"I’m really Noah.……"

Noah stroked his forehead gently, looking at the vigilant expressions of the beauties in front of him, and felt tired in his heart.

Forget it, I'd better tell part of the truth.

Anyway, to break the rules, you need to know that you are the king of the huge kingdom of Uruk 800 years ago.

Besides, talking about your own situation is not considered breaking the rules.

Thinking about this, Noah decided to tell the truth.

After all, sincerity is the ultimate skill!

""Okay, okay, I'll tell you the truth!"

Noah spread his hands and said helplessly.

Liya and the others relaxed their vigilance and pricked up their ears with curiosity.

Even Irene, who was always vigilant, relaxed a lot when holding the knife.

Noah saw that except for a few people, the others relaxed their guard a little and were no longer so tense, but they did not completely relax their vigilance. He shook his head with a wry smile, but he was also slightly relieved in his heart.

He trained them well.

Looking at the familiar faces of the girls, Noah couldn't help but fall into memories. There seemed to be a sense of time and space confusion in his memory...

Coming back to his senses, Noah straightened his face and said:

"First of all, I am the me who just entered, not the me on the throne."

"As for my face, it is because I absorbed the power of the soul."

"Well... that is to say, the me on the throne is the soul memory that my previous self left for myself, and it is part of my soul."

"For some reason, I split my soul into two parts, one part became the me at the beginning, and the other part is waiting for my arrival here."

It was really a long wait. If I hadn't been able to sleep in that unknown time, I would have really gone crazy.

Noah recalled the loneliness of that time, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little cold, and he sighed for a long time.

"Eh? Is that so?"

Joanna and Michelle believed it immediately after hearing this, and ran over happily, hugging Noah's arms.

That softness instantly made Noah's suppressed hot emotions in this long loneliness burst out.


Life is returned!

Noah's face changed, and he instantly used his magic skills to suppress the throbbing between his legs.

It was close! I almost made a fool of myself!

Noah took a deep breath. If his arms were not held by the two women, he would have wanted to wipe the sweat from his forehead and nose.

Because he felt his nose was a little itchy, and he didn't know if there was anything that shouldn't flow out.

Liya and Luo Lan looked at each other and nodded to each other.

There is nothing wrong with the logic.

"Why is it here?"

Roland asked in confusion.

Noah was about to divert his attention when Roland's words instantly became a great help. He smiled and replied:

"I know my character well. I am not a person who is content with being ordinary. I may not go to other places, but this is the connection point between the first half and the second half of the Grand Line, so I am sure that I will come here."

Noah didn't know where he would appear. After the world collapsed, his prophetic ability became invalid.

This is also normal. After all, the prophecy of the Omniscient Star is to obtain information by connecting to the root of the world. The world has collapsed, so how can any information be obtained?

He did not wait until the moment when the"Sky Repair" was completed, so he left himself here.

Thinking of this, Noah could not help but be curious about the future development.

So he moved his mind and activated the Omniscient Star.

The Omniscient Star is the sublimation of Gilgamesh's spirit after his death. It is said to be a treasure, but it is actually a bit like a skill, so it has not been lost.

Noah suddenly realized the reason why he could not activate it normally before.

Because his soul was not complete before, and the Omniscient Star was also sealed for the most part. Now it is intact, and he can sense and use it.


Noah frowned and found that the prophecy was still invalid.

"How could this happen?"

Noah felt that the whole world had become a mess, and the chaotic atmosphere filled the whole world.

"It seems that the Imna cultivators are responsible for this!"

Noah sensed the general situation of the world with a little bit of perception.

"Alas, it seems that the damn tree has also suffered. I wonder if it is still alive?"

Noah looked in a certain direction with a rare look of worry.

Now, in addition to having a personality, the power to control the world has been lost.

The magic power has not been recovered yet, and the strength has not been restored. The treasure should be sealed in the tree.

"We have to wait."

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Noah's mind, but in fact, only a few seconds passed in the outside world.

When Roland heard Noah's answer, he nodded slightly, which was considered approved.

Liya asked:"In this case, why did Lord Noah destroy the camera?"

Noah curled his lips and said,"Of course I can't tell you!" He didn't give in at all on this point.

Liya pursed her lips after hearing this, and her eyes wandered over Noah's body, as if she wanted to carefully observe whether Noah was true or false.

Noah was so scared by being looked at, and shouted:"Enough, Lopez! The king is the king!"


Leah looked at Noah in confusion.

"Uh... I said it wrong, it was Liya, I will never say it, are you trying to force me?"

Noah was speechless for a moment. He just said it wrong because he was quick to speak, but he still retorted to Liya forcefully.


The suspicion in Liya's eyes became stronger,"Lord Noah has always called me, 'Sister Liya'."

Noah blushed a little, and said hesitantly:"I am already this old, calling you sister will undermine my dignity."

Liya looked at Noah, who had grown into a boy next door, and nodded with a blush on her cheeks.

However, the suspicion in Roland's eyes became more intense.

First, he matured, and then, except for the general appearance, everything else changed. Although it can be explained by soul fusion, it is a bit outrageous to say the wrong name.


Whose name is this?

Reason told Roland that there was something wrong with this Lord Noah, but emotion told Roland that this was Lord Noah. It was as if when she first met Lord Noah, her soul throbbed wildly, as if telling her:

The man in front of her is the man she will be loyal to forever.

This secret was not even told to her good sisters around her.

It was too mysterious, too middle school.

Noah seemed to notice Roland's gaze, he stared at Roland sincerely and said:

"For some reason, there are some things I can't tell you right now, but please believe me, I am really Noah, absolutely genuine!"

"Oh? Where can I change it if it's fake?"

At this time, Xibel said with a smile, then she put her arm around Luo Lan's shoulders and said,"Luolan, don't worry, he is Lord Noah, my feeling is right!"

In fact, Luo Lan is not the only one who has this feeling. All ten maids have this feeling, the feeling of moths to a flame.

This feeling is more real in front of simple-minded people such as Irene, Michelle and Joanna, so when Noah finished his reasons, they should pounce on him and put away their knives.

Xibel stayed with Noah directly because of this feeling, otherwise she would have escaped long ago.

After a moment of silence, Luo Lan nodded and said,"I choose to believe it too."

There is no way to not believe it. She can't refuse the man in front of her at all. She can't believe that this man is a fake Lord Noah.


After hearing Luo Lan nod, the girls gathered around him. Some asked about Noah's past, and some asked Noah why this happened.

Noah answered some, and those who couldn't answer just shook their heads, indicating that they couldn't say anything.

"Well, it seems that it has been solved.

Although the red-haired man could not figure out whether Noah was real or not, he believed that Noah was real.

It was because of the swordsman's intuition.

Beckman also pinched his chin and kept thinking and judging, almost causing his brain CPU to burn out.

"Oh, forget it, it shouldn't be a big problem."

In the end, Beckman also chose to give up


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