“Oh, steal it? If you want to steal it, why steal the clearance certificate? Wouldn’t it be better to just steal the invincible cassette? “Xin Imamura Kohei sneered, then froze, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter.”
“”Yup! You can steal it! “Finally, he clapped his hands violently, and even buried Tujian in shock, “Let’s take the invincible card and steal it!” Box box box box hahahahaha! In this way, the invincible cassette I have worked so hard to make will come into play! “”
“”I was going to steal the invincible cassette before, but because of Tachibana Hilfenford, I just brought her back. said Prallard.
“”If you want to steal it, let me do it. The movement of our Bengyuan body is more convenient, and Kohei Imamura’s 0-level cassette can basically only be used to deal with the Bengyuan body. If you encounter CRONUS, ninety At the ninth grade, I can hold on anyway. “”
“”No no no! Who said you were going to face CRONUS? Shin Imamura Kohei hooked the corner of his mouth and shook his finger, “Let’s lure CRONUS out!” Take advantage of this opportunity, sneak into Fantasy Company to find the invincible cassette as soon as possible! “”
“”What did you say? ! “Palad’s pupils shrank sharply, and his tone was full of shock, “Are you serious?” As soon as Tachibana Alex turns on PAUSE, all of you will be wiped out in an instant! “”
“”You are not underestimating me, are you? Palad! Kohei Shin Imamura slowly stood up from his seat and roared, “I am a god!” There is nothing I can’t do without my divine talent! “”
“Then, he held up his faulty drive like a show off, “Look, what is this? “”
“Faulty drive, what’s wrong? “Doma buried it carefully for a long time and didn’t see anything wrong.”
“” Tsk! Having expectations for you mortals is one of the few mistakes I have made in my life! “Xin Imamura Kohei rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then patiently explained, “The reason why I didn’t come back yesterday is because I went to the game world. “”
“”In the game world, I got the final BOSS—the virus of GAMEDEUS! As I said, only the legendary strongest hero, CRONUS, can defeat GAMEDEUS, right? Correspondingly, the power of GAMEDEUS can also defeat Kamen Rider CRONUS! “”
“”So I put the GAMEDEUS virus into this faulty drive and made a one-time function. Once this function is activated, it will be immune to the PAUSE of Kamen Rider CRONUS in my game area! “”
“”Although judging from the previous battles, Kamen Rider CRONUS is far stronger than us even without PAUSE, but as long as he seals his PAUSE, we still have the capital to entangle him! “”
“”One-time function? “Hearing this, Tu Jianbu’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, “How long can it last?” “”
“” Half an hour! “Then Shin Imamura Kohei exhortedPalad, “So, your time is very tight, you must find the invincible cassette within half an hour!””
“But Prallad had some other thoughts. She thought that since PAUSE is sealed, can she stand up again?”
“How about we concentrate our forces and strive to defeat CRONUS within half an hour? “”
“”That was my initial thought. Kohei Shin Imamura raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and said, “But this idea itself is a last-ditch effort when there is no hope in sight!” It’s better to be on the safe side, first get the invincible cassette first! “”
“But, we also have CRONUS here! “Pallade still didn’t give up, she said with all her strength, “Just wait for Jue Hilfenford to recover, and then we will go there together. With PAUSE blocked, it’s no longer a one-on-one duel between two CRONUS, but a group of us fighting Tachibana Alex alone! I think we have a good chance! “”
“”Um? “Xin Imamura Kohei was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, “That’s right, I haven’t told you guys… After I came back last night, I checked Tachibana Hilfenfort’s body. She is not immune at all. All the Bengyuan virus were transformed by a single obsession in their hearts. “”
“So, that was her only transformation, and it is impossible to have another transformation in the future! If you forcefully transform again, you will die! Unless, she can be immune to all Bengyuan virus! “”
“Why is this so?” The energetic Tachibana Hilfenford suddenly became like a frost-beaten eggplant. She was very happy that she had also obtained the legendary power.
In the end, it was still a one-time trial version!
Chapter 231 Dirty capitalist
“”Phew…it’s really troublesome that no one is in charge of beating the underlings. “Tachibana Alex looked at the clearance certificate in his hand. At this moment, he missed Mr. Arima a little bit.”
“If Mr. Arima was still here, he would have sent Mr. Arima to kill GRAPHITE directly. There was no need to do it himself.”
“After all, as the boss of a company, how can he do everything by himself? In that case, others will think that he is a dirty capitalist, and the salary he gives can’t recruit useful employees at all!”
“Ah, this… isn’t he a dirty capitalist?” The buried person in the earth looked dumbfounded. She never expected that this person dared to think that he was not a dirty capitalist between his words?
Seeing someone pay to become a player, immediately declare that this person is worthless, and then kill the player, using this method to promote the game!
He also took the life of Mr. Arima’s girlfriend, ignored the other party’s wishes, and kept threatening him!
Isn’t this kind of person a dirty capitalist?
“Hey…” Doma Taiping also kept sighing, a good little brother in the company, how did he become like this?
“”However, if Mr. Arima hadn’t sneaked in, I wouldn’t have known that they would attack GRAPHITE at that time. He is still useful, and he is indeed a talent I hired with a lot of money! “Juice Alex put down the customs clearance certificate, and walked towards the underground base under the fantasy company building.”
“”It just so happens that I still have a talent here, so let’s hire him, so that I don’t have to do everything myself. “”
“When Tachibana Alex walked into the base, I saw a man squatting bored inside. This man is Taihei Doma.”
“”Alex? “Looking at the people who walked in, Doma Taiping frowned slightly, “Why are you here?” You can’t be merciful, and you’re going to let me out, right? “”
“”Hehehehe, senior, don’t say that, anyway, we also worked in the same company before, and you are still my senior. “July Alex went to sit in front of Doma Taiping, and the smile on his face never stopped, “I just became the president of Fantasy Company not long ago, and I still need a helper. “”
“Senior, come and help me?” In terms of salary, the condition of burial in the soil will not be killed. What do you think? “The smile on his face became brighter, “Senior, look at how kind I am to you, the first thing I think of after getting rich is you!” “”
“…” Taiping Tujian was speechless right away, good guy, he really doesn’t want this kind of “first thought” at all!
What does it mean that the salary will not kill his sister? Does that mean there is no salary? Isn’t this a whore for nothing? !
I didn’t expect it! I didn’t expect it!
Normally, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes turned out to be this kind of dirty capitalist!
At this moment, Tachibana Alex was watching this scene tremblingly, it was over, even the senior was offended! Doesn’t offending Senior mean offending Vajra Leaf? I’m afraid I won’t be able to go fishing with this company in the future!
“”What do you mean by that? Threatening me? ! Taihei Doma became furious in an instant, grabbed Tachibana Alex by the collar, and lifted him up, the anger in his eyes seemed to burn him out, “Don’t do anything to Xiaobu!” Understand? “”
“Senior, you don’t seem to have figured out the situation yet. Tachibana Alex smiled lightly, then knocked off Doma Taihei’s hand, and pushed him to the ground, “Whether it’s you or your sister’s life, it’s all in my mind!” You are not qualified to bargain with me! “”
“”Huh…huh…” Tujian Taiping looked at him bitterly, and after a long time, he calmed down, “Okay, I promise you! “”
“”very good! Senior, I look forward to your performance! “Tangerine Alex took out a player drive and a game cartridge, Throwing it over, “This cassette is an employee of our company. It is a 0-level cassette cassette adapted from the code left by Kohei Imamura. You can use this.””
“About your mission… come with me. “After speaking, he got up and left here.”
“Doma Taihei held the cassette in his hand and followed him with a complicated expression. If he meets Xiaobu again, will he have to fight Xiaobu?”
“”Huh…” He took a long breath. He thought that when he was resurrected again, it was the time to help Xiaobu, but he didn’t expect that it would be like this.”
“Huh? Resurrected again?” Buried Tuma found the blind spot in an instant, “From the tone of his voice, brother seems to have known that he would be resurrected a long time ago! What’s going on?”
Facing Doma’s doubts, Doma Taiping also shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile, “I don’t know what’s going on.”
“”Here we go. “Xin Imamura Kohei came under the fantasy game company building, looking at the building, his eyes showed a little nostalgia, “I really didn’t expect that when I returned to fantasy game company again, I would be in such a capacity. “”
“Behind him are Bui Doma and Parad. Originally, I wanted to bring Mr. Arima, but Mr. Arima said that Tachibana Hilfenfort still needed someone to take care of him. Secondly, Shin Imamura Kohei He also doesn’t trust Mr. Arima, he is worried that during the battle, this person will turn against him!”
“Then, according to the pre-determined plan, I will hide aside first, and you will lure Ju Alex out to entangle him, and then I will sneak in and steal the invincibility cassette! “After Palad finished speaking, it turned into a ball of data and disappeared, already lurking in a remote place around.”
“If you want to lure him out, leave this kind of thing to me!” “Xin Imamura Kohei smiled confidently, and then took out a big horn.”
“Then, he buried his blank eyes in the soil, took a deep breath, and shouted, “Juice Alex! Come out for me! You have the ability to rob my game, if you have the ability to rob my company, you have the ability to come out! “”
“The loud sound almost penetrated several surrounding buildings! I don’t know how many people who went to work fishing squeezed their heads to the windows, intending to watch the excitement.”
“Doma looked stunned, “It’s still like this, I learned… But doesn’t he feel embarrassed? “”
“Just by feeling the gazes of those spectators, she feels so embarrassed that she can dig out three rooms and one living room with her feet!”
“But looking at Shin Imamura Kohei’s triumphant appearance, I guess he is not only not embarrassed, but even quite proud.”
“Maybe at some point, there will be another sentence, “This is exactly my divine talent! “”
“Of course, this trick is a bit awkward, but it works really well! Soon, a green figure jumped down from the building!”
Chapter 232: All out of print
“”It’s you. “After seeing the person clearly, Tachibana Alex smiled softly. He really didn’t expect that Bui Doma and Kohei Shin-Imamura would come to the door on their own initiative!”
“Although judging from Kohei Shin Imamura’s tone just now, their purpose of coming here is not simple, but Tachibana Alex still asked gently, “Why, you finally started to dislike CR’s low salary and poor treatment , Do you want to switch to my fantasy company? “”
“Don’t dream, I will never do anything for you! “Buried in Doma spoke cruel words, and glanced at the gate of Fantasy Company out of the corner of her eye. Although she didn’t see anyone, she could feel that Parad had already entered.”
“And Shin Imamura Kohei became even more angry, “I founded the fantasy game company! But now you say let me come to Huanmeng to work for you? ! Unforgivable! “”
“So that means there’s nothing to talk about? Tachibana Alex sneered, fate is really unpredictable, he just hired Doma Taihei for the salary of not killing Domabu, and immediately Domabu came up to die, but this kind of thing can’t be blamed He!”
“However, he just said he couldn’t be killed, didn’t he say he couldn’t be beaten half to death, right? As for dying of serious injuries later, or directly dying, that has nothing to do with him!”
“Besides, he’s not worried that after killing Bumi Doma, he won’t be able to continue to threaten Taihei Doma. Doesn’t he still have data? Just like he can threaten Arima with Kaoru Miyazono’s data!”
“Facing Tachibana Alex’s words that seemed to be an ultimatum, Bui Doma and Kohei Shin Imamura did not answer, but expressed their will with practical actions.”
“”MAX’s big transformation! “”
“”GRADE0 transformation! “”
“”Ah! That being the case, let the two of you be out of print! Tangerine Alex pressed the faulty drive with both hands, “PAUSE!” “”
“However, a strange thing happened. He activated PAUSE, but it didn’t take effect!”
“”How is this going? ! Why doesn’t PAUSE take effect! “He restarted PAUSE with some doubts, but it still didn’t work!”
“”Hehehehahahahahaha! “Xin Imamura Kohei put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly, his laughter sounded like a person who is good at playing cards!”
“”This is my latest function, specially for your PAUSE! As long as you are in my game area, your PAUSE will not take effect! how? Realize the horror of God’s talent! “”
“”A PAUSE specifically for me? Haha, no wonder you guys dare to come to your door! Tachibana Alex sneered, and with a move of both hands, a black suitcase appeared in his hand, “Let you all see the power of Kamen Rider CRONUS!” Even without PAUSE, I am also invincible! “”
“As he opened the box, Doma Bui and Shin Imamura Kohei clearly saw what was inside. Those were all the bonus items in the game!”
“”As the administrator of the Kamen Rider Chronicle, I not only manage the Bengyuan body and the lives of the players, but I also manage all the game props well! “”
“Then, next, the game begins! “Tachibana Alex took out three props and ate them.”
“” Speed ​​up! Muscle! Steel! “”
“Looking at Tachibana Alex who ate these three props and rushed towards them, Doma’s face turned blue.”
“” Kohei Imamura, hang around with him and wait for the effect of his props to disappear! Then grab that suitcase first! “Before Doma buried his words, he started running.”
“If Kamen Rider CRONUS, who can’t use PAUSE and only relies on basic performance to fight, can barely do it, then this CRONUS who has eaten all the props now is definitely not something they can compete with!”
“Only by working hard, using all the strength of breastfeeding, and running wildly can we maintain this kind of life.”
“”This bastard, actually cheated! “Xin Imamura Kohei hates it so much, he used to cheat, but now someone else cheats on his face!”
“After all, the sword of the previous dynasty can’t kill the officials of the current dynasty! How can the former game administrator cheat in the game? This is already the current game administrator’s world.” smile.
Tell you to hang up! It is because of you people who play games and cheat, the atmosphere in the game industry is so bad!
I just don’t know when the game manager who is cheating now will be sanctioned?
She likes to watch someone cheat and get beaten to the ground!
“After Parade sneaked into the fantasy game company, she went straight to the president’s office. She felt that whether it was the invincible cassette or the clearance certificate, it was most likely there!”
“It’s okay, when she was working with Kohei Imamura, she would often stay in that office, and she didn’t waste a single bit of time as she knew the way!”
“After entering the president’s office, she immediately searched around, “Where is it? Where exactly? “”
“”What are you looking for? “”
“A familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears. Prallad raised his head and saw the person who appeared suddenly. His mouth was wide open, and he was speechless for a long time.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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