I Was Blocked By The School Belle Goddess!

Chapter 046 A Warm Home With Fireworks [56]

Put it here, it is a net profit.

You don't have to set up your own stall.

Only 10% of the help fee is charged, which is not a problem at all~

"Okay, I'll give you an eye-catching position." Li Bo said happily.


"Su Da, I saw your circle of friends. Have you bought a house? Where did you buy it?"

"Hey, I just bought the apartment I live in now, and it didn't cost much."

"The apartment you live in now? It didn't cost much if I went there? At least two million yuan?" Li Bo asked in shock.

He thought he bought it in a remote place like the outskirts of the magic city.

However, Zhonghai University of Finance and Economics is not a remote place.

Although it is not the first and second ring roads in the urban area, it is also in the urban area.

The residential real estate next to it is more than 40,000 square meters.

The price of the teaching staff apartment building is relatively cheaper, but that is not something anyone can buy!

Must be a faculty member of the school to be eligible to buy.

But it's not cheap either!

It also costs more than 30,000 square meters!

"Well, more than two and a half million." Su Chen said with a nonchalant expression.

Li Bo was shocked again!

Heartbeat speed up!

"More than two and a half million!" Seeing Su Chen's nonchalant expression, Li Bo was very sure that Su Chen must have a super lucrative side job!

Ever since, while waiting for the machine to print the payment code.

Li Bo obsequiously poured Su Chen a cup of tea and invited him to sit down.

Talk about putting Su Chen's sunscreen in his place.

Think this can be a long term collaboration!

Holding the payment code, Su Chen returned home in a better mood.

As soon as I entered the house, I could smell the aroma of food.

Su Chen took a deep breath.


It smells so good!

This feeling of coming home and smelling the aroma of the food when you are hungry is so good!

This is the warmth of home!

When I lived alone before, the house was cold.

It's not warm at all.

Even if I bring my girlfriend back to live in at night, there is only a moment of tenderness, and then the house is still cold.

Now, there is a daughter living here.

With a daughter in charge of cooking in the kitchen, and listening to the rumbling sound of the range hood.

And the stir-frying sound made by the collision of the cooking spatula and the vegetable pot.

It seems that there is a smell of fireworks at home.

warmed up.

Especially when the little guy said, "Dad, are you back?"

The little guy's furry head poked out from the kitchen.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing, "Well, I'm back, the payment code has been fixed, I have dinner tonight, take a rest, and when it's time, I can open the stall."

"Yeah, that's great~ the food is almost ready, Dad will watch TV in the living room, and wait."

"Okay." Su Chen changed into his slippers and entered the living room.

He didn't turn on the TV.

Because he thought that his clothes hadn't been washed yet.

Before his daughter didn't live at home, he only washed clothes once every three days.

But now, the daughter lives at home.

He has to maintain a clean and tidy father figure.

Therefore, clothes have to be washed every day, and baths have to be washed every day.

Come to your room.

He suddenly froze.

Because the clothes and pants he threw casually on the bed were gone!

Something suddenly came to his mind!

Could it be—

When passing by the living room just now, he saw clothes drying on the balcony outside the living room.

But I didn't look carefully.

But after thinking about it, I know that it should be my daughter's clothes.

Could it be—

He quickly walked out of the bedroom, came to the balcony, and saw his clothes, a lot of them, even including his underwear, were hanging on the clothes rail!

See this scene!

Su Chen felt a bit over the top!

Very top ah!

It's okay for my daughter to do her own laundry.

Because it was machine washed.

However, panties...

I guess it was in the washing machine too?

"Father, the fried peanuts are ready. If you are hungry, eat some first. But you can't drink alcohol yet. You should wait until you finish your meal before drinking. Drinking on an empty stomach is not good for your stomach."

Just at this moment, the little guy came to the living room with a stack of fried peanuts.

She saw Su Chen looking at the clothes.

She explained: "Dad, when I was doing laundry today, I saw that your clothes were not washed, so I took them here and washed them together."

"Underwear and socks are all washed by hand. Don't worry, I know this well."

Because if these two things are washed together with clothes, there will be a lot of bacteria.

So it needs to be washed separately.

After all, it is underwear.

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