After talking to Li Xuejun on the phone for a while, Li Shuo learned that Li Xuejun was dismissed from the company.

Before he moved out, he had heard Fang Lanying say that Li Xuejun's job would not have been fired so quickly under normal circumstances.

Although he was over the standard for two years, the company's leaders took special care of Li Xuejun and did not dismiss him.

Li Shuo didn't even need to think about it to guess what was going on.

This must be the masterpiece of Li Chengcai's family.

Didn't he also have a bad idea about Bai Qinning's work.

And Li Chengcai's family just wanted to cut off their family's back road, and when they were cornered, he would naturally take the initiative to send the kidney.

It's just that Li Chengcai's family didn't expect that even if their wishful thinking succeeded, Bai Qinning and Li Xuejun would have no source of income, and Li Shuo's side could maintain it immediately.

His novels are already beginning to bear fruit.

Listening to the tired tone on the other end of the phone, Li Shuo frowned slightly: "Dad, what are you doing now?"

If you really didn't go to work, your voice shouldn't sound so tired and weak, and he judged that Li Xuejun should have found a new job, maybe it was a manual job.

When Li Xuejun heard this, he pretended to speak easily: "I found a job moving bricks on the construction site, two hundred and fifty yuan a day, and I can pay a salary once a week, and I went to work for half a day this afternoon, and I feel okay."

He sat on the couch, his hands rubbing his waist lightly, and his smiling face was full of fatigue.

Li Shuo's tone sank: "Dad, don't put all the burden on yourself, Mom can also go to find a job now."

Li Shuo felt that husband and wife should work hard for each other and share the tasks at home together.

Now that he has moved out of the house, Fang Lanying still sits at home every day and doesn't know how to find a job, focusing all the pressure on his father.

Even if the other party is his own mother, he will feel that Fang Lanying's approach is wrong.

Li Xuejun gently slapped his waist and said: "You don't know, your mother doesn't have a good temper, and it's easy to have conflicts with people when she goes to work, she hasn't worked since she followed me, she doesn't know anything, and no one wants to go out." "

There are some things she can do, such as helping out in other people's restaurants, or going to the hotel to do hygiene, she can't pull her face, and she loves face.

Li Xuejun didn't expect Fang Lanying to subsidize his family, and it would be good to have fewer quarrels and conflicts with him at ordinary times.

Fang Lanying doesn't feel sorry for her husband, Li Shuo, as a son, must feel sorry for her father.

He was silent for a moment, and then said to Li Xuejun: "Dad, I wrote a short story on the website a while ago, and I just negotiated a contract with the film and television company in the past two days, and it is estimated that the money will arrive within a week, and you don't want to do the work on the construction site."

Li Xuejun's thumping movement stagnated for a while, and there was no movement for a while: "What?novel?film and television?"

Li Shuo's sentence was a little difficult for him to digest for a while.

The autistic son has learned to write novels, and he has to make television?

Li Xuejun even has an unreal sense that he is dreaming.

Li Shuo was also very patient, and spent a few minutes talking about this matter to the other party in the way that Li Xuejun could best understand.

"My God, then, how much money can you have when this is made into a TV? The copyright fee should be tens of thousands, right?"

Li Xuejun understood, and his tone revealed excitement and joy, and he was even more relieved!

His son was finally able to find a skill to support himself, even if he didn't earn much, it didn't matter, at least he didn't have to worry about his son being hungry.

Li Shuo didn't plan to tell Li Xuejun all his income, so he was a little conservative and said to the other party: "The copyright fee for the novel is quite a lot, and the film and television company that just signed my novel values my novel very much, and the price given is more than 100,000 more than the copyright fee of ordinary novels, with a total of 500,000 copyright fees." "

What?500,000?!" Li Xuejun almost exclaimed.

He never thought that this son, who had a problem supporting himself, would be so powerful

! 500,000, this is not an ordinary small amount!

Li Shuo was much calmer, and said: "So I suggest that Dad, you don't go to work on the construction site, I can already support you here."

After a pause, he continued: "Or if you see if there is any business you want to do, I will invest all the money for you."

He had the impression that Fang Lanying seemed to have quarreled with him because Li Xuejun wanted to do something about the processing company.

"Don't think about me, you keep this money, and I can solve the problem on my side by myself. Li Xuejun decisively refused.

The 500,000 yuan was earned by his son with great difficulty, he didn't understand writing a novel, his income should be unstable, and this novel may be pure luck.

In the future, the son may have to count on 500,000 yuan to live the rest of his life, and he can't put the burden of life on his daughter-in-law alone, and he can't ask for this money.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about this, I still have a novel in my hand with good grades, which can maintain my life with Qinning, if you want to do business, this 500,000 yuan will be my filial piety to you." Li

Shuo really hopes that Li Xuejun can do business and not have to go to work to see other people's faces.

Even an elite like Bai Qinning has to affect his mood because of a customer, let alone Li Xuejun.

"This, if you lose money, 500,000 is not a small amount of money.

Li Xuejun really has the idea of doing business, and he has always had a project he wants to do, but he has smoothed out the edges and corners of his life, and now even if he has this opportunity, he is hesitant.

In the end, Li Shuo told him that he still had 300 yuan a day for the novel in his hand, and after nearly half an hour of persuasion, he made up his mind.

Since his son is willing to support, he can also boldly rush once and open a machining center.

If you can really cooperate with J Gong, you will have a profit of 10 million a year, and at that time, you won't have to worry about not being able to support your children, and Fang Lanying will be able to quarrel with him less.

"In the next few days, I will go to other places to meet with my classmate and ask him about the order. Li

Xuejun originally wanted to stay in Lucheng and couldn't stay any longer, so he worked in the company of this old classmate from other places.

Now he has the opportunity to open a machining center by himself, and he has technology, and his classmates can't find a partner with excellent technology, so he can't let go of this opportunity.

"Okay, that's settled. Li Shuo remembered Fang Lanying, and told Li Xuejun: "Dad, don't tell your mother about me writing novels to make money, and you can't say anything about opening a processing center." "

If Fang Lanying really knows, maybe he will find various reasons to come to him to ask for money, let alone keep the money in Li Xuejun's hands, 500,000 yuan can be cleaned up for him.

Li Xuejun must know Fang Lanying's temper better than Li Shuo, and when he heard his son's advice, he nodded: "Okay, this is the secret of our father and son." He

was also afraid that Fang Lanying would really know, and it would be like intervening and obstructing more than 20 years ago, so it was better to open this company without saying a word, and tell her when he made money.


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