Speaking of this woman who injured her husband, Bai Qinning's face showed a chill and said, "When I came over, the two of you were already in the hospital, and the person who sent you here knew that you were a family and had a conflict, so they didn't report it casually.

Bai Qinning originally wanted to send Fang Lanying in, but Li Xuejun, who woke up before Li Shuo, did not agree.

He was afraid that between Fang Lanying and Li Shuo, it was Li Shuo who made the first move, and Fang Lanying was also injured, as if he was pushed down and twisted by Li Shuo, and now he is also in the hospital.

This kind of conflict between families is not easy to deal with at the police station, and Bai Qinning can't tamper with the relationship between the Bai family, after all, both parties are responsible, and her grandfather is very taboo about this, using his background and authority for personal gain.

I didn't even know I had a grandson-in-law.

Until now, the family has not dared to tell the old man about her finding a husband.

After all, the old man has always been worried about fulfilling the marriage contract with the Li family, and the old man thinks that it is because he has a marriage contract with an old friend of the Li family, and the Bai family finally gave birth to her, the only granddaughter.

It was her fate with the eldest grandson of the Li family.

The old man can make sense in other things, but the marriage contract is very stubborn.

So the family doesn't dare to have a showdown with the old man now.

Li Shuo didn't want to have any more contact with Fang Lanying's shrew, so he helped his dizzy head and said, "Leave her alone, if she harasses my dad again, then call the police directly and arrest her."

Bai Qinning didn't expect that this husband, who usually looks introverted, would actually do something with others.

She didn't think there was a problem with Li Shuo beating women, and people like Fang Lanying also felt that the beating was light, and she should have a bigger scoop on her head.

She is also puzzled about how her father-in-law Li Xuejun has a company, and now Li Shuo is not in a good state, so she didn't ask, but just told him: "Don't think about Dad's business, I have already contacted my acquaintance's lawyer and asked him to help draft a divorce agreement, and go directly to sue for divorce, and the process can be completed in a week, and Dad also agreed." "

The baby son's head was opened by Fang Lanying, Li Xuejun didn't mention how bad it was, now he just wants to hurry up and completely clear up with Fang Lanying.

Bai Qinning was so concerned about the affairs of the Li family, and he put down his work to take care of him, which couldn't help but move Li Shuo's heart.

He was silent for a moment, and said "thank you" to her very sincerely.

"Don't be polite to me, I'm your wife, and your dad is my dad. Bai Qinning said solemnly.

She didn't like Li Shuo to be polite to her.

Li Shuo saw that his wife was unhappy, so he didn't say much.

After a short silence, Bai Qinning lifted the quilt to him: "You rest first."

Li Shuo hesitated for a while, and saw that Bai Qinning didn't seem to leave, so he said with a little embarrassment: "Qinning, I want to go to the toilet......"

I couldn't hold it back.

"I'll take you there. Bai Qinning immediately approached.

Li Shuo wanted to say no, his head was really dizzy, and he could only trouble her, got up from the bed, pushed the hanging rod with one hand, and put the other hand on her fragrant shoulder, and asked her to help him go to the toilet.

Bai Qinning was afraid that Li Shuo would fall down if he walked unsteadily, so the jade arm around his waist hugged him very tightly, and the two were very close.

Close enough that Li Shuo could clearly feel the girl's delicate body, and the tip of her nose was full of the fragrance of her hair.

The symptoms of dizziness seem to have been relieved a lot in an instant.

Bai Qinning helped the person into the toilet, let Li Shuo hold the toilet handrail, and then tried to let go of him, his face was slightly red, and he asked him: "Can you do it yourself......?"

"Ah, I can I can, I can. Li Shuo hurriedly stretched out the hand on the girl's shoulder, and his ears turned red.

If not, does Bai Qinning want to stare at him to go to this toilet.

His face was hot when he thought about it.

Bai Qinning is just an untrained girl in the end, as soon as Li Shuo let go of his hand, he saw that he could stand firmly, and retreated to the toilet door with a sound.

Without waiting for Li Shuo to start moving, he poked his head into his head again: "I'll wait for you here at the door, you can call me at any time."

When talking to Li Shuo, I saw the other party's already reddened earlobes, and found that the innocent husband was shy, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and when the other party looked at her, he quickly retracted and became very serious.

"You don't have to wait for me at the door, help me close the door, go to the balcony, and I'll call you when I'm ready." Li Shuo said with an unnatural expression.

This ward is so quiet, he is afraid that the sound of water release will reach his wife's ears, and he is embarrassed to think about it.

Bai Qinning originally wanted to complain about what was there to be ashamed of, but seeing her husband's eyes was really embarrassing, she had to look at him, and stretched out her jade arm to bring the door: "Okay, be louder when you call me later." "

Hmm. It

wasn't until Bai Qinning's footsteps walked away that Li Shuo hurriedly untied his pants and released the water.

Suffocated him.

Speaking of which, the problem of social fear has not improved much, and she is embarrassed to tell Bai Qinning if she puts water, and she is afraid that she will hear the movement.

Wash his hands, Li Shuo didn't call Bai Qinning, he pushed the infusion pole and reached out to open the door of the toilet.

When I came out of the toilet, I felt in good condition, and I didn't think that just a few more steps forward, the world spun in an instant, and my body couldn't help leaning forward.

Fortunately, Bai Qinning had been paying attention to Li Shuo's side, and when he heard the movement, he came into the ward, and saw that Li Shuo was about to fall, so he rushed to him with a few steps with his long legs, and used his body to catch him when Li Shuo's body couldn't control and fell forward.

The two instantly bumped into each other.

Bai Qinning bent her thin waist back, supporting the tall man, her full chest was raised high, almost pressed against Li Shuo's chest!

Her pretty face was dyed with a touch of red, and she wanted to push Li Shuo away immediately, feeling the heavy body of the other party, the jade hand that had just been stretched out could only hug his back tightly, supporting him and preventing him from falling.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, restraining the heartbeat in her chest, and asked him, "Are you dizzy?"

Li Shuo was not only dizzy, but also wanted to vomit, people were very uncomfortable, originally a little embarrassed to bump into Bai Qinning's arms, and wanted to push away, but when he noticed the girl's hand clasping tightly on his back and now asking gently, his heart seemed to melt in this instant.

He didn't relentlessly, weakly put his chin on her shoulder, and softly responded to his wife: "Dizzy, I still want to vomit."

Bai Qinning's eyebrows frowned slightly, and his jade hand caressed his back: "It's okay, these are all symptoms of concussion, just take it slowly." "

I'll help you to bed."

Li Shuoren was dizzy, but his heart was down-to-earth and warm, "Hmm." "

It's really nice to have someone to rely on when you're very weak.

Lying back on the bed, Li Shuo's dizziness symptoms eased a little.

When he first woke up, he wanted Bai Qinning to leave quickly, but now he was afraid that she would leave.

I am afraid of delaying Bai Qinning's work, after all, she is just a migrant worker.

After lying on the bed for a while, Li Shuo asked, "

Do you want to go back to the company?" "Do you want me to go back or don't you want me to go back?" Bai Qinning just poured new hot water into the cup.

I don't know if it's her delusion, as if she can sense that Li Shuo is a little dependent on her.

But she was afraid that it was her own delusion, and as soon as Li Shuo opened her mouth, she couldn't help but ask.

When Li Shuo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and took his eyes off Bai Qinning's face, wanting to say that he didn't want her to go back, but his introverted personality made him unable to speak out.

Bai Qinning stared at her husband, and when she saw that he didn't speak, she asked, "Why don't you answer me?"

The wife asked, her eyes were tight, Li Shuo could only bite the bullet, and confessed: "I must want to-

" "Li family bastard, you get out of here!

Bai Qinning's pretty face full of anticipation instantly turned cloudy, covered with a layer of frost!



Everyone, the table is lively to participate in the activity of the king of tomato gifts! Now it seems that there are more than 50 people, and there are rewards within 30 people! The big people move their little hands to send the table to the front to see the broad one?

The more the better! As long as the big people give their strength, the table is the donkey of the production team, add more and more, and the big ones don't feel sorry for the table!

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