Covering the blanket, he glanced around, reached for the pillow on the single sofa next to him, gently lifted the person up, and stuffed it under the girl's neck.

I really didn't sleep well last night, and now Bai Qinning is sleeping deeply.

A soft pillow was placed under the neck, the head was unconsciously rubbed on the pillow, slightly sideways, and the jade hand reached to the side of the cheek and cushioned under the tender white face, and the lips were ruddy, delicate and moving.

Li Shuo stared at the girl's sleeping face, a little distracted.

He had clearly kissed the rosy lips, but he was too drunk that day and forgot how he felt at the time.

His throat rolled, and he looked at it for a while, but finally reason prevailed over desire and pulled away.

I straightened up and noticed the dazzling paper on the single sofa.

This is Yu Qian's document to Bai Qinning.

Li Shuo didn't intend to peek, but when he withdrew his gaze from the paper, he seemed to see his name.

He focused his gaze and took one more look, and the first row in the middle of the paper was written with the words "postnuptial agreement".

"The postnuptial agreement?, the two of us?" Li Shuo muttered, reached out to pick it up, and sat down on the sofa to read the contents.

This is indeed his postnuptial agreement with Bai Qinning.

The general content of the previous is that the two parties need to get married for their own reasons and form a temporary fake couple, and there are 100 treaties in it that both parties need to abide by.

Li Shuo read the contents of these 100 contracts with a very serious attitude.

When I read the content inside, I found that almost all of them were aimed at him, Party B.

When the two of them were alone, he couldn't get closer to Bai Qinning than within 1 meter

Li Shuo glanced at the current distance between the two, got up very consciously, and walked to the side of the hospital bed a few meters away and sat down.

Keep watching.

He couldn't go into Bai Qinning's room,

as if she had sent her in when she was drunk.

I won't be in after that.

He can't have any thoughts about Bai Qinning,

he can't get close to her while she's asleep or unconsciously touch her ......

You can't use any of her clothes or items to do things that violate the bottom line of morality......

It is not allowed to disclose the marriage relationship between two people with unnecessary people (including friends), and it is necessary to keep the marriage in secret......

The property of both parties before and after marriage belongs to him, and he cannot divide Bai Qinning's property ...... when he divorces


Li Shuo swept the treaty down from his head, his eyebrows slightly raised.

Until he saw the last clause of the contract: he couldn't fall in love with her.

Li Shuo: "......"

If Bai Qinning had misunderstood and contradicted him, he might have been difficult to accept for a while when he saw the content of the postnuptial agreement.

But since that altercation, he's put himself in the right place.

He and Bai Qinning are people of two worlds, they can only be fake couples, and they may divorce at any time because she is unwilling to continue the marriage relationship.

Can't get too deep into the play.

So now I don't feel very uncomfortable when I see this agreement, but I am a little speechless, how can it restrict his various behaviors?

Li Shuo glanced at the girl who was already asleep on the sofa, and thought about it, a cold girl like Bai Qinning, except for fulfilling his wife's obligations under the special circumstances of his illness now, would rarely do anything that violated the content of the contract.

For example, when I entered his room, I just went to hug the big ball.

It is even more impossible to take advantage of his sleep to have close contact or skin-to-skin contact with him.

I won't miss him.

It is even more impossible to fall in love with him.

Even so, Li Shuo felt that the agreement was only bound and he always felt a little unfair.

After thinking for a while, he reached out and took the ballpoint pen that the nurse hung on the hospital bed to sign in his hand, turned the agreement to the last page, and added: [The above 100 treaties also have a binding effect on Party A, and both parties will abide by and perform the treaties together. That's


But this girl too, the agreement is written and she doesn't give it to him as soon as possible.

What are you doing in hiding?

He wouldn't mind much.

The two of them are fake married, and she is richer than him, so it's normal to guard against him.

Supplementing the agreement, Li Shuo signed his name as soon as he signed it, and put the agreement back under the pillow where Bai Qinning was lying.

Go back to bed.

My heart was inexplicably a little blocked, and I turned over several times before falling asleep.

It's noon.

Shenghong Electronics.

Lu Meijuan sat in the office and had already started watching today's noon entertainment limitless program.

She used to go back to eat at noon.

Mother-in-law Liu Hongmei and Fang Lanying will cook well.

Now Liu Hongmei is taking care of Fang Lanying in the hospital, and no one cooks, so she won't go back to eat.

I ordered takeout before getting off work, and now I just wait for the takeout to be delivered, let's take a look at today's entertainment without limits to break the news she provided yesterday.

It should have been exposed, such a big star has such a big scandal, it should be reported as soon as possible.

just watched it for a while, it was all gossip from some other stars, Lu Meijuan was a little disappointed, after all, she usually doesn't chase stars, so she has little interest in these.

At this time, the takeaway called in and informed her that her lunch had been delivered to the company's security office.

Lu Meijuan immediately opened WeChat and sent a message to her subordinate Xiaomei, who had just joined the company for a few days, and asked the other party to bring her takeaway.

Lu Meijuan has been working in this company for more than ten years and has long been promoted to the position of administrative director.

Although this administrative director is not as good as the finance department, it is easier to make money.

Every day, I sit in the office and arrange the employees under me to do things, so that they can do things well, and then go to the boss to ask for credit.

Lu Meijuan is also very handy in this aspect of PUA employees, and her hands are all obedient and obedient young graduates, in addition to work tasks, they often ask them to run errands, buy milk tea, and take takeaways.

It's the same today, the takeaway didn't go down to get it, and there is a new employee Xiaomei who can run errands for her.

But this time, Lu Meijuan met a new employee who was not very obedient.

She waited for 3 minutes before her subordinate replied to the message: "Director Lu, I'm sorry, I'm already on my way to the cafeteria now, and it's also time off work now, it's not the company's business to help you pick up takeout, I hope you can come out and pick it up yourself."

When Lu Meijuan saw this news, her face darkened.

This new employee was really disobedient.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I got off work without consciously working overtime, and asked her to take the express delivery and ask if it was the company.

Of course, this is not the first time she has encountered such an employee, she does not like this kind of employee very much, and she will not let her continue to stay in the company.

Lu Meijuan did not reply to Xiaomei's message, but just called the company's personnel as soon as possible.

"Hey, Xiao Wu, are you eating? Let me tell you something, that new employee Xiaomei is unqualified on probation, often contradicts her boss, fire her, let her not come tomorrow, such an employee will not be good for the company.

After talking to personnel, Lu Meijuan felt more comfortable, and asked other subordinates under her to bring her takeaway.

This kind of disobedient young man should experience more setbacks, smooth out the edges and corners of his body, and then work honestly.

Which employee in the company does not consciously work overtime until late at night every day, and which employee under her is not on call, even if she is eating in the cafeteria, she has to rush back to deliver her takeout to the office.

This is a good employee who satisfies his boss and can keep his job.

It's just that until her subordinates hurriedly delivered takeout to the office, Lu Meijuan finished her lunch, and the entertainment was broadcast endlessly, and she didn't see the scandal about Bai Muge.

I sat in my office and thought about it for a while.

It may be that the authenticity of this scandal is still being verified.

This kind of large-scale TV show really won't be so sloppy, and it will take some time to investigate and confirm.

Anyway, within three days, Li Shuo and Bai Qinning will definitely be seen on the front pages of major media.


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