Kaido has been coveting the mythical beast Marco for a long time. Although he once killed Kozuki Oden, Kozuki Oden had already disembarked, and even if he was a companion, so what? If he succeeded, would n't he make a fortune ?

In any case, as a tyrant, Kaido doesn't mind that he invites his enemy, even if he wants to kill him all the time after getting on the ship, as long as he can obey at the critical moment.

After all, for Kaido, his goal is to launch an unprecedented huge war.

"What are you talking about?!"

When Marco heard that Kaido actually invited him openly, his face was slightly stunned, and then he felt an indescribable anger. He felt humiliated.

"You killed Oden! And you destroyed Oden and Izo's countries!

There is no possibility for us to work together!"

A ball of blue-green flame rose from Marco's body and wrapped around Marco. His hands turned into a pair of wings made of flames and swung them violently. He stared at Kaido with sharp eyes and said:"Let's start the war!"

Kaido was silent for a moment and said:"Kozuki Oden is indeed a powerful samurai!"


Kaido swung the Eight Precepts at his waist, and instantly, it was surrounded by dazzling lightning and smashed towards the three people.

"That foolish prince has become a dead man!"

Thunder Bagua!

Kaido started with the Thunder Bagua, which was unique in the world, but it did not contain the Conqueror's Haki. However, even so, Marco and others were slightly shocked.

"Shine and crash!"

"Undying thistle!"

""Rose Shield!"

The three of them quickly used their own means of defense or attack to resist.


In an instant, the impact of the armed color flashed a dazzling light, and then a harsh sonic boom came from the air, as if a whine was heard in the space between the attacks of both sides.

At the same time, a strong wind broke out, and the whole ship became a little swaying, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, neither side was hurt, but a solemn look flashed across Marco's face.

At this time, Marco and others were all in their early thirties and were in a period of rapid development of strength. Compared with ten years later, they were still inferior in terms of domineering.

When attacking just now, Kaido's bone-penetrating flowing cherry made Marco and others a little defenseless, and even Vista, who had a high attack and thin blood, oozed a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, but it was quickly wiped away by Vista.

Kaido carried the Eight Fasts, nodded with satisfaction and said,"Not bad! Although a little immature, you still have the potential to be one of the three disasters under my command!"

Marco said disdainfully:"If you hadn't used dirty means back then, how could you have defeated Oden!"

"As for our strength, it is not your turn to judge!"

Kaido smiled indifferently and said,"Oh, no! Marco, you are too naive, we are pirates!"

"Isn't it normal to use some means?"

Marco gritted his teeth with an unpleasant expression. Although he wanted to deny it, Kaido was right. There was no fairness in the battle between pirates.

In fact, Kaido was a little shaken when he was mentioned about this, but he soon stabilized his mind.

"There is nothing to say to you! No matter what you want to do on Fishman Island, you can't do it today as we are here!"

Although Marco didn't know why Kaido was going to Fishman Island, Fishman Island was the territory of their Whitebeard Pirates, so they naturally had the obligation to protect it.

Immediately, Marco said to Joz and Vista:"I will take the lead, Vista will find the right time to attack, and Joz will cover Vista!"

"Good!" ×2

Marco said as he shot out like an arrow, leaping high into the air and transforming into an immortal bird, suddenly spreading its wings.

"Phoenix Seal!"

Marco turned into a human-beast form again, a dazzling ball of light appeared between his claws, and then he turned over and kicked Kaido.

Kaido laughed and swung the Eight Precepts in his hand, and a column of stick energy was swung out, bombarding Marco in the air.

Marco and the stick energy attack collided with each other and instantly canceled each other out.

Vista took the opportunity to attack. He jumped high, wielded two swords at the same time, and looked down and emitted a large number of red rose petals.

The whole scene looked particularly gorgeous and full of danger.

""Dancing Roses!"

Vista's petals wrapped around the knife and fiercely slashed across Kaido's chest.


The attack unexpectedly hit Kaido's body, but Kaido seemed to be unconcerned and swung the Eight Priests at Vista's back of the head to hit him.

But just as he swung it, Joz turned into a blue flash and rushed over


The whole person slammed into Kaido like a speeding train.


Kaido's expression could not be seen clearly, but he was knocked back several meters.

Joz asked in a deep voice:"Are you okay? How was the cut just now?"

Vista replied with sweat on his forehead:"It's okay, it was cut in, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

Two blood lines appeared on Kaido's chest, and then blood began to flow out of it, but soon the blood stopped oozing out.

Kaido lowered his head to wipe the blood from the wound, and the three were shocked to find that the wound had recovered.

Kaido said boringly:"This kind of slash is too weak!

Hey! Boy! This fancy slash is completely painless!

But the strength of the shining kid is pretty good!"

Kaido looked at Joz with admiration. Although he was not a mythical beast, his strength was not worse than Quinn who had eaten the ancient species. He was interrupted by Marco just as he was about to invite him.

"It's not over yet! Crane Claw!"

Marco swooped down again, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a ball of gushing flames. There was a stinging sonic boom in the air, and he kicked Kaido in the head.


Kaido didn't make any move, and took the blow with his face, but facing the powerful kick launched by the inertia of high-speed flight, he couldn't help but stagger in the direction of the kick, and staggered a few steps.

Marco shouted in horror:"Uh! How is it possible!"

Kaido turned his head with a crooked neck to look at him, and then used the strength of his neck to push his foot away. Kaido's eyes were red, and he exuded a powerful domineering aura all over his body. The huge amount of domineering aura went straight to the sky, and the Eight Fasts in his hand began to appear like brushed black and red lightning entangled.

"It hurts a little, kid! But don't be too arrogant!"

""Gundali Longsheng Army!"

Kaido roared and wrapped the Conqueror's Haki around the Eight Rings, and quickly swung the Eight Rings in all directions around Marco.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In Marco's perspective, there seemed to be a sky full of stick shadows, which were unavoidable.

The attack wrapped with Conqueror's Haki fell on Marco. At first, Marco's body was strangely like a natural system, and turned into flames after being attacked and was penetrated by the Eight Rings, but the last stick of the Eight Rings hit Marco's entity.



Marco was hit into the bottom of the ship by a stick, and a big hole appeared on the deck in an instant, with smoke and dust everywhere.

This time Kaido clearly told Marco and others how strong the Emperor's attack was.

Vista and Joz shouted with horror:"Marco!"

The people behind him also came back to their senses from the scene that seemed to destroy the world just now, and shouted in horror and worry:"Captain Marco!"


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