No wonder Shanks was surprised.

The place Noah pointed to was exactly the Sea Forest, where the historical text was stored.

Shanks hesitated and said,"There...there's nothing special there."

Although Shanks regarded Noah as a friend, Noah's mystery made him instinctively not want him to touch the historical text.

Leah took out the map Neptune gave her and looked at it carefully before exclaiming.

"Hey! Isn't that the Sea Forest? King Neptune even circled it and said it was a very good attraction."

Joanna looked at Shanks with disdain and said,"You are an unqualified tour guide. You don't even know about the Sea Forest."

In fact, if it is a general map sold to the outside world, there will be no Sea Forest, mainly because there is a historical text in the Sea Forest.

Although Neptune doesn't care much about the historical text, after all, no one can understand it except Kozuki Oden brought by Roger.

But since Kozuki Oden talked about the importance of the historical text, Neptune has hidden this place.

After all, both the signpost historical text and the recorded historical text are very dangerous for Fishman Island.

Needless to say, the signpost historical text, the recorded historical text also contains information about the Sea King. Even for his daughter, Neptune doesn't want the news of the historical text to be known to others.

But Noah is different. Xia Lee has been emphasizing that Noah is a distinguished guest, and Neptune also understands that Whitebeard is old, and for the sake of the next generation, he has to seek the next candidate for shelter.

Noah is very good. Not only is he a distinguished guest of Fishman Island in the prophecy, but he is also a friend of Shanks and is trustworthy.

So Neptune marked it out generously and pointed out that it is a very good tourist attraction.

The camera turned back, and

Shanks was speechless and could only babble.

Roland, on the other hand, felt a little strange about Shanks' behavior.

Noah didn't care about Shanks' description at all. At this moment, he felt as if there was a force calling him and pulling him over.

This force was familiar and kind.

So Noah walked over without hesitation.

"Hey! Sir Noah, wait a minute."

Leah saw Noah suddenly walk in that direction, and she followed him after shouting.

The other girls followed him out of curiosity about Sir Noah's rare strange behavior.

Shanks covered his forehead helplessly when he saw this.

"Why do this, Shanks?"

Beckman said calmly:"This is Noah's choice. He would have found that place even if you didn't interfere, so you should have told him everything you know."

"Knowing but not telling is the normal distance between friends, after all, everyone has secrets; asking but not answering is a person's right, but lying when asked is not what a friend should do, not to mention that this is not a white lie."

Beckman said to Shanks earnestly but sharply:"Shanks, that thing just now was not like you at all!" Beckman is a very calm person, but his calmness does not mean coldness. On the contrary, he can understand and sympathize with the difficulties of those around him.

Otherwise, he would not have become a playboy. This is not only because of his outstanding and reliable appearance and temperament, but also because he has a heart that can understand women.

Shanks lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then whispered:"Ah, I'm so sorry, Beckman"

"I was so bad just now and I let you down."

Beckman shook his head and said,"You shouldn't apologize to me, but to Noah and those girls. At the same time, I don't want it to happen again."

Shanks pressed the straw hat on his head, turned his head and looked at Beckman, and said with earnest sincerity,"I promise, my deputy captain!"

Beckman smiled after a long time, patted Shanks on the back and walked towards the Sea Forest on his own.

"Let's go, or Noah and the others will come back!"

Shanks behind him finally smiled innocently, but before he could say anything, he was suddenly patted on the back.

""Boss, we have to hurry!"

Laqilu waved his smooth, oily hands.

Then Jesus and Lime Jones grabbed Shanks' hands and dragged him towards the Sea Forest.

"Hey, put me down, I can walk!"


Noah and the others soon arrived at the Sea Forest.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"This place seems like a paradise, with a strong breath of nature!"

"Well, there are some plants here that I haven't seen before, and I plan to study them."

The girls were somewhat intoxicated by the natural beauty of this place.

Although Fish-Man Island is beautiful, it gives them a feeling of lack of vitality and a bit of depression. Only Mermaid Bay is better.

It may be related to those human traffickers who specialize in catching fish-men and mermaids.

Even with the flag of Whitebeard, it can only prevent them from forcibly catching them in broad daylight.

There are still frequent news of the disappearance of fish-men and mermaids in private.

Joanna curled her lips and said,"This Shanks is really dishonest. He actually hid such a beautiful place from us."

After using her observation Haki to sense the surroundings, Roland relaxed and said,"There is indeed no danger around. Is there any special treasure here?"

Roland didn't believe it was just ordinary treasure. She knew Shanks during their daily interactions.

Shanks would not hide anything from them because of some ordinary treasures. Noah did not interrupt the girls' discussions. He now felt that the voice of the call was getting stronger and stronger.

"That direction?"

Noah walked slowly in that direction, looking a little wary, because he didn't know what this summoning was.

Even if it felt very familiar, subjective feelings could be deceiving.


The girls saw Noah walking deeper into the sea forest, looked at each other and followed him.

Liya walked to Noah and asked softly,"Lord Noah, is there anything ahead?"

Noah waved his hand and made a warning gesture without answering.

Liya and the others were silent and looked around vigilantly, while their sight spread.

When they reached the depths,

Noah suddenly stopped and stared at the scene in front of him in a daze.

Liya and the others saw that Noah had stopped and looked forward.

""Ah? What is this?"

The girls asked in admiration.

What appeared before their eyes was a colorful mist, which looked beautiful and mysterious, just like a flowing rainbow veil, making people curious about the scenery behind.

Luo Lan pinched her beautiful chin and murmured,"I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

""Eh? Luo Lan, have you seen it?"

Liya asked with some surprise, and the girls focused their eyes on Luo Lan, and even Noah cast a questioning look at him.

Luo Lan was not at all shy about the gazes of the crowd. After thinking hard for a moment, she suddenly shouted in surprise:"I remember, this is the legendary seven-colored fog!"

"Colorful mist?"

The girls tilted their heads in confusion.

Luo Lan nodded, looking at the colorful mist with a strong desire to explore, and explained:

"Legend has it that the colorful mist is the entrance to the Eldrard Golden Kingdom, the courtyard where the gods live."


Joanna looked at Roland in surprise, then looked at the colorful mist, and said,"So there is a so-called god in here?"

"Could this be the reason why that bastard Shanks hid it from us, just to keep this secret to himself?"

Before Roland could object, a complaining voice came from behind him.

"Hey, Joanna, I lied and I'm sorry, but please don't compare me to a low-level pirate who deceived his friends for treasure, okay?"

Shanks touched the back of his head and walked over with a slightly apologetic and resentful expression.

As he said this, his face straightened, bowed and apologized:"Red Bean Paste Private Marseille (I'm really sorry)! Forgive me!"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly stagnated, and even Joanna, who was about to refute Shanks just now, looked at Shanks with strange eyes.

"What is going on here?"

Noah broke the silence and asked.

Shanks straightened up with a smile, but his face fell when he saw the scene in front of him and said,"I don't know either!"



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