I was Born in Hell

10. The natural enemies of human beings

Blood! !

Gunpowder smoke and blood infected the earth.


"Help, help, monster!!"

The screams and howls intersected with each other, and the bustling streets in the past turned into Senluo Hell in an instant. The monster's sharp fangs pierced the neck, and blood sprayed out like a spring column.

Their sharp claws even tore apart the human body. The strength of their two palms was surprisingly strong. They pierced into the abdomen and tore it forcefully. The internal organs and intestines were exposed to the air, and then the carrion corpses buried their heads and gnawed madly.



People have no other choice but to scream and run for their lives.

Those handsome men and beauties in the city had never seen such a scene before, and some trembling with fright, they forgot how to escape, and were thrown to the ground by several rotting corpses on the spot and torn into pieces.


above the street.

The tide of the crowd broke in all directions.

The number of rotting corpses is increasing, and all human beings who come into contact with the rain of disasters begin to mutate violently, and their sharp teeth and claws are quite infectious.

Look carefully.

Under the skin of the carrion, the blood vessels were glowing with phosphorescent light.

If it is in a darker place, the liquid in the blood vessels that are as complicated as the roots of the Cang tree will emit light like the luminous liquid in the fluorescent stick.

The rain of calamity has already invaded the body and is flowing in the blood. These highly poisonous phosphorescence will also spread on their teeth and sharp claws.


This is the disaster virus!

All human beings injured by sharp teeth and claws will be infected with this disaster virus with a high probability and become new rotting corpses! !

Too much!

There are too many of these monsters! !

The scourge virus has activated the potential of rotting corpses.

They run much faster than ordinary people, and their sense of smell will become more acute, able to vaguely distinguish the odor molecules in the air, rushing towards the place with the largest flow of people.

soon! !

The number of rotting corpses became one piece.

They frantically surge towards places like the building and shopping malls.

The greater the flow of people, the stronger the smell left behind, and soon the gate of the mall was crushed, and large swaths of carrion flooded into the mall to start another massacre! !

Gu Fan watched all this.

He knew in his heart that the world would change from this moment on.

The apocalypse brought about by the dark disaster has completely made the technological world dominated by humans a thing of the past, and a new century will come.

Later... people regarded the first day of the dark disaster as the darkest hour of the new era.

This era is called the Dark Age.



after an hour.

There are rotting corpses roaring wildly everywhere on the streets.

The cars emitting thick black smoke were all scrapped, most of their windows were smashed, and the trace of the driver being dragged out could still be clearly seen.

Obviously, the people hiding in the car were also forcibly captured by the crazy carrion corpses on the street.

This place... is no longer the domain of humans.

The bustling streets in the past were full of rotting corpses. Now as long as there is any human being who dares to run on the street, those rotting corpses will immediately surround him and tear him apart like vicious dogs.

Most of the human beings who survived were hidden.

They shivered and hid at home, or somewhere else. Only by hiding behind the cold door could they gain some sense of security.

"First day of disaster."

"The global population has dropped by more than 80 percent, and as time goes on, fewer and fewer people will survive."

From the moment Gu Fan left the window in the room, he knew exactly what this dark disaster represented.

Human beings surviving in the dark era will know what a real disaster is.

"All right."

"Next, it's my time."

Gu Fan picked up the hunting bow that he had prepared long ago, and put dozens of arrows made of special metal heads into the quiver.

Next... Gu Fan is going to do something that no one dares to do now.

go out! !

That's right!

The disaster of darkness had come, and everyone shivered and hid, but Gu Fan chose to walk out of the room at this most critical moment.


Absolute madness, seeing the poor human beings all over the street being disembowelled, ordinary people would have been scared out of their wits, only dared to hide in their rooms and shiver.

But in Gu Fan's eyes, all of this is the greatest opportunity.

He's going hunting! !

Hunt down carrion.

Hunt those monsters.

Gu Fan's preparations these days are all for this moment.


Gently open the door.

Gu Fanmao strode forward quickly, with light feet without leaving a sound.

The place he was in was an old apartment that was about to be demolished, and no one lived in it for a long time.

The small number of people means that the number of rotting corpses will also decrease accordingly, which is why he chose to place a "safe house" here.


"On this floor, there is actually a rotting corpse?"

In the corridor of the apartment near the stairs, the figure of a rotting corpse monster was wandering.

There are no other residents on this floor, but there are still carrion corpses wandering here, trying to find fresh flesh and blood.

A single rotting corpse! !

Although most of the carrion corpses will gather towards the place with the strongest human smell, there are also a few who will break away from the main force and disperse the search, which is often more rewarding.

"Uh uh uh……"

A beast-like moan came from his corrupted throat.

It raised its head and kept sniffing something, like a wild dog searching for the smell of meat buns in the air, trying to find the smell of "food".

It didn't smell anything though.

The apartments on this floor were all sprayed with 84 disinfectant by Gu Fanjian.

The pungent smell had already covered the smell of humans before, disturbing the sense of smell of the carrion.

"The first one is you."

Gu Fan, who was slowly approaching in the distance, talked to himself.

This rotting corpse will be his first target for hunting.

shiver! !

Gu Fan's hands were trembling.

Look at the monster in front of you! !

It had a ferocious face, and a pair of bloodshot eyeballs popped out, full of greed for flesh and blood.

The mouth is full of sharp fangs like shark teeth, and drops of foul-smelling yellow mucus are constantly dripping.

The rotten skin of the whole body, large areas of thick sores, and sharp claws that are more than ten centimeters like steel, all these make the rotting corpse a nightmare for people.

Such a monster, standing in front of him will only feel fear and terror.

Gu Fan was also afraid.

Gu Fan was also afraid.

To be precise, his body was afraid of that carrion monster... Every cell was trembling, as if encountering a natural enemy.

That feeling was like the antelope saw a hungry wolf and knew by nature that it was his nemesis.

That kind of feeling is like the chick saw the eagle flying in the sky, and immediately understood that it was its natural enemy, and quickly retracted its head into the bird's nest.

This carrion is also the nemesis of human beings.

"I'm shaking."

"I'm afraid."

"My body is afraid of this monster."

The stimulating feeling impacted the brain, mobilizing every ounce of Gu Fan's energy, making him enter a state of extreme excitement and fear.

But this feeling did not make Gu Fan flinch.

"This feeling...is really good."

Gu Fan opened his hands, panting for the slightly rotten breath in the air, and the smile on his face became even more ferocious.

He... is actually enjoying this oppressive feeling? ?



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