Li Shuo hesitated for a moment before politely reaching out to take the fruit from Bai Qinning's hand and politely thanked him.

The more polite Li Shuo was, the more uncomfortable Bai Qinning's heart became.

She followed Li Shuo into the house sullenly, and when she saw Li Xuejun coming over, a smile appeared on her face: "Dad."

"It's good for people to come over, why do you still bring things, it's too polite." Li Xuejun said with a smile, and beckoned Bai Qinning to sit on the sofa.

Bai Qinning saw that the father and son were both wearing aprons, put the bag on the sofa, and took the initiative to say, "Dad, you are still busy, I will also help." "

Gee, the kitchen is that big. Li Xuejun wanted to say, but seeing that his daughter-in-law had already gone to the kitchen, he could only hurry to the living room drawer to take out a new apron and hand it to Li Shuo.

"Come, bring it to Ning Ning, there are only a few fast dishes left, I won't go in, the kitchen is too small. If

the young couple wants to resolve the conflict, he will not interfere and leave enough space for the two.

If it can be solved, it will be solved, but it really can't be solved, so he asked about the specific situation again.

Li Shuo didn't really want to be alone with Bai Qinning in the same space, seeing her always reminded him of what happened last night.

He always felt a breath in his heart.

Li Xuejun saw that his son didn't move, stuffed the apron into his hand, and said embarrassedly: "Dad and Ning Ning are not familiar with each other, how embarrassing it is to be busy in the kitchen together, people come to you to ease the relationship, and we can't really say ignore people when we are angry, at least cook and eat this meal first."

When Li Shuo heard this, he thought that Li Xuejun and Bai Qinning, the walking glacier, would be really embarrassed in the kitchen, and I was afraid that they would catch a cold, so he could only nod and go to the kitchen with an apron.

Bai Qinning was already holding a kitchen knife and peeled potatoes, and when he saw Li Shuo coming in, he was a little surprised, blinked his eyes, and asked with a kitchen knife a little stiffly: "Shredding or slicing." The

relationship between the two is now stiff, Li Shuo felt that this style of painting looked a little strange, and was stunned for a moment, before he walked over and handed her the apron, and replied: "Just cut it." "

Hmm. Bai Qinning responded gently, saw the apron handed over by Li Shuo, put down the kitchen knife, took the things, tied them neatly, and continued to work.

Li Shuo silently moved the induction cooker aside, kept a considerable distance from Bai Qinning, and began to stir-fry.

Although I don't know why Bai Qinning came over.

But he really didn't want to talk to her.

The other party probably didn't want to talk to him either.

Today, I lost my ID card, and I can't get married, so I have to have my little sister come out to play a round.

She must have been disappointed.

Bai Qinning, who wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to her husband: "......"

until the rest of the dishes were fried, the husband and wife didn't say a word.

Both of them were busy, Li Shuo had kept a distance from Bai Qinning, and Bai Qinning couldn't find a suitable opportunity to speak.

She was depressed.

When the meal was ready, Li Shuo took the lead out of the kitchen.

Bai Qinning washed the cutting board, took off his apron, and followed out of the kitchen sullenly.

The atmosphere of stalemate between the husband and wife also made Li Xuejun aware that this contradiction may be very big.

Now that Bai Qinning is here, it is not easy for him to ask directly, he does not know the specific process, and it is not easy to persuade his son again.

In case this matter is the daughter-in-law's fault, he can't blindly favor the other party to interfere, after all, this is the young couple's own business.

It's just that Li Xuejun's own marriage has failed, and he doesn't want his son to have a failed marriage like him.

If you can ease it, try to ease it as much as possible, at least today's meal still has to be delicious.

"Okay, sit down and eat while it's hot.

Li Xuejun cooked a good meal for his son and daughter-in-law, and smiled to ease the atmosphere.

Li Shuo also cooperated, and politely asked Bai Qinning to sit down for dinner.

In the past, it was polite, but it was not as distant as it is today.

Now Bai Qinning could feel the gap between the two that she had pulled out.

A meal, not particularly pleasantly eaten.

Li Xuejun didn't expect it either.

I wanted to get together today and talk about something happy.

Unexpectedly, the couple quarreled.

Looking at the current state of the two, they don't have the heart to listen to his company's affairs.

It's not appropriate to talk about this now, so Li Xuejun didn't say it.

After dinner, Li Xuejun really didn't want to be caught between the two children, so he boiled a pot of tea and put it in the tea tray, so he found a reason to "throw garbage" and went downstairs with two large bags of garbage.

It's true that you have to throw it away quickly, and there is a lot of seafood in today's ingredients.

It's summer again, and if you leave it for a while, it will stink.

Li Xuejun left, and only Li Shuo and Bai Qinning were left at home.

Li Shuo sat on the sofa in the living room, picked up the remote control and wanted to turn on the TV to watch the program, and get out of the embarrassing atmosphere now.

He had just picked up the remote control, but the person on the side suddenly moved.

Bai Qinning took advantage of the rare opportunity to quickly lift the teapot and pour a cup of tea into the teacup, her pretty face was slightly red, she took a deep breath, and looked at her husband: "Li Shuo, I, I want to formally apologize to you."

She was a little nervous, and after speaking, she picked up the teacup with both hands and handed it to Li Shuo very sincerely, only to realize that the cup was very hot, and her hand shook uncontrollably, and the tea overflowed onto the back of her tender white hand, which hurt hotly.

I was patronizing the matter of apologizing just now, but I didn't notice that the tea was freshly boiled.

Bai Qinning wanted to put the teacup back immediately, but she picked it up, and she was still apologizing to Li Shuo.


Li Shuo was obviously a little stunned in the face of the girl's sudden words, raised his eyes to look at her, and didn't notice the hot tea in her hand.


Qinning looked at Li Shuo looking at her, didn't care about whether it was hot or not, and immediately continued to speak: "Yes, I want to apologize, I saw you leaving with a girl at the gate of the community yesterday, and I felt very angry, and then I went to drink with Hua Wan, and when I was drunk, I didn't control it, and I did something wrong impulsively, made you angry, and deliberately spoke to stimulate you."

"I don't have a male partner, and I don't know what it's like to be ecstasy......

" She pursed her lips and looked at him sincerely with her eyes: "Li Shuo, I apologize to you now for my behavior yesterday."


Li Shuo was stunned at first, and went through Bai Qinning's words in his mind again, before he finally suddenly realized and looked at her in a daze.

It turned out that it was Su Ran who came to the gate of the community to look for him, and was misunderstood by Bai Qinning.

Drunk again.

But just seeing him in contact with the opposite sex, she doesn't need to be angry indiscriminately, right?"

Li Shuo sorted out his thoughts and frowned.

Just because he said a few words to a girl at the gate of the community, did she indiscriminately misunderstand him cheating?

Bai Qinning heard this, and continued to whisper: "That's also because I saw the love letter you wrote the night before, and I saw you go out with her the next day, so I misunderstood you...... It's all my fault anyway.

She only cared about explaining, trying to coax her husband back, and even automatically ignored the hot hands that were already hot.

Li Shuo naturally didn't expect that the love letter he wrote would be seen by Bai Qinning.

Hearing this, the old face was hot, and it was very embarrassing.

didn't even react, how could Bai Qinning suddenly know that she had misunderstood.

He didn't know what to say now.

Bai Qinning saw the love letter he wrote one day, and the next day he saw him and Su Ran leaving together at the gate of the community, which was indeed easy to misunderstand.

But the two are just temporary husband and wife, will this girl react a little too much?

At this time, Li Shuo also noticed that the steaming teacup in Bai Qinning's hand had red marks on the back of his tender white hand, which was obviously burned.

He was shocked, and subconsciously reached out to take the cup in her hand.

Now the rim of the cup is still hot, and people can't stand it.

He immediately put the cup on the coffee table, looked at the back of the other party's reddened fingers, and asked, "What are you doing all the time with such a hot hand?"

Bai Qinning retracted his hand.

She didn't know what she was doing with such a hot spot.

It's just that I finally found an opportunity, and it's strange to put down the teacup immediately when I pick it up.

Besides, she just wanted to apologize to Li Shuo, so she said: "It's not too hot, I just happened to apologize to you, wouldn't it seem very insincere to put the teacup up suddenly down." Li

Shuo: "......"


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