When several people came to the 17th floor, Bai Qinning helped Li Shuo out of the elevator.

Yu Qian was already ready to move, hesitating to take the initiative to help and keep the distance between the two.

Otherwise, Qin Ning took care of Li Shuo like this, and Li Shuo would easily fall in love with Qin Ning.

A few people walked away, the elevator door closed, and a young man withdrew his gaze from Bai Qinning, and said to his companions:

"Yesterday, I heard that there is a patient's family on the 13th floor who looks like Bai Muge, isn't this just now? It really seems to be, it can't be Bai Muge himself?"

Besides, even if Bai Muge is really married, it is impossible for him to marry such

an ordinary person, not to mention that he is also a big rich man, a bunch of bodyguards around the rich man, will his head be opened?" "Even if it is very unreasonable to be opened, it is to call a doctor to come to the door, and there must be a bodyguard walking around, just now it was an ordinary person! Thinking about his wife with his knees can't be Bai Muge!"

When the young man heard this, he also felt that his idea just now was a little outrageous.

A big star like Bai Muge, if there was really a target whose head was opened, there would have been celebrity paparazzi exposed for the first time, how could it be their turn to meet by chance in the hospital?

When the three of them came to Li Xuejun's ward, Li Xuejun was the only one.

Now Li Xuejun's condition is also much better, and his face is ruddy.

When the father and son met again, they were completely relieved to see that each other was safe and sound.

Li Xuejun looked at the bandages on his son's head, and also made up his mind to divorce Fang Lanying directly.

Therefore, when he stated his information to Yu Qian, he was very detailed, including the dispute with Fang Lanying this time.

Yu Qian recorded the dispute between the two and collected evidence of the breakdown of the relationship, and when she heard the shares of Li Xuejun's company, she suddenly stopped her hand on the keyboard of the notebook and asked Li Xuejun: "Mr. Li, so this company is not yours, it is your son

Li Shuo's, right?" Bai Qinning and Li Shuo sat on the balcony basking in the sun, and did not listen carefully, until Yu Qian suddenly

mentioned Li Shuo's name, then turned his attention to the living room of the ward, and raised his ears.


? Her father-in-law's company belonged to

Li Shuo? Why didn't she know?

Li Shuo only remembered now that he hadn't told Bai Qinning about this company yet.

Li Xuejun did not hide it, and replied to Yu Qian: "Yes, my son gave me 500,000 start-up capital, and when I started the company, I gave him all the shares, and I only had dry shares."

When Bai Qinning heard this, his beautiful eyes looked at Li Shuo and stared at him.

Where did this guy get the money?

500,000 is a lot.

Li Shuo immediately approached his wife and took the initiative to explain in a whisper: "I have the money I earned from selling the copyright of my novel, and my father's shares were given to me very suddenly, and I haven't had time to tell you yet." "

The last time his father called the two of them back to prepare to talk, but at that time the two were arguing, and the father and son said a few words when they were cooking.

"What kind of novel did you write, did you sell one or how many?" Bai Qinning didn't mind that Li Shuo didn't tell her earlier, after all, she hid a lot from Li Shuo, but she was very curious, what kind of novel did this guy write to make so much money.

Although 500,000 yuan is not much for her, it is a lot to earn 500,000 yuan just by selling the copyright of novels.

As soon as Bai Qinning asked, Li Shuo fell silent.

In addition to the detailed details of the men and women in the novels of the Doudi under his hands, he may also write some novels similar to "School Flower Stickers to the Master" in the future.

If he really told Bai Qinning his pen name, he wouldn't be able to let go of writing in the future, and the subject matter would definitely be limited.

He didn't want to say.

Bai Qinning saw that Li Shuo was silent, and at first glance, he was reluctant to say it as an outsider, and was a little angry: "I just asked, don't say it." After

the words fell, he added: "I may not like to read what you wrote." "

She doesn't like to read novels in the first place, she used to read scripts, but now she only chases Huole alone.

She didn't want to read what Li Shuo wrote.

Not to mention the high quality of other people's fire music works, even if it is ...... Even if I write about that, it's pretty good ......

Sometimes when you look at it, it's a little curious about the taste of ecstasy.

It's not like this stuffy oil bottle, at most I write a kiss or something, and I'm embarrassed to say it.

However, it is normal for Li Shuo to not be able to write that kind of astringency.

This guy is so innocent.

It is estimated that writing a kiss can be popular for half a day.

As for Huo Le, he should be a prodigal son in love, a big scumbag with a heart of flowers!

Bai Qinning also chased his Doudi only to find out that this novel has more than one heroine, and has written many heroines.

The novel is wonderful, and the details of those heroines are also ...... It's also a sight to behold.

Several times she felt that she should not continue to read and want to abandon the book, and after a while she would want to pick it up and read it.

Li Shuo saw that Bai Qinning seemed to mind a little that he didn't have a showdown, hesitated for a while, and suddenly remembered that Bai Qinning had asked him to learn Xi his own novel, and she was chasing his circular bus at that time.

That maybe......

He coughed, and asked Bai Qinning tentatively: "By the way, I remember that you seem to be able to read novels, do you have any recommended

fantasy novels?" "Fantasy novels?" Bai Qinning pondered for a moment, and thought for a while, isn't Huole's Doudi a fantasy novel!

But how could she admit that she was chasing, her pretty face was hot, and she said to Li Shuo: "Don't read it, I heard that the author who wrote the circular bus has a copy under his hand, don't read it." "

If you really go to see it, Li Shuo must have been taken badly.

What three wives and four concubines, and those astringent plots.

Li Shuo is such a simple man, and he is polluted when he sees it.

Bai Qinning felt that he was just being taken away.

Began to wonder what it was like to be ecstasy.

When Li Shuo heard his wife's advice, he suddenly choked and asked in a low voice: "Why?"

Bai Qinning stalked his tender white neck and said: "How do I know, I haven't watched it, I heard that the plot in it is not serious, you don't want to learn it, you can learn from him, you can learn from him, you can't learn the fantasy one."

Li Shuo: "...... Good. "

Fortunately, he didn't have a showdown, otherwise Bai Qinning wouldn't have pressed him on the table immediately?

Yu Qian negotiated with Li Xuejun in the ward for more than ten minutes, and then drafted a divorce lawsuit.

Li Xuejun originally planned not to want a house, but after Li Shuo's incident, he no longer wanted to be merciful and leeway with Fang Lanying, he wanted to take down the house, and when the time came, whether it was demolished or sold, it would be distributed to Li Shuo's three brothers and sisters.

Yu Qian raised her hands in agreement with the client's decision, and promised to take down the house for Li Xuejun and not let Fang Lanying take away a point.

In this regard, Li Xuejun's lawsuit for divorce was officially put on the agenda.

Before leaving, Yu Qian deliberately invited Bai Qinning aside and secretly stuffed the postnuptial agreement into Bai Qinning's hand.

"Qin Ning, this is the postnuptial agreement I prepared for you, you have to prevent Li Shuo from falling in love with you and let him keep his distance from you, do you know?

Bai Qinning married Li Shuo too suddenly, she was helping the princess fight a divorce lawsuit abroad at that time, and now that she has time, she has to prepare for the divorce of her little sister in advance.

Bai Qinning didn't expect Yu Qian to suddenly stuff this for her, so she picked it up and flipped it and glanced at the content on it.

She is Party A, and Li Shuo is Party B.

"During the period when Party B and Party A live together, Party B and Party A must keep a distance of 1 meter away.

"Party B shall not have any thoughts about Party A, shall not enter Party A's room, and shall not have physical contact with Party A while Party A is unconscious or unconscious.

Bai Qinning looked at these rules and regulations, and couldn't help but feel weak for a while.

Li Shuo didn't do anything when she was unconscious, but she took advantage of Li Shuo's sleep...... Sneaked in his face.

Bai Qinning felt that there was no need to sign this agreement at all, and before she could speak, Yu Qian raised her watch and glanced at the time, and said goodbye to her: "Qinning, I still have something to do, go back first, you can take the agreement back and read it, and tell me if you need to add it."

At this time, Li Shuo saw that the two were still talking, and Bai Qinning still had something in his hand, so he turned his gaze to the two of them from afar.

Bai Qinning's heart was empty, and he hurriedly hid the agreement behind him.

This thing is really hot.

She wanted to tell Yu Qian no, but she was afraid that the other party would ask, so she could only say:

"Okay, you go back first."

Yu Qian said goodbye and left.

The young couple didn't bother Li Xuejun anymore, and left together on their hind feet.

Li Shuo was a little curious, what kind of documents did Lawyer Yu give Bai Qinning, and seeing that Bai Qinning didn't intend to tell him, he didn't ask.

The main thing is that this girl walks so fast.

He simply couldn't keep up.


I won't come to help him......

What did Lawyer Yu give her?

Bai Qinning just wanted to find a trash can now, so he hurriedly threw away the things in his hand.

I don't know why.

She felt hot anyway.


Muge Culture & Entertainment Company.

Hua Wan was busy in her office.

Bai Qinning has not been there in the past two days, and some tasks have fallen directly on her, and she worked overtime until eleven o'clock in the evening yesterday.

Looking at the stacks of documents on the desk, Hua Wan took a deep breath, took a copy and continued to deal with it, and when Bai Qinning came back, she had to ask Mr. Bai to give her a salary increase, and she would never be used to the capitalist behavior of this family!

Who understands the pain of this kind of part-time worker!

As soon as he glanced at the documents, the phone on his desk rang.

She didn't take her eyes off the file, reached out and lifted the phone to her ear, it was the phone transferred by the secretary, and the other party was the person in charge of the branch of "Entertainment Without Limits" in Lucheng.

The base camp of this show is in Haicheng, specializing in reporting first-hand entertainment stars.

Hua Wan also receives a lot of such calls every day, asking her for verification or asking about Bai Qinning.

I thought that what I heard today was also some small eight coats, but after hearing what the other party said on the phone......, I was stunned on the spot!


Nearly 8000 words, oh big guys

, doesn't it feel very long?!Report the latest results, now the table has climbed to 25th, and it's still a little worse to get into the top 20, but it's already very powerful, there are so many tomato gods, the table didn't think about this, I have to thank you! I hope you don't stop, the table will see where it can rush

! The table won't stop! This May Day, the table doesn't go anywhere, just squat at home and code words!

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