Noah looked at the hurried figures of the crowd with an expressionless face, and found that some people in this world were not nice. They had to show off their faces. Showing off their faces would make them more positive, and even scolding them would make them support you more.

"Sister Liya, prepare some food for me, I'm hungry."

Noah said to Liya, the chief manager beside him, holding his stomach.

"Yes! Lord Noah!"

Leah smiled and bowed slightly to Noah to show that she understood.

"However, Mr. Noah, you have been eating more and more recently, and you actually eat four meals a day, in addition to three meals, there is also a meal after training."

"In this way, the food will probably be insufficient soon, so we will have to find a place to replenish supplies in a few days."

Liya said cautiously, after all, she didn't know how to say that her master ate a lot!

"Huh? Is that so? It seems to be true. Maybe it’s because these things are delicious and rich in energy."

"It's okay, just find an island to replenish supplies."

Noah didn't say anything. He has been working hard on training recently, so isn't it natural for him to eat more?

"By the way, sister Liya, after you take a bath in the evening, come to my bedroom and I will help you relieve your fatigue."

Then Noah walked towards the direction of the restaurant without looking back.

Liya stayed there for a long time without coming back to her senses, but her face was as red as fire.

Did Lord Noah mean for us to sleep with him just now?

But Lord Noah is only eleven years old.

What should we do? What should we do? Should we agree? Or agree?

No, Lord Noah is still young, at least he must be sixteen years old.


Liya was in a daze until she took a bath in the evening, and the congestion on her face did not go away.

During this time, the other maids saw that their sister Liya was absent-minded and asked curiously what was going on.

Liya did not hide it, after all, she told them.

But what about the content?……

"Lord Noah asked us to go to bed after taking a bath in the evening."

It can't be said that it is not very similar, but it can be said that even if Noah himself came, it would not be recognized that he said it.

Just like that, one person's absent-mindedness turned into ten people's absent-mindedness.

When Noah finished his dinner, he often made mistakes when carrying the plates, and even several times the maids who took away his dinner plate as an empty plate felt a little puzzled.

"Hey, sisters, what are you thinking about?"

Finally, when Noah saw the plate he was eating being taken away, he couldn't help but sigh, resting his chin on his head, biting the fork he had just used to eat, and asked,

""Hey?! Private Marseille! Lord Noah!"

The maid Joanna, who had just taken Noah's plate away, came back to her senses after hearing Noah's words.���She found herself holding Noah's plate and was in a panic. Her young face, only sixteen years old, even turned red.

Of course, it was unknown how much of the blushing was due to this incident.

"Yes, yes, it's okay, Sister Joanna, please put my plate back. Of course, it would be even better if you could tell me what you are thinking about!"

Noah just nodded boredly, then tapped the table in front of him with his fork, indicating that the plate should be put back.

Of course, Noah didn't ask anything. Joanna just put down the plate in a hurry, then blushed and kept repeating words like"nothing" and"nothing happened" and hurried away with the tray.

At night, Noah sat quietly on the bed and used the magic power in his body to nourish the muscles and meridians in his body, dredge the lactic acid accumulation caused by fatigue today, and avoid hidden injuries.

Noah actually didn't like this kind of physical exercise, but he found that the physical exercise in this world is very effective, and the absorbed magic power and energy in food are very effective for the repair of the body and the replenishment of energy.

What does this mean?

It means that he can completely ignore whether it will cause hidden injuries, and just work hard to break through the limit.

Therefore, Noah had to put aside his inner disgust and actively practice physical training. After all, as a king, he knew the importance of strength better than anyone else.

"Boom boom boom……"

"Lord Noah, we are here."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time, Liya's voice was heard.

Noah slowly opened his eyes and said to the door in a light tone:"The door is not locked, Sister Liya, come in quickly!"

""Okay, excuse me, Lord Noah!"

With the sound of the door opening, a group of beautiful women rushed into Noah's room.

Liya and the others came in with towels wrapped around their bodies, but the waves under the towels were faintly visible.

Their long hair was wet and draped over their shoulders, and a few strands of hair stuck to their cheeks, adding a bit of charm.

Noah was stunned by this scene. At this moment, the air around them seemed to become soft, full of mysterious and seductive atmosphere.

After a while, Noah came to his senses, pretended to wipe his nose inadvertently, and then looked at the hand that wiped his nose, as if to see if he had made a fool of himself.

Although I don't know these Noah didn't have the idiot and low EQ to ask why the maids suddenly showed their welfare.

After all, asking questions like"Why did you come to my room dressed like this?" would only embarrass himself, and of course the maids would be even more embarrassed.

Noah simply didn't think too much about it, after all, he had asked them to come to his room after taking a shower.

Noah thought they would come one by one, but he didn't expect them to come in a group.

As for why they came with a towel wrapped around them, Noah thought hard and finally thought that they just wanted to save trouble and came directly after taking a shower.

Noah pointed to his side and said,"Uh..., come one by one and sit here."

The maids' cheeks were also flushed at this time, and their shy looks were like the flowers that just opened in spring, delicate but not coquettish.

At the same time, their eyes would meet Noah's eyes from time to time, but they would immediately shyly flash past, like a little deer, hiding when they saw people.

Those clear and bright eyes were like a pool of spring water, flashing with shy light.

""Okay, Master Noah!"

Liya took the lead and walked forward. She bit her silver teeth, pursed her lips and let go of the towel in her hand.

As the towel slowly slid off, a flawless white body appeared in front of Noah.

For a moment, Noah was stunned by the body in front of him. It took him a few seconds to come back to his senses. He turned his head and said calmly:"Sister Liya, you, what are you doing? Even if you want to sleep with me, you have to wait until I am an adult. Hurry up and put on your clothes first.……"

Noah panicked. He felt his heartbeat quicken. Most importantly, he felt a warm current coming out of his nose. He didn't know if it was an illusion.

Noah tried his best to hold back the warm current, otherwise his reputation would be ruined.

"Ah? Didn't you ask us to come here to sleep with you, Lord Noah?"

Noah realized that Liya had misunderstood, and said madly:"Sister Liya, what's in your head? I called you here to help you heal the injuries caused by exercise this morning."

"As for why you should come after taking a bath, it is because taking a bath can relieve your fatigue to a certain extent and dilate your blood vessels. On the one hand, this will reduce my subsequent consumption, and on the other hand, it will also make my treatment smoother."

"Ah! Gominase! Lord Noah! I misunderstood!"

At this time, Liya's face seemed to erupt like a volcano, and she lowered her head to find a hole to crawl into.

In addition to Noah's strange eyes, she also vaguely felt the embarrassed and annoyed eyes of the women behind her.

This made it difficult for her to act like a maid leader in the next few days.

When Liya wrapped herself in a bath towel and sat down again, Noah turned his head as if nothing had happened, put one hand on Liya's shoulder and slowly controlled the magic power to travel through her body, while controlling the repair of the damaged parts.

During this period, Noah rested several times, and then he sorted out the physical conditions of the ten maids.

After the treatment, Noah pretended to be annoyed and sent all the maids away.

Only after seeing them all leave, Noah stood up from the bed, covered his nose, and walked to the indoor bathroom with a slight bend to take a cold shower.

The next day, Noah rubbed his sleepy eyes and stood up from the bed.

According to the usual practice, Noah absorbed the energy in the surrounding environment in bed, and it took more than an hour before he was ready to get up.

If there is any difference from the past, it is that Noah's face is a little pale, like an anemic patient


Just as Noah was about to get up, he was stunned for a moment.

Then Noah quickly calmed down and felt the situation in his body.

"This is... could it be the same energy as other people's?"

Noah found that there was an extra energy in his body. Unlike magic, this energy came from his own physical body and his own will. Noah's analysis of the energy was not wrong.

"how come���There was nothing like this before. Could it be that this body has recently been generated to fit in with this world?"

Noah has long known that he is not from this world, because he has energy in his body that is different from other people and devil fruits. At the same time, he vaguely remembered that he was the king of a country called Uruk, but obviously there is no country called Uruk among the big countries.

As for the possibility that Uruk may be a small country, Noah did not consider it.

Because it is impossible, Noah does not think that Uruk is unknown from the bottom of his heart.

At present, Noah can only attribute the generation of this energy to his body fitting in with this world.

"Hmm? It seems that I still can't mobilize this energy."

Noah tried to mobilize this energy the same way as he mobilized magic power, but it didn't work. This energy spread all over his body, but it was like mud and couldn't be lifted up.

In this regard, Noah could only give up.

"Forget it, since it is related to the body, I will continue to practice and see if I can call it up. Sooner or later I will find a way to use it."

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