The Li family and the Ye family competed in business.

Ye Xuan is still pursuing Li Che's so-called "fiancée" Bai Qinning.

According to common sense, Ye Xuan, the eldest young master of the Ye family, and Li Che, the only seedling of the Li family, are incompatible.

Coincidentally, the two have studied abroad together over the years, and they have known each other and have a similar smell, so they have become good buddies.

As for Ye Xuan's pursuit of Bai Qinning, Li Che was not only not angry, but even raised his hands and feet behind Old Man Li's back in agreement.

It's just because of a painful experience with Bai Qinning when he was a child, which left a psychological shadow, and now he sees Bai Qinning running away, let alone marrying her.

"Lao Che, have you arrived in Kyoto? I should have come over to pick you up in person, but you also know that I am busy chasing my wife now, and I will look for you in the future, or you will come to me. Regarding

Ye Xuan's pursuit of Bai Qinning, Li Che was very much in favor of it.

Although Bai Qinning is recognized as beautiful, he Li Che does not have the courage to marry him with this life.

He can win the women of the world affectionately, but Bai Qinning, he is not sure, and he may break the lone seedling of his Li family.

Li Che looked at his sunny and handsome face in the video, stroked his hair, and said to Ye Xuan: "It's okay, you can rest assured, if it can really be done, I will go to sweep your tomb on the Qingming Festival in the future."

Ye Xuan: "...... That's what you said. "

By the way, didn't you say that you met a strong wife chaser?

Ye Xuan sighed: "Don't mention it, I didn't answer his phone just now, I guess I was busy accompanying my wife."

"This can't be done, so let's wait for a while, I'll sneak over to Lucheng and help you come up with ideas with this strong man, so that you can get your wish as soon as possible."

Li Che said positively.

He doesn't want to.

If Ye Xuan didn't succeed, as the only seedling of the Li family, he would have to marry Miss Bai as agreed.

Before the age of 7, Li Che's dream was indeed to marry Bai Qinning.

After the day he was 7 years old, Bai Qinning was simply his nightmare!

So he had to come over as soon as possible to help Ye Xuan die quickly, ah no, help him reach Bliss as soon as possible, and he must also urge the strong man who chased his wife to help Ye Xuan complete his mission with him.

Another one is, I heard that the girls over there in Lucheng are also very watery.

Must go over and appreciate the appreciation.

Ye Xuan saw that Li Che was so positive, but he smiled: "How can you say that Qin Ning is also your nominal fiancée, and you still help me chase her, don't you feel psychologically uncomfortable?"

Li Che disagreed: "Not necessarily, what the old man agreed with the old man of the Bai family was that the eldest grandson of the Li family would marry the girl of the Bai family, in case my lost uncle was married and had children, then I would not be counted as the grandson of the Li family, and the marriage contract would also be counted on my cousin's head."

Ye Xuan touched his chin and said rigorously: "Then I really have to work harder, in case your uncle finds it, you really have a cousin who comes to compete with me, and with the blessing of the marriage contract, then my chances of winning will be even smaller."

"Yes, yes, yes, you wait for me to come over, and join forces with that strong man who chases his wife, and I will definitely let you enter the earth as soon as possible, ah no, I will make a wish."

Li Cheyi said solemnly.

Even if he had a cousin, he was reluctant to let his cousin go to Bai Qinning to die.

As the saying goes, friends of the dead are not dead and poor.

Anyway, Ye Xuan didn't listen to his persuasion and had to chase Bai Qinning, so he was obligated to help his friend.

When the time comes, the funeral will also be held for him.


In the blink of an eye, it was the next afternoon.


Li Xuejun has successfully developed the product for a week, and the production yield rate of the domestic machine has reached 85 percent!

You must know that the stability and all aspects of the domestic machine are relatively inferior, and the normal programming master may not be able to successfully develop the domestic machine.

Li Xuejun not only successfully developed the finished product, the yield rate also wants to be high, if you change to imported equipment, the yield rate is estimated to be more than 99.8

! Such a high yield rate, perfect in line with the requirements of the J worker, even beyond the expectation of 0.7!

Even if other masters debug this product, it is also Li Xuejun's side has more advantages!

Chen Jingnian's attitude towards Li Xuejun has changed drastically, and his enthusiasm has increased, and he doesn't even dare to raise his tone when he speaks.

This is not only his old classmate, but now he is his God of Wealth!"

"Lao Li, I will send the sample out in the afternoon, and the J worker will definitely be able to take it down, the number of the first batch of orders is the number of sets I told you, and the processing fee on your side will be at least 10 million a year."

In the office, Chen Jingnian took out the best tea to entertain Li Xuejun, and said to him with a smile.

As for the profits of his own middleman, he will not say anything.

Anyway, the profit of a year is more than the processing fee of more than 40 domestic equipment of his company in a year.

That's why everyone is staring at this piece of fat.

The difficulty is high, and the processing fee is too high!

Li Xuejun tried his best to calm down his excitement, thought seriously for a while, and said to Chen Jingnian: "I still have to go back to rent a venue and look at the equipment, and I will have to prepare for about a month at the earliest."

"Look at the equipment, you look for me, I've been doing it for so many years, I know all the equipment companies, you see which one you like, I'll take you to see it today." "

Chen Jingnian is resolute and has a positive attitude.

Can he not be active? Now only Li Xuejun can make orders for J workers, if he is not active

and is snatched away by other competitors, he will have no place to cry! Li Xuejun

also has this intention, he knows which brand of equipment is good, but he himself has to look for contact information for these companies by himself, and it is much easier to have Chen Jingnian to connect him.

The two hit it off, and in the afternoon, they went to the equipment company to see the equipment.

Li Xuejun's entrepreneurial dream has been rehearsed thousands of times in his heart, and when he was running around to see the equipment in the equipment company, the price and performance of these equipment were simply more familiar than Chen Jingnian, who had been in this industry for many years.

On the same day, he signed a contract with an equipment company that he was most satisfied with, booked three imported equipment, and waited for him to go back to Lucheng to go through the loan procedures and pay the money.

This imported equipment is also not cheap.

You can buy one for more than 100,000 or 200,000 domestic machines.

The minimum imported is 500,000 units, and the three machines add up to 1.5 million, and the down payment is 450,000.

Li Shuo gave him 500,000 yuan in entrepreneurial capital, and after paying the down payment, he still had 50,000 yuan left, which was almost right to rent a space and buy tools.

Chen Jingnian was quite surprised that Li Xuejun was able to take out 500,000 yuan to start a business at one time.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I sent Li Xuejun to the train station, and before parting, I couldn't help but praise: "Lao Li, you are amazing, you have raised several children over the years, and you have saved 500,000 yuan to start a business."

Li Xuejun said proudly: "No, how can this 500,000 yuan be earned by me, this is earned by my eldest son."

Chen Jingnian was very surprised: "Your eldest son with autism?"

They all know that Li Xuejun's eldest son has very serious autism and has been spending money on treatment.

That's why he admires Li Xuejun for saving so much money, but now he says that this money is earned by Li Xuejun's

eldest son? "Yes, it was given to me by my eldest son Li Shuo, his autism has been cured, and he is very good at earning money now." Li Xuejun said with a smile.

In the end, Li Xuejun left under Chen Jingnian's envious gaze.

He also didn't expect that one day, he would be so proud to tell others that his son Li Shuo was healthy and made a lot of money.

This actually makes him happier and more excited than he does business.

Now that he has the support of his son, he can't hold his son back.

Just came to Gancheng once, Li Xuejun was like a different person, and his face was radiant.


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