Early the next morning, Fang Lanying and Li Xuejun went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to complete the divorce procedures.

Li Xuejun was not in the mood to fight with Fang Lanying for real estate or custody of the children.

Now Li Shuo can support himself.

Li Hao and Li Shu are already adults, and they only need the husband and wife to jointly pay tuition and living expenses, and they don't need to decide who belongs to them.

Fang Lanying asked for a house, and Li Xuejun gave it to her without saying a word.

Now he just wants to get rid of this shackle on his body and let Fang Lanying be free.

Fang Lanying is still angry, and she is more decisive than Li Xuejun.

At half past ten in the morning, two people walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Fang Lanying walked to the side of the electric car and asked indifferently

: "After the divorce, the house is mine, when will you move out?" Li Xuejun looked back at her: "At least not now, we are now in the cooling-off period, the house still has my name, and I can only get the divorce certificate in a month to officially divorce, and I will naturally move out at that time." "

If nothing else, his company has already opened at that time, and he doesn't need to look for a house outside, just live inside the company.

Fang Lanying thought that Li Xuejun wanted to take advantage of this month's cooling-off period to keep her, put on a safety helmet, and said resolutely: "Then I will move to my brother to live for a month today."

Li Xuejun didn't say anything, was silent for a while, and nodded: "Okay, tomorrow you will see when you have time, remember to come with me to sign in." "

This is a policy just introduced by the civil affairs department last year, in order to stabilize the divorce rate, both husband and wife should come to sign in together every working day within one month after applying for divorce to confirm their willingness to divorce for one month.

You can be absent from work for three working days in a month, and if you do more than three days, the divorce petition will be dismissed.

"I have time at all times, as long as you don't play tricks on me and don't come with me. Fang Lanying said coldly and arrogantly.

"I won't.

Before Li Xuejun's words fell, she rode an electric car and left.

It wasn't until her figure walked away that Li Xuejun walked up to his dilapidated electric car and sat on it.

After being silent for more than ten minutes, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called his son Li Shuo.

Now he doesn't have so much effort to hurt the divorce, and he won't tell his children about the divorce to worry about them.

He has to go through the loan procedures these days, and then the equipment company will pay to settle the equipment, and he will also go to see the venues of several companies recommended to him by Chen Jingnian.

Before going to Gancheng, he didn't decide whether he wanted to do it or not, and asked Li Shuo not to transfer money first, but now that he is sure to do it, he really wants to talk to his son.

Li Xuejun didn't expect that one day he would be able to really let go of his business, and the person who supported him was not his wife, but his eldest son Li Shuo, who once made him unable to let go of his heart!

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that his life was not so a failure.

At least he didn't give up and raised such a capable son.

Li Shuo received a call from his father here, and he was very simple, and immediately went to the bank near the community to remit 510,000 yuan to him.

Li Xuejun didn't ask him to help, so Li Shuo didn't take the initiative to say.

One is that his understanding of this world is not as good as Li Xuejun's, so he can't help much.

Secondly, this is his father's own business, since the other party didn't speak, he proved that he could.

Li Shuo is not a business wizard, and he doesn't know anything about what Li Xuejun wants to do, so he really can't help much.

He has a very clear understanding of himself, so he is suitable for writing manuscripts at home, and he may also write songs in the future, and there is a high probability that he will not touch it in business.

The task now is to write more manuscripts, and at the same time to support himself, see if he can invest his father Li Xuejun, when the time comes, his father Li Xuejun will open a company and make money, and he can almost be regarded as a rich second generation.

I haven't been able to travel to the rich second generation, and it's not bad to try to turn myself into a rich second generation.

After sending the money, go home.

Li Shuo was soon surrounded by the anxiety of seeing his parents and several eldest brothers, and hurriedly went to the room to continue to code and save the manuscript.

He hadn't slept well all night since yesterday when he decided to come down to meet.

This kind of thing is very nervous for people with normal personalities, not to mention Li Shuo, an old social fear.

He was so nervous.

The old man seemed to be very unhappy, and he and his baby daughter suddenly got married.

A few big brothers are also not good at seeing the situation.

Except for the mother-in-law who has met once, she seems to have a good personality in the family, and these other people make him nervous.

Even the code word can't get into the state.

Li Shuo sat in front of the computer for most of the day.

Just wrote five words -

chapter 133

is not not written, but not in the state, a paragraph is written and deleted, a paragraph is written and deleted, and a paragraph is deleted again, which is not right at all.

It's past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Shuo, who hadn't coded the words yet, sat in front of the computer and was very confused.

Before the change, he had already done more than 20,000 updates at this point.

Today, not only have more than 20,000 words of updates not been written, but also the saved manuscript has not been written.

He sat down in front of the computer and rubbed his brows, feeling that he couldn't go on like this.

Don't really get into a state of mind because you want to see your father-in-law and brother-in-law, and it's not good to make a whole decision.


The cell phone on the table rang.

It was Ye Xuan's call.

"Lao Shuo, if you don't come out, let's go and drink a glass of ice together, it's really hot today. As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Xuan warmly invited.

He stood at the door of Bai Qinning's company all morning today, and he was about to turn into a handsome human jerky.

I can't stand it anymore, and now I just want to go to the air-conditioned room to blow the air conditioner and pour a few buckets of cold drinks.

Ye Xuan felt that he was the hardest chasing wife among the rich second generation.

There's no way, who let him chase the girl who is not ordinary.

Li Shuo is no better now, and he is worried about the Shura field in a few days, and he is worried that he can't say a word, frowning and saying to Ye Xuan: "I don't have time, my father-in-law called yesterday, and he and his eldest brother will come in a few days, and I have to make preparations here." "

You were in a bad mood last night, also because of this?" Ye Xuan asked in surprise.

When I contacted Li Shuo last night, I found that the other party didn't seem to be in a good mood, and he thought it was too late for him to disturb what he was doing with his wife.

"It's not that I'm in a bad mood, it's just a little nervous, I haven't seen my father-in-law and my wife and brothers, this is the first time. Li Shuo said.

He felt that he also needed to ask his friends for help and take the initiative to share his worries.

When Ye Xuan heard this, he exclaimed: "My God, you ...... You haven't met your father-in-law's family yet?"


Ye Xuan was so impressed that he threw himself to the ground: "Before I saw my parents, you kidnapped your father-in-law's daughter away! "

Unlike him, if it weren't for Uncle Bai's unwillingness to marry Li Jinsong's family and make friends with the Ye family.

He also sent things to his uncle and aunt when he was abroad, where was this opportunity to pursue Bai Qinning?

Li Shuo was really awesome, and he abducted his father-in-law's daughter without saying a word.

Li Shuo on the phone was silent for a moment, and corrected Ye Xuan: "To be precise, she abducted me, not me." He

just went on a blind date, and was dragged to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate.

Ye Xuan, who had just been basking in the scorching sun for a few hours under the company building and failed to chase his wife: "......"

I can't talk this day.

"I don't know what kind of fairy wife you are, if you don't let you kidnap yourself and go with you, it's so difficult for me, the 37-degree sky outside and the enthusiasm of me can't melt her cold heart!" Ye Xuan sighed bitterly.

Li Shuo: "......"


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