It was already dinner time in the afternoon when Noah and the others returned to the ship.

When they arrived on the ship, Rayleigh had already coated Noah and Shanks' boats, and he also gave Liya a manual for using the bubble.

Elena and Rosalind bought a bunch of ingredients and were planning to show off their skills.

They also planned to invite Rayleigh and Xia Qi.

But the two decisively refused.

Nonsense, don't you know how closely you are being watched by the CP and the Navy?

Coating is easy to say, you pay me and I coat, no problem.

But drinking will undoubtedly expose us.

If we are discovered, our peaceful retirement life will be over.

The two women just nodded with some regret to show their understanding.

After all, they didn't even participate in Shanks's party.

Speaking of surveillance, Noah is also a little annoyed.

It was okay in the morning, and he didn't feel anything when some eyes looked at him. After all, people came and went, and he was surrounded by beautiful women, which was indeed eye-catching.

But staring at him at night is too much!

Although the CP's surveillance level is excellent, there is also overt surveillance by the navy.

This is the navy's blatant reminder for you not to mess around, we are watching you.

The three emperors all have this kind of surveillance ship around them, but this is a secret compromise, so under normal circumstances these surveillance ships will not be destroyed.

But Noah just couldn't stand this, not only destroyed the surveillance ship, but also used magic perception to kill some CPs and navy who thought they were hiding well.

The navy and the world government were so angry that their faces turned red, but they still decided to use long-distance surveillance.

On the ship, Shanks was slightly drunk and smiled wantonly:

"Hahahaha! Noah, everyone on your ship has become famous in one battle!"

"It's not surprising to have so many spies."

Shanks raised the bottle in his hand and said,"Come on, brothers, let's drink to Brother Noah and the ladies' fame in the sea!"





The girls were speechless when they saw this. Although they thought Shanks and his group were very friendly, everyone on this ship loved drinking too much.

They drank all day!

Even Uta looked at Shanks with disgust and felt a little embarrassed in front of Noah and the others.

Shanks wanted to come over and hug Noah, but Noah dodged him easily.

Noah frowned slightly, waved his hand with disgust and said,"No, it stinks!"

Noah had planned to come back and teach Shanks a lesson, but now he has no interest at all.

"What does it matter?"

Shanks burped drunkenly and said with a smile,"We are all men of the sea!"

Noah turned around and left, leaving Shanks standing there in a daze.

"Hahahaha, the boss is disliked"

"Oh no! This isn't the first time!"

"Mihawk is the same!"



The next day, after getting up early in the morning, Noah and his companions planned to set off.

Even Shanks' group of drunkards got up, and they looked energetic, and it was hard to tell that they had been drinking all day yesterday.

Lei Yu did not come to see them off, probably because of the tacit understanding of the men of the sea.

There is no separation, the sea will guide them to reunite.

After the two ships filled the bubbles with air, they began to dive.

Noah found Roland to inquire about the situation of the ship.

Roland made an OK gesture and said,"It's okay, Lord Noah!"

"I helped Mr. Tom use Loran alloy to reinforce it before, it can definitely sail in the New World for a few months"

"As for diving to the bottom of the sea……"

Roland shrugged and said,"According to the water pressure at the bottom of the sea, it is estimated that no ship can survive except the legendary Pluto battleship, so protecting the bubble is what we should do."

Noah thought about it and agreed.

Unlike usual, in order to go to Fishman Island, Liya bought a permanent pointer.

At this time, except for a few, all the women wore thick cotton clothes.

Although Noah was physically strong, he also put it on.

There is no need to bear it. If you have the conditions to enjoy it but don't enjoy it, you are either a fool or something else.

After sailing for more than ten minutes, the women were very excited at first, because there were all kinds of fish in the sea, which looked colorful and beautiful.

But later, the women were a little bored and even a little scared.

It was probably the so-called deep-sea phobia.

Fortunately, Roland took out the lighting lamp he had studied from the laboratory, swallowed it in one gulp and provided lighting himself.

Otherwise, the pitch black was really a bit unsettling.

On the contrary, Shanks and others were well prepared, and the boat was equipped with a special searchlight.

Following the command of Liya and Luo Lan, and the operation of the helmsman Xibel, Noah and his companions quickly dived to nearly 3,000 meters below the sea.

"Alyssa, do you feel a little hot?"

Elena asked doubtfully.

Alyssa also nodded, took off her cotton coat at the same time, and then said in surprise:

"It’s really hot!"

Liya and Luo Lan said calmly:"It’s probably an underwater volcano."

"Well, it looks like there are some signs of activity, but it shouldn't explode."

The other girls heard the two people's bland conversation and couldn't help but jump over and pinch their necks, saying:

"Why don’t you run away!"

Roland pushed their hands away calmly and said,"Don’t worry, look, aren’t Shanks and the others very calm too?"

"And soon we will catch the current, and soon we will be out of this range."

The girls were relieved after hearing this.

Sibel also had sweat on her forehead after hearing this. She was always nervous and was afraid that the volcano would suddenly erupt. She hurriedly adjusted the hull to adapt to the small current and increased the speed of the boat as much as possible.

During this period, some strange sea creatures wanted to eat their boat.

But they were all dealt with by Noah's domineering color.

In order to ensure safety, Noah even released a small amount of domineering color to warn the sea kings coming over.

Shanks also felt the movement on Noah's side, and after reusing the domineering color to the sea kings who didn't know whether to live or die, he said with a wry smile:

"What a wonderful domineering color control! Noah is really a monster!"

Beckman didn't care, there is no shortage of monsters in this world.

��The road was smooth and unobstructed.

But behind them was the deep sea.……

"What is this smell?"

A thousand-meter-long sea king closed its mouth and emitted a strange sound wave.

If someone saw its eyes, he would be surprised to find that this sea king was different from the others. Its eyes were more lively and even made a puzzled expression like a human.

"It seems to be what humans call the Overlord Haki."

The other giant sea king at 5,000 meters above thought for a moment and replied.

"But I don't know why, I feel a sense of awe."

After hesitating for a moment, the sea king expressed his feelings.

At first, the sea king also nodded and said,"Me too"

"Could it be the king?"

The other sea king shook his head, with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

"It's impossible, the king of mankind is still young at this time."

After a moment of silence, the sea king suddenly slammed its head against the huge stone pillar next to it.


In an instant, the stone pillar collapsed, countless stones fell into the deeper seabed, and some fell to the ground and stirred up layers of sea sand.

The sea king shook his head and said nonchalantly:"Forget it, I almost grew a brain, now I'm awake, let's go, let's go"

"It’s almost time to complete the promised day……"

The other end followed, shaking his head, and muttered:

"Yes, it's coming soon……"


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