I Was Blocked By The School Belle Goddess!

Chapter 025 The Daughter Takes The First Step Bravely [2 More]

Su Chen didn't know them well, and he didn't bother to correct them after hearing their discussion.

Anyway, the little girl is my daughter's business, and sooner or later everyone will know.

The more you explain, the more it will make others think wrong.

Of course, those girls only discussed in a low voice, and when they saw Su Chen and the others came over, they didn't dare to say any more.

They continued to practice cycling.

However, they would secretly glance at Su Chen from time to time.

Then quickly look back.

"Dad, you are very popular with girls." Su Yuxin said with a smirk.

Su Chen gave the little girl a small chestnut on the forehead, the little guy closed his eyes reflexively, and dodged in pain.

Su Chen said angrily, "What are you talking about, I'm practicing."

"Yeah~~" The little guy took the bicycle from Su Chen.

Because he was going to practice driving tonight, the little guy had already changed his pleated skirt into sports trousers before going out.

Su Chen is quite satisfied with this.

He likes to see girls riding bicycles in short skirts, but he doesn't want to see his own daughter riding bicycles in skirts...

The little guy put his hands on the handlebars of the bicycle, and his feet stood firmly on the ground.

Little Pipi sat on the bicycle cushion, slightly arching his 1.65 meter body.

When Su Chen handed over the car to the little guy, he had already adjusted the seat cushion to the lowest position.

So after seeing the little one getting ready for a ride.

He said: "Yu Xin, don't think about riding right away, try to pedal forward first."

"I meditate in my heart, I can do it, I can definitely do it."

"Believe in yourself is very important. If you believe in yourself, you will be more courageous, and you will be able to quickly find the balance of the car."

"Okay, Dad~" The little guy had a serious face, as if he was preparing for an exam.

I am studying very seriously.

"Yu Xin, you did a good job. Now we are trying to lift our feet up during the pedaling process."

"Yeah, Dad."


The little guy's comprehension and sense of balance are quite strong. After a few laps, he can already slide a long distance on the car with one foot.

It's just that when the two feet go up together, I'm still a little scared.

At most, you only dare to put your left foot on the pedal when you step on the pedal with your right foot.

The left foot dare not try to pedal.

Su Chen was not in a hurry and asked the little guy to practice first.

Because, now it is only necessary for the little guy to take a brave step, and basically he will succeed in learning more than half.

The latter half is to ride a bicycle more often, master the experience, and practice makes perfect.

Cope with various situations.

"Dad, I want to officially try cycling." After riding a few times, the little guy finally summoned up the courage to say this to Su Chen.

Su Chen encouraged with a smile: "Okay, Dad believes that you can do it!"

"You ride in the front, and Dad will help you in the back, and you will definitely not let you fall."

"Hmm~" The little guy took a deep breath and decided to take this most critical step.

She believed that her father would definitely support her from behind!

With this confidence, she stepped on it with her left foot.

As soon as the left foot came up, the bicycle immediately began to twist and turn.

As if I would fall at any moment——

"Ah... Dad..."

"Father is here, don't be afraid, you won't fall down, believe in yourself, come on, keep going!" Su Chen grabbed the rear seat of the bicycle to prevent the bicycle from falling, and guarded his daughter.

Even so, the little guy turned pale with fright.


want to stop.

However, I didn't give up, and felt that I hadn't fallen down yet, so I could try riding again.

In such a frightening situation.

The little guy rode half the football field crookedly.

The fear in my heart gradually became smaller.

There is even a great sense of accomplishment, and the goddess-like voice is three parts excited and seven parts flustered, "Dad, I can ride now, I am not so crooked, and I can ride a straight line."

"Yes, come on, Yuxin is awesome!" Su Chen encouraged.

"Dad, don't let go."


The little guy is getting better and better.


"Dad is here."

"Don't let go." Remind again.

"Okay." After saying this word, Su Chen let go of his hand.

The little guy thought that Su Chen hadn't let go yet, so he was riding happily.

"Great, Dad, I can finally ride steadily, I want to ride around."

"Okay." Although she let go, Su Chen still followed her daughter.

"Dad, don't let go, I say let go."


Already let go...

"Father." The little guy turned his head to look back at Su Chen, and suddenly, she realized that Su Chen wasn't holding onto her bicycle.

She was startled and exclaimed, "Ah, Dad, you let go..."

In panic, the little guy's bicycle twisted again.

Because of the unstable center of gravity, the whole person was about to fall to the side.

Su Chen immediately threw away the cigarette he was about to smoke. With sharp eyesight and quick hands, he supported his daughter who was about to fall with one hand, and the bicycle that was about to fall with the other.

"Ah... Dad... I... I'm going to fall..."


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