Whitebeard Pirates

"Gulala! What a fearless little devil!"

Whitebeard was already on an IV drip, but he still couldn't hide his arrogance and courage!

Obviously, he was at the end of his last peak... At the age of sixty, he was still the"strongest man in the world"!

He was looking at the newspaper in his hand, praising Noah's courage. It

's not that he had never fought against the Celestial Dragons, and he had even killed quite a few!

But that was in the Valley of the Gods, with Rocks leading the way in the front and Rocks taking the blame afterwards, so he was able to escape unscathed.

Otherwise, he would be hunted down everywhere now.

Since the battle of the Valley of the Gods, there has never been any news of the Celestial Dragons being beaten. Even when Fisher Tiger burned Marijoa and rescued the Celestial Dragons, there was no report of whether the Celestial Dragons were killed or beaten.

There must have been some, but it was in Marijoa, and the Five Elders blocked the information in a timely manner.

The camera turned to the captain of the first team,

Marco, who also lamented the audacity of Noah and his group, but when he saw the following, he was stunned and said in disbelief:

"Hey, hey, hey, dad! This Noah is not simple! He can fight against Garp, the navy hero, on equal terms!"


Whitebeard turned the page and saw the report of the battle between Noah and Garp, and even a picture of their battle.

That classic"Sky-Splitting" picture!

A fist and a knife clashed, and the sparks of fighting spirit flashed in the eyes of both men!

""Flower Sword" Bista stared at the knife in Noah's hand, his eyes flashing with a strong fighting spirit.

"A great swordsman? I really want to have a swordsmanship contest with him!"

Sachi teased from the side:"No way, Vista! I feel that if you go up, he will probably chop you down with one sword!"

Vista's face turned red, and finally he whispered:"I mean a kendo contest!"

He is somewhat confident when it comes to swordsmanship. He has been a great swordsman for two years, but in these two years, apart from being proficient in his moves, he has not made any progress. His domineering aura has made some progress.

At this moment, his attack power has reached the so-called quasi-admiral level, but his domineering aura and physical strength are a little lacking.

Until the war on the top, he was only a quasi-admiral, which shows that he will be beating children in the next ten years.

After hearing Vista's final stubbornness, everyone burst into laughter.

But after laughing, Marco looked at his father with some worry. After all, the"strongest man in the world" often attracted countless duels from strong men, but it has been less in recent years.

If a top strong man like Noah enters the new world, Marco is a little worried that he will come and fight with Whitebeard.

As a ship doctor, Marco knows best that his father's body is already riddled with holes, and fighting is undoubtedly a poison to his father.

At this time, Whitebeard should rest. Whitebeard glanced at Marco, as if he understood his thoughts, and he immediately shouted:

"Don't worry about the children!"

Whitebeard paused, gulped down the sweet wine, pressed the wine pot on the armrest of the seat, and laughed heroically:

"Gulala! It's just a draw with an old soldier!"

"I am Whitebeard!"

After saying this, the whole place fell into silence, and then all the crew members on the ship cheered loudly, saying:

"That's right! Dad is the strongest man in the world’!"

"This era is called"Whitebeard"! What is that old Biden of Garp!"

"If that brat Noah dares to come, I'll take care of him for dad first!"

"It's not your turn! I'll go first!"



Marco put aside his worries and enjoyed the banquet with his father and brothers.

Only an ugly young man sitting in the corner eating cherry pie was still staring at Noah's photo, with longing and ambition flashing in his eyes, but he quickly restrained himself.


Totland Sea,

Big Mom Pirates,

"Mmmmm, mom! I didn't expect Noah to be so strong! I really like him more and more!"

Big Mom was holding the report on Noah at this time, her eyes almost turned into red hearts beating on the newspaper.

Every bit of Noah is in line with her aesthetics!

The most important thing is that he is strong enough!

If she can give birth to a child with Noah, it will definitely be her most perfect masterpiece, even Katakuri can't compare!

Even if not, Noah can help her become the Pirate King!

After hearing this, Perospero licked the lollipop cane in his hand nervously and said:

"But mom, he beat up the Celestial Dragons! The World Government will not let him go!"


Big Mom turned her head and approached Perospero with her eyes wide open, frightening Perospero so much that he staggered back.

Big Mom's eyes were bloodshot with anger, and she asked in a low and suppressed voice:

"Perospero! Do you think I'm afraid of those guys from the World Government?!"

Perospero shook his head tremblingly and said,"Of course not, Mom! It's just……"

But Big Mom waved her hand and interrupted,"No buts! It was just a fight with a Celestial Dragon!""

"I killed a few in the Valley of Gods!"

"As long as I can join forces with Noah, One Piece will be mine!"


At the end, Big Mom laughed out loud, as if she was already imagining the scene of herself becoming the Pirate King.

"Go, keep an eye on Noah's location and give him the wedding invitation!"

Perospero was helpless and whispered,"Yes, Mom!"


Ghost Island,

Beasts Pirates

"Oh, lol, lol! Two! There are actually two! Damn it!"

Our teacher Kaido put down the newspaper and stared at the two wanted posters.

They were the wanted posters for Joanna and Alyssa!

"Two mythical beasts! Suzaku and the Five-Colored Peacock!"

At this moment, Mr. Kaido's eyes were red, and he cursed:"Damn it, where are the intelligence personnel! Tell them to roll over! I didn't receive the news that they were mythical beasts until the bounty order was issued for them!"

But Jin folded his hands and said calmly:"Mr. Kaido, our intelligence can't even cover the New World, let alone the first half of the Grand Line and the Four Seas!"

Unlike Big Mom and other people who specialize in intelligence and have won over the six kings of the dark world, Kaido can't even run a zoo now. There are only a few big cats and kittens.

It can be said that the backbone combat force is close to nothing.

The weakest among the Three Emperors, no wonder Shanks will step on him to become the"Four Emperors" in the future.

After all, Shanks' crew is least lacking in backbone combat force.

Kaido was drunk and threw a tantrum:"I don't care, I want it, I want it!"

Seeing Kaido, a rough man, acting like a spoiled child in front of him, Jin was not moved at all. He might have been shocked at first, but he got numb over time.

Jin still calmly analyzed to Kaido:"He can fight the hero Garp on equal terms. Even if he is not as strong as Garp, he is still one of the top strong men.""

"Mr. Kaido, I don't think you can snatch those two mythical beasts from him."

Kaido suddenly roared with anger:"Oh, who do you think I am! Jin!"

"I am the strongest creature in the world! If that little brat Noah knows what's good for him and obeys me, I can give him a position!"

Kaido said as he turned into a blue dragon and rushed out through the ceiling.

No doubt he was going to cause trouble for Noah and the others.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Mr. Kaido!"

Jin stretched out his hand to stop him, but Kaido flew a kilometer away in an instant.

Jin murmured,"Do you know where Noah is? Where to find him!"

"Drinking really does reduce your judgement!"


The Seven Warlords of the Sea also made some unusual movements.

A certain birdman raised his glasses with his middle finger and said with a strange and arrogant laugh:

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Those pigs who think they are so high and mighty have finally been taught a lesson! One day they will fall from the altar!"

"This era has begun to have a trend of going wild!"

The camera turned and came to a man wearing a top hat and a black cloak. The whole person gave people a noble feeling, especially his heart-taking eyes.

He sat upright on the seat of the boat, staring at Noah's photo. The corners of his originally calm face suddenly rose, and his eyes were blazing with flames, as if he was looking at his lover...

Ah, bah! It was as if he was looking at a rare opponent.

"Noah, I didn't expect him to go to Shampoo Land. The next step should be to go to the New World."

Mihawk had already rushed to the East Sea when he saw Noah defeat Shiki, thinking of going to Noah for a kendo match.

But after searching for several months, he couldn't find Noah, so he just wandered around for a while.


Mihawk saw a blurry figure in Noah's photo and instantly determined the identity of the person.

"I didn't expect Shanks to be hanging out with him. It's just right. Let's see if his swordsmanship has improved!"

If Noah was here, he would definitely look at Mihawk with a suspicious and vigilant look.

So it's true love. Even the tiny back figure can be seen to be Shanks!


As for the other seven warlords, the one who had the biggest reaction was undoubtedly the Empress, Boa Hancock.

At this moment, Hancock stared at Noah's photo, her pupils expanding and contracting, and whispered in disbelief:

"I didn't expect someone would dare to fight a Celestial Dragon!"

Looking at Noah's face, Hancock suddenly felt her cheeks getting hot and her breathing became inexplicably rapid.

The two sisters beside her couldn't help but look at Hancock worriedly.

Fortunately, Hancock recovered after a while, but Noah's bounty was taken away by Hancock.

Even the photo section in the newspaper was empty.


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