I Was Blocked By The School Belle Goddess!

Chapter 081 Yu Xin, Your Boyfriend's Craftsmanship Is Really Good【315】

On Su Yuxin's side, when she was resting, she was immediately happy when she saw the news from Zitong.

"Zitong asked me to look for her at the door of the library, is she ready to meet daddy?"

"Or has she already met Papa?"

"Or, Zitong's clothes are torn, and now it's fixed again, is ~ father helped to fix it?"

"very nice."

Su Yuxin: "Okay."

After replying to Zitong's words, Su Yuxin exited the Huixin interface and clicked into the photo.

Looking at the picture Dad sent her this morning.

When she came here this morning, her ponytails were praised by many female students.

They all said it was well done.

She is also very happy.

Immediately, click Moments.

Select this picture, and then edit the text: [Double ponytails, the tie is very beautiful]

This time was the same as the previous two times, she still chose not to show it to her mother.

Because now my mother doesn't know that she went to find Su Chen.

After posting to Moments, she put away her mobile phone, and smiled intoxicated while holding the mobile phone.

She can still feel the feeling of running through the strands of her hair when Su Chen combed her hair.

Very warm and friendly.

It feels different from when my mother brushes her hair.

Mom's fingers are gentler, and Dad's fingers are rougher, with a man's masculinity.

"Yuxin, what are you doing? You were dumbfounded from laughing." Roommate Liu Yuan ran over, squatted down beside Su Yuxin in shock, and asked her with an ambiguous smile, "Look at you, are you just now?" Sent a Hui letter to your boyfriend?"

Su Yuxin recovered and explained: "No.

No, no boyfriend?

Still haven't texted my boyfriend.

Su Yuxin didn't make it clear.

Liu Yuan smiled ambiguously and said, "I've seen the circle of friends you posted just now, your hair this morning, could it be your boyfriend who tied it for you?"

"My God, your boyfriend's craftsmanship is too good, right?"

"I thought you did it yourself."

"I didn't expect it to be pierced by your boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend is very caring to you!"

"In the morning, you didn't have time to tie your hair, and he did it for you. This feeling is so loving.

"I envy you so much."

"It's not like me and my boyfriend, long-distance relationship, ouch~~~"

Liu Yuan chattered non-stop at the side, Su Yuxin didn't speak, just smiled.

At 11:30 noon, Su Chen gets off work at that time.

Just as she was about to put Su Zitong's student ID card back in the drawer, she saw Su Zitong coming.

Immediately, he got up, took the car keys, and walked towards Su Zitong.

Really don't say it.

Su Zitong's feet seemed to be immobilized, and he couldn't move them no matter what.

Just watched Su Chen walk up to her, and then put student Zheng Han in her arms.

"Don't forget next time."

After speaking, Su Chen left.

Su Zitong wanted to ask Su Chen all the words, but all of them got stuck in his throat.

She didn't wake up until Su Chen walked to the door of the library.

Then she quickly chased it out.

and yelled, "Hi!"

Su Chen turned around, "Huh?"

"Ding ding ding..." Su Chen's cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was a call from his buddy Chen Zhihao.

While answering the phone, he glanced at Su Zitong and saw that she was silent.

He turned around, answered the phone, and walked to his side.

"Well, I'm off work, so I'll be here." Su Chen said as he opened the car door and got in.

Seeing that Su Chen's car started, Su Zitong was about to drive away.

She was in a hurry.

But, for some reason, when she saw Su Chen, she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

She was so anxious that her head was in a daze, and she ran over, and Huhu stopped in front of his army.

Su Chen jumped.

This girl, why is she such a tiger!

Don't be afraid of being hit!

Fortunately, the car just started, not started to drive.

Whose girl is this, what a natural enemy!

I really want to teach you a good lesson!

But thinking that he had taught her a lesson in the morning, the girl couldn't bear it and ran away.

He held back the words of a lesson.

He asked angrily, "Student, what's the matter? I've already given you my student ID card. I still have something to do. Don't get in the way.

"I..." Su Zitong wanted to say, did you ask the instructor to bring me this new military training uniform?

Chen Zhihao's voice came from Su Chen's phone, "Old Su, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, a student stopped my car." Su Chen said.

Then he looked at Su Zitong, "Huh?"

Su Zitong finally backed away, just watching Su Chen drive away.

In the end, it was not until the car drove out of the school gate and out of her sight that she kicked hard on the concrete steps with great remorse.

"What a mess!"

"Su Zitong, when you came in front of him, you couldn't even finish your sentence!"

"You are too weak!"

"It's not like you at all!"

"Don't you just ask him? Why is it so difficult?"

"What a shame!"

After cursing himself, Su Zitong's cell phone rang, and it was Su Yuxin calling.

She immediately calmed down, and then answered the phone pretending nothing happened.


"Zitong, I'm almost there, just wait for me.

Three minutes later, Su Yuxin arrived.

Seeing that Su Zitong was not with her father, she was slightly puzzled.

"Hey, Zitong, where's dad?"

"He? Didn't you eat with me? What does it have to do with him?!" Su Zitong said with a heartless expression while chewing on a lollipop.

Su Yuxin froze for a moment.

Then I thought, Dad said he had something to do at noon today.

"Have you met Dad?" Su Yuxin asked softly.

"He drives a Bao Blue car, so flamboyant, it's hard not to see it!" Su Zitong jumped down from the steps when he said this.

Chewing a lollipop in his mouth, he walked towards the third camp with his hands behind his back.

Su Yuxin looked at Su Zitong's back, and felt that she was not as angry as she was last night when she mentioned "Su Chen".

She followed and said with a smile, "How about going to Dad's place tonight?"

"No!" Su Zitong refused.


"Why? I just don't want to go! Besides, my mother told me that she will celebrate Zhonghai in a few days.

……… Ask for flowers……

Su Yuxin's footsteps paused slightly, "Is mom coming over?"

Mom didn't even tell her.

"You don't know?" Su Zitong turned to look at Su Yuxin.

Slightly curious, "Sister Ren and Younger Sister are talking."

Su Yuxin felt uncomfortable, why did her mother come over and tell the second sister, third sister and younger sister, but she didn't tell her?

"By the way, it's normal that you don't know, because Mom probably already knows that you live with Dad." Su Zitong spread his hands and said.

"???" Su Yuxin immediately looked at Su Zitong.

Su Zitong gave Su Yuxin a supercilious look, "What are you doing looking at me like that? I didn't say that.

"Mom called me today, just asking where I live, I live in the dormitory!"

"I thought you knew mom was coming too."

Su Yuxin's two little hands were twisted together, her thoughts were a little complicated, and her long curled eyelashes fluttered.

Su Zitong bumped Su Yuxin with his arm, "What? You want to continue living with that person so much?"


"Father is very good, he treats me very well, and he also cares about you." Su Yuxin lowered her shoulders and said softly.

If mom really comes over, then she really can't continue to live with dad.

because mom...

I don't want them to go find their father.

However, what did she think of——

Looking up at Su Zitong expectantly, she asked, "Is mom just here to visit us for a few days?"

If it was only for a few days, then she would go back to the dormitory temporarily.

After her mother left, she moved back in with her father.


She is such a clever little ghost!

Thinking of this, a different look burst out in her beautiful eyes.

Su Zitong also saw it, she paused for a moment, then looked away, and then said lazily: "I don't know, mom didn't tell me in detail, if you really want to know, you can ask the second sister and little sister."

"However, I feel that this time when Mom is here, you have to be careful with your skin."

"Since she didn't inform you about her coming, she must know that you are living with that person!"

Speaking of this, Su Zitong narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Yuxin who was stunned, and asked: "You just said that person also cares about me?"

"Ah..." Su Yuxin came back to her senses.

Because of the thought of meeting her mother, her mother's scolding, or other things, the spirit she had just mentioned became listless again.

Otherwise, if Su Zitong suddenly asked her this sentence, she would be very happy and excited to explain it to her.

"Well, my father saw that I didn't take you there last night, so he asked me what's wrong with you. I said you were not in a good mood, and he immediately asked if someone bullied you. Then I said no, and when you were in a better mood , I will see him in two days."

Finish these words as if you were narrating a composition.

Su Yuxin was a little distracted.

She was thinking about one thing, since Zitong didn't tell her mother about her cohabitation with Su Chen, and her Moments blocked her, how did her mother know?

If Zitong didn't say it, Mengyao and Qingcheng would definitely not say it either, so who would tell their mother?

Could it be


Dad got in touch with mom?!! Again!.

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