“”hateful! “Hayama Hayato remembered the Ladder Project that had already been launched, and punched the wall heavily, his face full of frustration.”
“Then, he rushed to the window quickly, broke the window and jumped out!”
“” Transformation! “”
Chapter Eight This kind of operation is to patrol the mountains
“Hayama Hayato’s body fell rapidly, the shattered glass cut his cheek, and bright red blood flew into the sky. However, even so, his expression did not change at all.”
“The steel bucket insect instrument pierced through the space and flew to his side. He grabbed it and put it on the knight’s belt around his waist, “Transform! “”
“The blue-based armor instantly covered him, and the moment he was about to hit the ground, a blue locomotive came galloping from a distance and happened to land under him.”
“This is Kamen Rider Gunto’s exclusive motorcycle—Gonto Extender!”
handsome! Hayama Hayato clenched his fist excitedly and shouted in his heart.
When he saw himself jumping out of the window in the video, he thought that his future self wanted to commit suicide because he was too desperate!
But he never expected that there was such an operation of transforming in the air, and this scene made him tremble with excitement.
If only I could transform into a Kamen Rider too! Hayama Hayato was looking forward to it from the bottom of his heart.
Who can refuse Kamen Rider?
Unless that person has a divine light stick!
“On the other side, Kamen Rider Thunderfly and Kamen Rider Queen Bee seem to have already decided the outcome. Thunderfly, who had consumed a lot of energy because of fighting the ant soldiers before, lost to Queen Bee and half-kneeled on the ground.”
“Ayaka Totsuka’s body trembled slightly, as if she was enduring intense pain, while Sho Tobe gently pulled his knight’s wrist, “Totsuka, so, everything is over! “”
“You can’t stop this plan, this battle is my victory! die! RIDERSTING (Knight stab)! “”
“However, Sho Tobe, who was about to win, seemed to be too careless. He rushed towards Ayaka Totsuka unsuspectingly, until… he came to a metal gas pipe.”
“Ayaka Totsuka’s eyes flashed, “No! This is my victory! “”
“After all, he raised his hand and shot! He directly hit the metal gas pipe next to Sho Tobe! The gas in the pipe gushed out, blocking Sho Tobe’s sight in just a split second!”
“”what? ! “After the vision was deprived, Sho Tobe was taken aback. He immediately stopped using his nirvana. Because he was afraid of being attacked, he attacked indiscriminately while trying to leave the area as soon as possible.”
“But it’s a pity that, compared to Shogo Tobe’s fierce attack when he could only see the enemy, his attack now is completely chaotic and full of flaws!”
“And Ayaka Totsuka will never let go of this opportunity!”
“It’s over, Tobe! He raised the DRAKE gun in his hand and said in a deep voice, “RIDERSHOOTING (Knight Shooting)!” “”
“The light bullet shot out and hit the Kamen Rider Queen Bee accurately!”
“”Ugh! “Sho Tobe, who was hit, screamed, flew upside down, landed heavily on the ground, and immediately exited the transformation state.”
“He was clutching the chest that was hit just now. Even with the armor on his body, he could still feel his serious injury. If he didn’t receive immediate treatment, his life might even be in danger! But… there was a flash in his eyes. Even with a little bit of perseverance, he won’t give up!”
“After Totsuka Ayaka took a short rest, he ignored Sho Tobe who had been beaten by him, and wanted to walk inside, but before he took two steps, he felt that he was hugged by someone. ”
“He looked down, and it was Kamen Rider Queen Bee’s qualified candidate—Sho Tobe!”
“This man, even though he vomited blood and looked sluggish, still hugged Thunderfly with all his strength. He smiled slightly. That smile is a smile that looks death at home!”
“Want to get out of here? Then step over my dead body! As long as I am still alive, I will never let you trample on the future of mankind! “”
“Seeing this scene, Ayaka Totsuka finally understood at this time that this man will never betray humanity!”
“So he said softly, “Hubu, let me tell you now, the Sky Ladder Project is not as simple as increasing water resources at all! The leader of this plan is the Zerg! “”
“”Don’t try to lie to me! “Sho Tobe didn’t waver at all, he looked at Thunderfly with only the determination to stop him!”
“”yes? I understand. “If the time drags on, there is really no way to stop this plan. Ayaka Totsuka, who understood that she could not persuade Sho Tobe, tremblingly raised the gun in her hand, “Then I will step over your corpse!” “”
“My soul, with humanity! “After Sho Tobe shouted, he fell to the ground with the gunshot.”
“Kamen Rider Queen Bee Qualified, Sho Tobe, die!”
“Tobe, you idiot, why didn’t you understand the conspiracy of ZECT’s top management until you died!” Hayama Hayato watched his friend’s death, his eyes were full of sadness.
But in addition to being sad, he expressed doubts about his friend’s IQ.
Even though he was about to win, he could still be overturned. Will he play? It’s like playing LOL, all your towers are there, and there is only one crystal left on the opposite side, and the result is overturned! This kind of operation is to patrol the mountains, right?
You are really handsome when you shout your lines, but you are also really embarrassed when you are beaten to the ground.
Of course, Sho Tobe, who was watching the video at this time, didn’t realize this at all. He just felt that when he yelled “My soul is with human beings”, he was really handsome!
“Dad, Mom, am I handsome? Am I really handsome?” He couldn’t wait to show off to his parents, and then without waiting for their parents’ response, he wiped his hair and said triumphantly, “As expected It’s me, seriously, I’m so handsome!”
His parents, on the other hand, looked at each other very delicately.
First of all, he was kept in the dark by ZECT, and even died just like that! It’s too ironic to shout to protect human beings, but die for the ZECT that wants to kill all human beings!
Then he was overthrown by the Jedi when he was in a big advantage…
To be honest, looking at these two incidents, the eyes of Sho Tobe’s parents revealed a message, this stupid son is considered disabled, let’s get a trumpet tonight.
“The screen rotates. In the depths of the space station, a man answers the communication from the ground.”
“”Tamaden, the Kamen Rider Queen Bee has been defeated, now you are the only one who can stop Thunderfly! Please, the Ladder Project must succeed! “”
“”I see. “The man named Yusheng replied blankly, and then he picked up the SASWORD blade beside him, and a scorpion-shaped insect instrument cut through the space and climbed onto the blade in his hand.”
“” Transformation! “”
Chapter Nine I’m afraid you will be beaten to death
“After killing his former comrade-in-arms Kamen Rider Queen Bee Sho Tobe with his own hands, Ayaka Totsuka didn’t feel too much sorrow, he has no room for sorrow!”
“He walked all the way to the depths of the space station. Suddenly, he stopped. In front of him was a Kamen Rider with a purple body and green compound eyes.”
“At this moment, Totsuka Ayaka remembered the rumors about Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion, “It seems that you are the legendary knight——Sword and scorpion? “”
“Sword Scorpion didn’t speak, just kept silent, walking slowly towards Thunderfly.”
“That silent posture and calm performance brought enormous psychological pressure to Totsuka Saika. In order not to let that pressure become the root cause of his failure, he decided to take the initiative!”
“Bang! He raised his gun and started shooting. However, the moment he fired, Totsuka Saika only felt severe pain in his body! Then, his eyes went dark and he passed out.”
“Before he completely lost consciousness, he didn’t see the enemy, only saw a few scattered roses falling in front of him.”
“”I…haven’t done anything yet…” The transformation was released, and Totsuka Saika’s consciousness gradually fell into darkness, “Hachiman…everything…is left to…””
“At the last moment of her life, Ayaka Totsuka called out the names of her comrades-in-arms, but she didn’t even have the strength to finish her last words.”
“Kamen Rider Thunderfly qualified, Ayaka Totsuka, die!”
“Oh! I’m too strong!” Seeing that he had instantly killed Thunderfly as soon as he appeared on the stage, Yusheng, the president of the spiral ball of the seaside comprehensive high school, jumped up excitedly.
Then the next second, he was stunned, ahhh, does this scene mean that he is actually a villain? Or the kind of Zerg lackeys? That is, rape?
The cold sweat dripped down his forehead instantly, and he seemed to be able to imagine the next day, when his classmates all looked at him with treacherous eyes!
why? He obviously just likes twisting spiral pills, why make him suffer such pain!
“This kind of guy, how can he win?” Yukinoshita Yukino also looked worried, “Before, even when Thunderfly was fighting with Zaijiadou, he could at least see his movements clearly, but now even people can see them clearly.” I fell down without knowing…”
“Doesn’t this mean that this new Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion is stronger than Kato?”
Because Hikigaya Hachiman is her brother’s relationship in the video anyway, she instinctively assumed Hikigaya Hachiman’s position. Compared to others, she certainly hoped that her brother would win.
“It always feels like there is a difference in performance.” Yukinoshita Yoshino said with a sullen face, “It’s not a difference in skills, but the performance of the armor is in a crushing state…”
“It’s so strange, since they are all the sacred objects of the protozoa, is there such a big gap? Does this sword scorpion have any special abilities, or does it mean that he has other equipment?”
“At this time, Yukinoshita Hachiman and Hayama Hayato, who came from different directions, met under the ladder. The two turned over and got off the car one after another. Their eyes met. There seemed to be sparks between the two of them.”
“Hayama Hayato looked at the ant soldiers who fell to the ground and fell into a coma, and he breathed a sigh of relief, “It seems that Totsuka has already entered, right? Great. “”
“Ah, that’s right. Yukinoshita Hachiman nodded, and then asked, “Hearing your tone, you should know the essence of the Ladder Project, right?” In other words, you are not an accomplice of the Zerg. “”
“In that case, come with me! “Yukishoshita Hachiman entered the ladder first.”
“Hayama Hayato followed, but still asked him in doubt, “Do you trust me so easily? Aren’t you afraid that I’m lying to you? “”
“”Ha ha. Yukinoshita Hachiman laughed softly, “An enemy who can be defeated in just a second, so what if you lie to me?” “”
Hayama Hayato: “…”
Although it’s true, can you stop saying it so bluntly, you’re embarrassing me.
“Brother.” Hikigaya Komachi slapped Hikigaya Hachiman on the shoulder, with a hint of pity in his eyes, “Tombstone, what do you like better? There is also a suicide note, do you want to write it now?”
“What do you mean?” Hikigaya Hachiman looked bewildered, but he still instinctively sensed a hint of danger from Komachi’s words, “Why did you say this all of a sudden? I didn’t make you angry, did I?”
“Of course not.” Hikigu Komachi shook his head lightly, the pity in his eyes was a little heavier, “I mean, you are so crazy in the video, I’m afraid you will be beaten to death when you go to school tomorrow. ”
“Hey!” Hikigaya Hachiman swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes filled with horror, he reached out and grabbed his sister’s hand, and said in a heavy tone, “Komachi, if my brother doesn’t come back tomorrow, the tombstone, the coffin, whatever, whatever. Just choose.”
“However, there is only one thing, you must remember! My hard drive, and all browsing records in the computer must be completely destroyed! Even you don’t want to look at it! That is enough to destroy the entire world!”
Hikigaya Komachi’s expression was very subtle, but she still nodded steadily, “Well, I understand, brother, you can go at ease!”
“Well, I’m not dead yet, can you stop saying that I’m going to die soon.”
“When Yukinoshita Hachiman and Hayama Hayato came to the space station through the ladder, a knight was leaning on the wall with his arms folded, as if he had been waiting for a long time.”
“”you? “Hachiman Yukinoshita carefully looked at the armor on his body, and said in a deep voice, “You have never seen it before, it seems that you are the strongest knight in the legend – the sword scorpion?” What about Totsuka? “”
“The traitor has been purged. “Jianxie slowly stood up straight, even facing the two knights, there was no panic in his tone, “You are the only ones who will hinder the ladder plan. “”
“”and many more! “Just when Sword Scorpion was about to strike, Hayama Hayato roared, “The Sky Ladder Project is to pull a meteorite with zerg eggs from space. This is a plan to destroy all human beings!” “”
“The more you talk, Hayama HayatoThe more excited his tone became, “Stop helping the evildoers! Join us and destroy the Ladder Project! Only in this way can human beings survive!”
“However, facing Hayama Hayato’s words, Jianscorpion did not waver at all, “I don’t know whether what you said is true or what they said is true. “”
“”But it doesn’t matter who is true and who is not, I’m a fool, I can’t figure it out, and I don’t want to think about it. As long as they need me to fight, I will fight. This is how I have always been, and it is the same now! “”
Chapter 10 The Chosen One Is Me
“Huh.” Seeing what he said in the video, the president of Heliwan Wan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then shouted excitedly, “That’s great! I’m an idiot! I’m an idiot!”
However, just a few seconds after he finished yelling, he heard the communication of his parents next door.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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