worrying, they are their own flesh and blood after all.

When Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua left, the void breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, my parents didn't come here because they hit Midtown, otherwise I really don't know what to say.

Zhang Yuelu's next stop was Zhongcheng's territory, but he didn't see Zhongcheng here, thinking that it was out hunting, so he waited with Cuihua all night, but he didn't wait for Zhongcheng to come back.

However, Zhang Yuelu was not worried, feeling that Zhongcheng would either run far away, or return to the main camp.

The next stop, Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua came to Ryoyuki's camp, which completely inherited Ryozhi's style, and most of the velociraptors here wore skull helmets.

After all, velociraptors are a learning race, and they probably think it's good to wear a helmet.

Seeing that Zhang Yuelu had just come over with Cuihua, Liang Zhi was also very surprised, and immediately prepared all kinds of roast dragon meat for them to eat.

However, the barbecue is the wounded tooth dragon, and Liang Zhi disdains the work done by the injured tooth dragon.

In this way, Zhang Yuelu also stayed in Liangzhi's camp for one night, and went to Xuanyuan's camp with Cuihua the next day.

Xuanyuan was still very panicked when he saw Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua, after all, he had been beaten out of the shadow by his parents.

It was really afraid that its parents would come to beat it again this time, but Xuanyuan didn't expect that his parents just patted him gently, and then rested in the camp for one night.

But Xuanyuan didn't dare to sleep that night, for fear that his parents would get up in the middle of the night and beat him.

Fortunately, what Xuanyuan was worried about did not happen, and Xuanyuan did not dare to sleep in the camp until the next day after sending Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua away.

In this way, Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua returned to the camp slowly, and met Xiao Qi who greeted them in the camp, Zhang Yuelu didn't know how to tell Xiao Qi that he met Xiao Jiu Xiao Shi, and the language of the velociraptor was not so rich.

In the end, Zhang Yuelu just patted Xiao Qi and returned to the cave.

Unexpectedly, in the cave, Zhang Yuelu actually saw Zhongcheng soaking in the hot spring, it was covered with wounds, and was borrowing the hot spring to treat the wounds.

Seeing that his parents Zhongcheng didn't cry out aggrieved, he had already made up his mind, and when he was injured, he would find a void to avenge this revenge for a while, and it was not his ability to rely on his parents.

Zhang Yuelu was still very distressed when she saw that Zhongcheng was injured, thinking that it was injured while hunting, and she looked at the wound and saw that the wound was not very deep, so she was relieved.

At this time, Xiao Wu excitedly walked over with two dinosaur cubs in his arms, looking at the two dinosaur cubs, something different appeared in Zhang Yuelu's mind.

The name is unknown, the danger level is unknown, the species is unknown, this is the dinosaur egg that I brought back from the New World Island, I didn't expect it to really hatch, although the name and danger level are not displayed, probably because they are still young.

As for why Xiao Wu was so excited, Zhang Yuelu also understood that these two little guys had been hatching for the longest time, and they looked very fierce.

Although they were all necklaces brought by Xiao Wu, Zhang Yuelu still decided to give them a name, and the two of them would definitely be able to help their children and grandchildren dominate in the future.

Looking at them, one had very white skin and a long body, like a snake with legs, so he gave it the name of an ice snake, and the other was a little round, and the head was like a crescent moon, and Zhang Yuelu gave it the name of a nightmare moon.

In this way, the two terrifying creatures who helped Zhang Yuelu in the future finally have their own names.

At this time, a five-armored dragon playing outside ran in, and Xiao Shi ran in front because he had been to the New World with Zhang Yuelu, and hugged Zhang Yuelu's thigh to show intimacy.

Zhang Yuelu touched Xiao Shi with a look of pity, not to mention that it was quite prickly.

At this time, the armor-covered dragon traveler, Shui Ying, Dongba, and Yi Yan saw it, and immediately ran over without admitting defeat, and also circled around Zhang Yuelu.

Xiao Si also came over with the barbecue, it hadn't seen Zhang Yuelu for a long time, so when it saw Zhang Yuelu coming back, it immediately roasted the barbecue, and it knew that it was estimated that Cuihua would come over to grab the fire after a while.

But fortunately, there are a lot of fires in the camp now, so it is not afraid of Cuihua grabbing it.

Seeing Xiao Si coming over with barbecue, Zhang Yuelu hurriedly distributed the barbecue to five small armor-covered dragons, which got rid of the harassment of these little guys.

However, after eating the barbecue, the little guys immediately became interested in the two dinosaurs in Xiao Wu's hands.

Regardless of how much Xiao Wu didn't want to give it, Dongba jumped up all of a sudden, grabbed the little dinosaur called Ice Snake and ran.

Xiao Wu was just about to chase after him, but the armored dragon traveler also jumped up and snatched the little dinosaur named Nightmare Moon and ran out.

The remaining three armored dragons immediately began to block Xiao Wu from chasing, and Xiao Wu had no choice but to let a few of them take away the little dinosaur.

Xiao Wu also knew that these five armored dragons did not have any bad intentions, and it was estimated that they would be sent back if they felt bored after playing with the little dinosaur for a while.

Holding the armored dragon Dongba named Ice Snake, he trotted all the way to the outside of the camp, and saw the traveler who was also running over with the dinosaur, and they immediately laughed.

At this time, the other three armored dragons also ran over, and the five little ones played with the two little dinosaurs for a while, and suddenly felt bored.

At this time, Dongba caught an egg stealing dragon, and it ran over and fed it to the little dinosaur ice snake.

I saw that the ice snake swallowed the egg-stealing dragon without even chewing a bite, and then its body glowed.

The five anarched dragons suddenly felt interesting, and the five of them immediately kept looking for all kinds of food in the forest, what insects, what plants, and some dinosaurs they had bitten to death, and they fed these two little dinosaurs.

I saw that these two dinosaurs swallowed directly without chewing a mouthful, and then their bodies glowed.

In this way, the five armored dragons played for a day, and I don't know how many things they fed the two little dinosaurs, but the five little dinosaurs were also like bottomless pits, devouring all kinds of food.

But it's strange that what they've eaten doesn't shine when they're fed the same.

The five armored dragons didn't understand either, so they jumped back to the cave with the little dinosaur in their arms and returned the little dinosaur to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu saw that the two little dinosaurs were fine, so he relieved himself, took a few pieces of barbecue and sent away the ankylosaurus.

Looking at the two dinosaurs called Ice Snake and Nightmare Moon, Xiao Wu also handed them a piece, but this time the two dinosaurs ate slowly, and they didn't emit light.

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