I Was Blocked By The School Belle Goddess!

044 15 Ex-Girlfriends Send Messaging Again! 【36】

But at this moment, Su Chen's circle of friends exploded!

Countless likes, countless comments!

"Su Chen, amazing! This is the real estate certificate of Zhonghai City! You bought a house in Zhonghai, awesome!"

"Su Da, I'll go, you bought a house! Where did you buy it!"

"Su Chen, congratulations."

"Su Chen, I'll go, you've met a rich woman! As soon as we dated, I gave you a house directly?!! Please introduce the rich woman's phone number!"

"Su Chen, awesome! I bought a house in Zhonghai at such a young age, and this is still the full payment! If you pay in installments now, there is no big red book, only a copy!"


Huixin's news exploded even more, all of which were from ex-girlfriends.

Ex-Girlfriend No. 1: "Su Chen, you actually bought a house in Magic City! The 70 square meters cost at least 2.5 million yuan? It's the full price. Where are you getting rich now?"

Ex-girlfriend No. 3: "Su Chen, you bought a house! Congratulations, although it's not big at 70 square meters, it's still two bedrooms and one living room. When will you be free, please invite me to visit your house?"

Ex-girlfriend No. 7: "Su Chen, you bought a house, and you paid for it in full! Why? You have so much money, why didn't you want to pay for the house in installments? Is it so unimportant that I am in your heart?"


(Omit the messages from ex-girlfriends on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th, each of them sent a message, And one person also sent at least 5)

Ex-girlfriend No. 15: "Su big brother, woo woo... You have bought the house, it seems that you are really going to get married this time, woo woo, Su big brother, do you still want to think about me? I can Tell my parents that you bought a house, and they probably won't stop us this time, woo woo woo... Su big brother, I still can't let you go, are you still willing to give me a chance?"

"Dad, your phone keeps ringing." Su Yuxin reminded Su Chen.

"It's okay." Su Chen said.

He can probably guess who is sending him messages.

After all, at the beginning, when he was broken up, he needed to draw the key point, that is, he had no house! ! !

Now, he has a house and posted it on his circle of friends.

Even with his eyes closed, he could tell who was sending him messages.

"Dad, let me hold your phone for you. The other party sent so many messages at once, there must be something urgent." Su Yuxin said worriedly.

Su Chen didn't stop working, and said casually, "All right."

Just take it over and turn off the message reminder.

Just forgot to turn it off.

Hearing the news now that the beeps are beeping non-stop, it really affects his work and earning money.

Su Yuxin took off the disposable gloves, and reached into Su Chen's trouser pocket to get the phone.

The white and soft little hand reached into the trouser pocket, touched it a few times, and found the phone.

Then he took out the phone.

She was about to hand over the phone to Su Chen, when she saw the content of the message prompted on the interface.

I just saw a message from my ex-girlfriend on the 15th.

Her pupils were instantly dilated in shock.

"Um, Dad, are you going to get married?" The little guy's focus is obviously not on 'ex-girlfriend No. 15', 'and willing to give me a chance'.

It's about, 'You're really going to get married this time'.

When she saw this sentence, her little head thumped, as if a depth bomb had been blown up.


The brain went blank in an instant.

Almost out of breath.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like if her father wanted to marry another woman.

If she didn't see her father, she still thought about it.

But after I met my father, I got along with my father for two days.

She couldn't imagine the situation at all.

"No...why do you ask that?" Seeing that her daughter was acting strangely, Su Chen immediately replied seriously.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Su Yuxin's pale face finally eased a little.

The corners of the stiff mouth softened.

The suppressed emotions were swept away in an instant.

She took a deep breath and let it out.

After adjusting her breathing rhythm several times in this way, she smiled at Su Chen and said with a relaxed face: "It's okay, your ex-girlfriends have sent you a lot of messages, Dad, can you read it? Or, I still Turn off the notifications on your phone."

The little guy is still smart.

This question is very well asked.

Obviously, she didn't want her father to read these messages.

It just so happened that Su Chen wasn't going to read the messages sent to him by his ex-girlfriends.

So, he smiled and said, "Okay, turn off the reminder."

"Yeah!" The little guy immediately became excited, "Dad, what's the password for your mobile phone?"

Because you want to turn off the notification sound, you must tap into your phone.

Therefore, the mobile phone password is required to unlock and enter the mobile phone interface.

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