"Mr. Rayleigh, why are you here?"

Shanks showed a happy expression on his face, but then asked in confusion.

Could it be to coat their ship?

But looking at Mr. Rayleigh, it seems that he has been here for a while.

Rayleigh smiled and looked around at the people around him. He found that Noah's face did not show any surprise. He took out a small wine flask from his arms, drank a sip, and then said:

"Of course it’s because of Xia Qi’s intelligence!"

Rayleigh looked at Noah and the others and said,"Brother Noah really surprises me. He has offended the Shipping King Umit before entering the New World!"

When the girls heard"Shipping King Umit", they suddenly realized and said,"It turned out to be him!"

Rayleigh smiled and said,"He has invested a lot!"

Rayleigh then told the story about the bounty on Noah and the women.

Joanna, Michelle, and Sibel, these simple-minded women, were immediately furious and shouted that they would go to the New World to tear him into pieces.

The other women were very calm. They had known that this might happen, but they didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Of course, they also knew that Umit was not so easy to find, otherwise he would have died long ago!

Despite this, it was impossible to ignore Umit, and he would be killed on sight!

Noah's expression was also very calm, and there was even a smile on his face. Although he was a little angry, he had just fought Karp so hard that he didn't have much fluctuation in his heart.

After all, this is what he wanted.

The ordinary journey and the day-to-day practice were too slow for the women to progress.

Vanessa has developed the IQ reagent.

It can promote the evolution of genes in the direction you want.

Of course, this process requires a lot of energy.

So Vanessa also specially studied the enhanced version of the energy potion with Roland who ate the Swallowing Fruit.

These two potions are the source of the continuous progress of the girls, and it can even be said to be the source of rapid progress.

And the most important thing is that the essence of genes is survival and adaptation!

So after drinking the potion, fighting a life-and-death crisis can force one's own genes to evolve.

Life-and-death battle + IQ reagent + enhanced energy potion = stronger plug-in.

Of course, these two reagents are considered confidential among Noah and his group, and even Uta, who has always had a good relationship with Noah, doesn't know about it.

Although Rayleigh didn't help, Alyssa and others couldn't help but thank him.

Alyssa and Kuina pulled Irene, who was still a little confused, and bowed to thank Rayleigh for his protection

"Mr. Rayleigh, thank you very much for your secret protection."

Rayleigh touched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly:"It's nothing, after all, I didn't help!"

Alyssa explained to Rayleigh very sensibly:"No, Mr. Rayleigh wants us to grow in battle. It's our luck to have strong people to protect us!"

Rayleigh felt even more embarrassed after hearing this.

He admitted that he did have some of these reasons, but part of it was because he was afraid of affecting his leisurely life in retirement.

However, if Alyssa and others encountered a life-and-death crisis, he would still help.

Shanks hugged Rayleigh and said with a smile:"Oh, Alyssa, don't be so polite!"

"Mr. Rayleigh is a very good person, just give him some wine and Baileys as a reward!"

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes and whispered:"Shanks, don't ruin my image in front of the lovely young lady!"

Shanks said strangely:"Oh, is that so? Then the reward for the coating should be given to Sister Xia Qi. Anyway, she told me that you owe her a lot of wine money."


Lei Li strangled Shanks' neck with his hand and said with a smile:"You little bastard! You actually threatened your master! Don't forget who taught you swordsmanship!"

"Also, you should call her Auntie Xia! How disrespectful!"

"Let me go! Mr. Rayleigh! I was wrong!"

Shanks' face flushed red, and he waved his hands and begged for mercy.

Alyssa looked at the scene in a daze, and so did the other girls.

But Alyssa quickly reacted and said with a smile:"Of course no problem!" Alyssa took out a box of Bailey from the room where she usually kept money, and said with a smile:"This is the cost of coating."

Rayleigh looked at the box of Bailey. As an old pirate, he certainly knew the specifications of this box.

One box is 100 million.

In terms of the coating cost, it is definitely far more than that.

But Rayleigh just thought that he could be free and easy for a while, and then took the box with a smile, saying:

"You are such a sensible lady! Just leave the coating to me!"

"You can go and have fun without worry, and leave the guarding of the ship to me!" In view of the huge amount of money, and the fact that he was a good friend of Shanks, Rayleigh took on the task of guarding the ship with a smile.

Anyway, the ship was indispensable during the coating period.

However, Alyssa and others, as well as the unlucky Joanna and others, stared at Rayleigh with surprise.


"Thank you so much!"


The next day, the girls followed their original plan and went shopping and sightseeing in the Sabaody Archipelago.

"I heard there will be Golden-Gold Fruits for sale at the auction!"


"No escape! Many people have received the news!"


The women heard the talk of these pirate nobles and other people from various forces from a distance.

Most pirates are indeed like rats crossing the street. As soon as Garp and others left, they came back again.

The local navy also pretended not to see it, which is a tacit understanding between them and the pirates.

If the navy dares to ban this place, it will be equivalent to pinching the roots of the three emperors of the New World. How to replenish the fresh blood of the pirates in the New World?

The population of the New World is not enough!

At that time, the three emperors will inevitably unite and make a fuss.

So weighing the pros and cons, plus the world government also hopes that the sea can be more chaotic, so the so-called three no-man's land in the Sabaody Archipelago was formed.

The auction is located in this area, which not only auctions ordinary treasures, swords, and even devil fruits, but also auctions people.

Fishmen, giants, ordinary humans, etc.

The funny thing is that the navy is stationed in areas 60 to 69 and the three no-man's land.

The navy, pirates, and auctions are just separated by a bridge.

Order and chaos are adjacent!

It's really the funniest joke in the world!

""Lord Noah, do you want to go and have a look?"

Liya turned her head and looked at Noah. After all, the auction was Noah's favorite place to go, where there were many treasures.

Noah liked to exchange gold coins and useless banknotes for those beautiful jewelry, swords and other treasures.

"The Gold-Gold Fruit?"

Noah pinched his chin and smiled thoughtfully,"It looks more like a gimmick. Well, forget it. Since it's already been thrown out, forget about taking it back!"

"It's a rare occasion that I follow the rules set by others!"

Joanna and Michelle laughed,"Yes, if you dare to play tricks on us, it would be even better. We will just buy it for free, hehehe!"

"Let's go."

Noah said calmly without refutation.


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