New World.

Whitebeard Pirates

""Oh no, Dad!"

A new pirate ran over in a panic.


Whitebeard turned his head and said with a smile:"Gulala! Stupid son, slow down, have a drink and catch your breath!"

Little Ma Ge laughed and scolded:"Dad is fine, what's wrong?"

The newcomer took the wine handed by Marco, touched his head, and smiled. He knew that he had just said the wrong thing, but when he heard Marco's subsequent question, he immediately remembered what he was going to report, and hurriedly said:

"It's bad, Captain Marco!"


"Senior Squard and his fleet are no longer patrolling the sea area. It is said that they have gone to Fish-Man Island."

The large fleets such as Squard have divided the sea area and patrol regularly every day, but everyone understands that it is just a routine now. After all, Whitebeard is not old yet!

Marco frowned when he heard it, but soon relaxed and said,"Why did this Squard go to Fish-Man Island?"

But he was not angry. They are all brothers. He will just accept the punishment after returning. After all, there is no order without rules.

Vista laughed and said,"Who told you to take all the work of collecting offerings in Fish-Man Island? Those beautiful mermaids are very moist!"

Marco waved his hand and said,"I have to make a call to confirm his safety."

So Marco picked up the Den Den Mushi and complained,"Squard is really something. He should report first before going.""

As he said this, he did not forget to tease his brothers:"If Vista hadn't told me today, I wouldn't have known that you guys wanted to go to Mermaid Island to collect offerings so much. I'll leave it to you next time."

He was tired of running to Fishman Island specially, and the feeling of being wrapped in sea water made Marco, a devil fruit user, feel particularly insecure.

And now someone is rushing to do it.

Several squad leaders smiled at each other and shouted:"Marco, you said it! I'll go!"

"Captain Marco is righteous!"

"The mermaid sister in Fishman Island is so gentle. I have been there several times."


The members of Marco's team stared at their captain with resentment.

How can you sell out your cubs like this, Captain!

Marco couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene, but after a while, when the Den Den Mushi didn't get through, his expression became more and more unsightly.

"How could this happen? Why didn't Squard answer the phone!"

After Marco hung up the Den Den Mushi, he said to his younger brother,"Help me get Squard's life paper!"

The younger brother immediately responded and ran to the cabin to get the life paper.

Seeing Marco's serious expression and asking someone to get Squard's life paper, Bista and the others put down the small barrels in their hands and asked:

"What's wrong, Marco?"

"Did something happen to Squard?"

Whitebeard, who was lying on his side next to Marco, also knew that the Den Den Mushi was not connected, but he shouted calmly:

"Don't be impatient, sons! Let's wait and see what happens to the life paper first!"

Everyone quieted down.

After a while

"Oh no! Captain Marco!"

Marco heard his younger brother's panicked shout and didn't bother to complain about his choice of words.

"What's wrong?"

Marco took the initiative to greet him.

"You... look!"

The younger brother was panting heavily, his face slightly pale, obviously not because of tiredness, but because of fear.

When Marco saw the life paper in his hand, his expression suddenly became solemn.

"Dad, something happened to Scuyard!"

The life paper had burned to the size of a normal person's thumb, indicating that the person was already in a near-death state.

"How could that be? There shouldn't be any problem with Squard's strength!"

"Yes, Captain Squard’s strength is so great that even an ordinary vice admiral can’t do anything to him!"

"Could it be that he met other members of the Three Emperors Group?"

"Maybe it's the navy. They have been displeased with our dad for a long time!"

"Impossible! Our dad is the strongest man. The navy won’t attack him so easily!"


There was a lot of noise below.

Some people thought it was the navy who took action, and their purpose was to surround and kill Dad.

Some people thought it was Big Mom who took action, and her purpose was to exchange for Fishman Island. After all, she had been coveting the desserts of Fishman Island for a long time.

Some people thought it was Kaido, and his purpose was... well, that madman had no purpose, he just wanted to be beaten.

At this time.


Whitebeard stood up, took his supreme sword Kusukumokiri and hit the board with a stick, and then shouted:

""All right, kids!"

Everyone quieted down instantly, which showed the status of Whitebeard in their hearts.

Whitebeard looked around with a serious expression and said in a deep voice:"I know you are worried about Squard, but the most important thing now is to collect intelligence and find out who did it!"

"Marco, take a few people and follow the instructions on the life paper to see if we can alert the enemy."

Whitebeard lowered his head and said to Marco beside him.

"Got it, Dad!"

Marco instantly felt at ease and nodded with a smile.

Whitebeard then looked at Izo and said,"Izo, go collect intelligence and make sure to find the man so that he won't kill him. Agree to any conditions first. Everything is based on Squard's life." Izo, who looked like a woman, also showed a firm expression and nodded to accept the order.

"All right! Go ahead! It seems that there are still people who dare to touch the beards of our Whitebeard Pirates. We must let them know the consequences of offending our Whitebeard Pirates!"

Whitebeard said with a domineering look in his eyes.


The people below also responded with high morale.

Whitebeard sat back in his chair and sighed that he had to hurry up.

He had to give the world a hard dose before his physical strength declined, otherwise the constant spies would make his body more burdened.

He knew how much potential his son had.

Marco was not bad, but that was just the limit. He could barely reach the level of admiral. After all, his physique was not good, and he did not have the belief to be the king.

Vista had more than enough attack, but his swordsmanship was a bit off, and he pursued too much gorgeousness. Although Whitebeard did not understand swordsmanship, he had seen great swordsmen, such as Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, etc. They cut with one sword.

They are all just too clever, splitting mountains and seas with ease.

His own son is not as fancy as cherry blossoms. However, he did not dare to say much about the swordsmanship, and only mentioned it briefly. After all, the road to becoming a great swordsman depends on himself.

Jozu is good at defense, but he trusts his fruit ability too much in defense.

If it were given to Whitebeard, one punch would not require the fruit ability, and the internal damage of the Ryuo would be enough to make him vomit blood.

There are more than enough backbone combat power, but there is no one who can carry the banner.

This makes Whitebeard a little worried. Who should he find to establish his authority?

Whitebeard thought about beating up Big Mom and Kaido.

But he has to solve the problem of Squard first.


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