I Was Blocked By The School Belle Goddess!

097 Promise With Your Body【6 Subscribe For More】

"Sleep, sleep." Su Zitong said.

She didn't want to talk about the matter between her and Su Chen.

Three meetings, the results are not satisfactory!

If Su Yuxin hadn't been in the middle as a mediator, she and Su Chen probably wouldn't have met for the fourth time.

Hey, thinking that my mother will come the day after tomorrow.

When the time comes, will mother sternly declare that they are not allowed to see Su Chen?

If that's the case, it means that tomorrow night's dinner with Su Chen will be the last dinner?!!!


She suddenly understood Su Yuxin's distraught mood when she heard that her mother had learned that she and Su Chen were living together.

Although she wasn't out of her wits yet, she felt uncomfortable.

Even, I was a little looking forward to what Su Yuxin said in the Huixin group, saying that after seeing Su Chen, her mother would not quarrel with Su Chen, but was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey, hey, it's about picking up the plane the day after tomorrow, or I'd better go there!"

"But if I go there and see my mother being bullied by Su Chen, I will definitely stand on my mother's side and fight against Su Chen. By then, my relationship with Su Chen will become worse and worse, hey... ...tangled....depressed!"

"Are you going? Or are you not going?!!!"

When she was struggling, she found that her WeChat hadn't rang yet.

Did the phone accidentally turn off the sound?

She turned on the phone and looked, hey, there was still no reply.

Is Su Chen already asleep?

When she was feeling a little lost at "540", there was a buzzing sound.

On the chat interface between her and Su Chen, there was another sentence.

It's from Su Chen!

Su Chen: "It's late, go to bed early.

Seeing this sentence, Su Zitong was stunned.

What is this?

Did she post a small picture of a rabbit?

Didn't you say that you can talk about rabbits after posting pictures of rabbits?

She also searched a lot of rabbit knowledge on Baidu just now.

Just waiting to chat with Su Chen.

Didn't expect... Aww...

Su Chen ended the chat with one sentence...

The first chat ended in failure!

And it failed completely...


"Zitong, how is the conversation going? Has the senior returned your message? I just heard the buzzing sound of Huixin news." Tao Jiaojiao asked.

"Did he talk to you in detail?"

"Zitong, what did you send to the senior?"

Su Zitong said sullenly: "Cough, stop talking, I sent him a photo of a little rabbit, and he replied, 'It's getting late, go to bed early.' There are 10 words in total with punctuation marks. !"

Well, she counted the words on purpose!


Xiao Chu said: "Look, you don't listen to me, it's late at night, when boys like to hide under the covers and watch short movies, if you send him a picture of a bunny, he would rather watch a small movie than follow You talk!"

"So, you should listen to me and post sexy photos!"

"As soon as you post that photo, your senior promises to chat with you as if he's been pumped!"

"The point is, I don't have that photo..." Su Zitong said sullenly.

It's really boring.

She was full of anticipation and ready to have a good chat, but unexpectedly, Su Chen sent her away with just one word.


"Go and take pictures, there is a photo studio nearby, you can find a female photographer to take pictures." Xiao Chuti suggested.

"Don't listen to Xiao Chu, Zitong, don't take photos. If you post such a photo, it will only make the senior think you are frivolous. I think the senior should like pure girls." Tao Jiaojiao said solemnly.

Liu Yang, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand weakly and said, "Can I say a word?"

"you say----"

"Zitong, actually, I think the senior is caring about you, not trying to put you off and doesn't want to chat with you, think about it, it's 11:20 now, and we have military training tomorrow

"The senior knows that your military training is hard, so I don't want you to stay up late and chat anymore, so I let you go to bed early.

"Your family's senior is a mature type, the kind who considers things thoroughly, and his heart for you is not the kind of high-profile announcement to the world, but the silent type of care that seriously considers you."

"Think about it, he asked the counselor to give you a military training uniform without letting you know it was him."

"He asked the housekeeper aunt to deliver snacks and fruit at night, worrying that you would be angry."

"He actually really cares about you, don't think about it."

After being reminded by Liu Yang, Su Zitong suddenly understood.

Unusual, she praised Liu Yang, "Liu Yang, your analysis is very thorough, I like it!"

To Hou, Su Yuxin also said that Su Chen cared about her very much.

Moreover, if you think about what Liu Yang said carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

Su Cen is already 37 years old, and she is also her father. A father must want his daughter to go to bed early and not stay up late~

perfect explanation~

Can sleep well tonight.

"By the way, you said, he gave me so many things, what should I give him tomorrow?" She, Su Zitong, is not a person who only accepts Su Chen's kindness, but doesn't know how to give back.

This night, Su Zitong chatted with the roommates in the dormitory about this issue until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and finally couldn't resist the sleepiness, and fell asleep one after another.

The next day, Su Chen got up as early as yesterday, at six o'clock.

The little one is busy in the kitchen.

When the little guy saw him get up, he smiled and walked in front of him, then pushed him towards the bedroom door, and said as he walked, "Dad, it's still early, you can go to sleep for a while."

"You don't need to drive me to school today, I have a new bicycle~ I can ride by myself."

"For breakfast, I won't make noodles for you this time, I'll cook you some food, and then you can put it in the pot and heat it up.

The little guy also thought that if the noodles were not eaten for a long time, they would become mushy.

So this time she didn't make noodles for Su Chen.

Specially made meals.

Stir-fried yellow beef.

"You go by yourself?" Su Chen just woke up, his voice was still a little hoarse.

"Yeah, the folding bike I bought yesterday is very easy to ride, it is very suitable for me, and it has reflectors, so I can go on the road without fear~ The most important thing is that I also need to ride more bikes to exercise Be yourself."

"So I decided to start today, I go to school by bike~"

Because every time I let my father wake up at six o'clock with her, and then drive her to school, my father will be very tired.

She is used to getting up at six, but Dad seems to like to sleep in.

Moreover, Dad went to work until eight o'clock.

I work in this school again, so I can sleep until 7:00 or even 7:30 and then get up.

Su Chen yawned, and asked again for confirmation: "Is it true that you don't need Dad to send you to school?"

"Yeah, really~~" After saying that, the little guy pushed Su Chen back to the bedroom, and helped Su Chen lift the quilt, "Dad, you didn't wake up when you saw it, sleep for a while Come on."

"Okay, pay attention to safety when you ride your own bike. If you don't think it's okay, just get off and push the bike." Since his daughter insisted that he wouldn't give it away, he would sleep again.

And there is nothing wrong with what my daughter said, she is really curious about the foldable bike.

Moreover, she also needs to ride a bicycle more to exercise, so she doesn't have to be afraid of cycling in the future.

"Yeah, I will, Dad~" Su Yuxin said obediently.

Su Chen yawned again, went to bed and continued to sleep.

No way, I drank wine last night and fell asleep with a headache.

Now that he wakes up so early, his head still hurts.

Need to sleep again.....

After seeing Su Chen go to bed, the little guy covered Su Chen with a quilt contentedly.

While covering the quilt, her eyes quietly fell on Su Chen's neck again.

Seeing that the lipstick mark was still there, she was secretly happy.

Early the next morning.

On Su Zitong's side, she rode the new bicycle that Su Chen bought her, shuttled among the freshmen, and rode handsomely to the campus.

When passing the speed bump at the door of the dormitory.

She thought of what Su Yuxin said that Su Chen could jump over this speed bump on a bicycle.

She immediately had an idea.

What Su Chen has done in this place, she also wants to do here.

Immediately, I rode this Bao Blue mountain bike, jumped over the speed bump.

This cool action, cool bike, plus Su Zitong's cool dress.

Immediately, it caused the students passing by to exclaim.

"Wow! This new student is amazing!

"Wow! What class is she in? Why is she so cool! She can jump over there on a bicycle! It's amazing!"

"I know her, she is a freshman in the actuarial class! Yesterday I saw her class stayed for extra training, and then she was teaching the people in their class how to fight martial arts, and her military martial arts is also very powerful ! It's not worse than our instructors! It's so cool!"

Hearing these compliments, Su Zitong curled his lips into a disdainful smile.

I really want to say: "That's the most powerful cyclist you have ever seen! Su Chen can jump over with Su Yuxin riding a commuter car! That's really cool!"

Faintly, she felt a sense of pride that Su Chen was her father.

The neck is also raised higher.

Because the bike she is riding now was bought for her by Su Chen~

The place where Su Zitong and his class gathered for military training.

The three girls in the dormitory surrounded Su Zitong one after another and asked excitedly, "Zitong, I saw you riding a new bicycle today. When did you buy the bicycle? Why don't we know? Yes Didn't your senior send it to you last night?"

Because this is a little secret between the four girls in their dormitory, so they are special gossips.

The voice of speaking is also very low, and I don't want to be heard by others.

"Hmm..." Su Zitong didn't deny it.

This bike was indeed sent by Su Chen.

"Wow, 4.9 plugs! That bike is super beautiful! The color of Bao Blue is also very suitable for you!"

"Is it really suitable for me?" When Su Zitong said this, the corners of Su Zitong's mouth curled up involuntarily.

"Of course, Bao Blue, a very energetic and energetic color, it is very suitable for you~ It seems that your seniors really care about you!"

"Besides, this car is not cheap at first glance. Even the bell on the car is Bao Blue's cute doll bell, so cute~"

"Oh my God, if I have a senior who gives me a car like this, I can give it to me right away!"

The three girls were chatting non-stop.

They all envied Su Zitong.

Su Zitong looked at the time on his watch, and it was ten minutes before the eight o'clock meeting.

She fumbled in her pocket for the small gift she bought at the store this morning, and looked up in the direction of the library parking space.

Sure enough, I saw Su Chen's Bao Blue car as he wished there.

Treasure Blue~

It looks so pretty~

From now on, it will be my Su Zitong's favorite color!

"I have something to do, let's go first, and I'll be back later!" After speaking, Su Zitong put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked towards the library at a faster pace unconsciously.

She wants to give the little gift she bought this morning to Sue

When she thought of the picture of her giving a gift to Su Chen later, she was very excited and excited.

Even faintly felt a kind of stimulation. .

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