The next day.

The sunlight shone through the window onto the girl, no, the woman's body, which was glittering with a moving luster.

The woman's charming eyelashes moved slightly, and then her eyes opened slightly. She moved her body slightly, and a slight stinging pain came, but it also made the woman feel extremely relieved.

But when she saw the sunlight, she screamed and sat up in a panic, wailing softly:

"It's over. They're probably going to get up."

""What's the matter?"

A gentle but slightly majestic voice sounded beside Liya.

Liya didn't care that she was not wearing any clothes. She knelt on the bed and said apologetically:"Sorry, Lord Noah, I woke you up!"

Noah propped up his head with one hand, admired this charming body with a smile, and sighed in his heart that she was really a beautiful person.

"It's okay, but my second brother was woken up in the morning and was in a bad mood, so……"

Noah said, smiling and throwing Liya onto the bed, and began his morning exercise in Liya's shyness.

After all, the morning is the most important part of the day!


After more than an hour,

Joanna came out rubbing her sleepy eyes and asked the other girls in confusion:

"Huh? Why didn't Sister Liya get up to call us today?"

Irene and Guina, the crazy practitioners, had already gotten up. After hearing what Joanna said, they looked at each other and shook their heads.

"When we got up, there was no one except Rosalind who was on night watch."

Alyssa said that maybe Lord Noah had arranged some work last night, so he slept late.

At this time, Roland walked to the deck, shook his head at the girls and said,"Don't think about it, there is no one in Sister Liya's room."

""Hey? Where is Sister Liya?"

Michelle asked worriedly.

Just when the girls were starting to get worried and wanted to look for Liya everywhere on the ship, Liya came out from nowhere.

"Um, hi, good morning, everyone!"

Liya greeted awkwardly, then clasped her hands and said apologetically:"Sorry, Lord Noah arranged some things yesterday, so I overslept."

In fact, Liya was indeed busy until very late, and she went to bed at dawn.

Luo Lan said with a puzzled look on his face:"That's not right, I went to your room before, but I didn't see you?"

Liya quickly replied:"I went to Lord Noah's place at that time."

She was indeed cleaning up the battlefield at Noah's place at that time, and she also had to take the quilt to wash it, and she had to be careful not to be seen by others during the whole process. It

's so exciting to be a thief on your own ship

"Oh, that's how it is."

Loran didn't think much about it, after all, Liya did help Noah get up every day.

Liya exhaled lightly and wiped her sweat secretly.

Elena smiled and said,"Thank you for your hard work, sister Liya, come and have breakfast, we will have lunch soon."

Liya waved her hand and refused,"No, Elena, I'm full."

Liya touched her slightly bulging belly.

Elena asked in confusion,"Are you full? What did you eat?"

"Soy milk~"

Liya's eyes rolled and she answered hurriedly, then she ran away quickly, saying,"Lord Noah has something to do, I'll go over first."

Elena was left even more puzzled and murmured,"Today's breakfast is milk, where's the soy milk?"

After a while, Noah walked slowly towards the restaurant, and the girls greeted Noah with smiles along the way.

Joanna asked curiously,"Lord Noah, what have you arranged for Sister Liya to do?"

The girls couldn't help but prick up their ears when they heard it, after all, Noah had never arranged any work to be done until midnight.

Noah paused slightly after hearing this, and instantly understood the key points. He flicked Joanna's forehead viciously and said,"Children don't need to know so much!"

Joanna exclaimed softly, rubbed her forehead, and said dissatisfiedly,"Obviously, I'm older than you."

Noah touched his chin and said,"From a physiological point of view, my body is the same age as you, but from a psychological point of view, I am now an old man in his fifties."

""Huh?" the girls exclaimed. Although they knew that Noah couldn't be only in his teens, they still couldn't help but exclaim when they heard Noah's real age.

"However, my bloodline is not ordinary. First of all, I will remain the same until I die. I will not age and my body will always be in peak condition. Secondly, I live longer than normal people. As for how long, it is probably twice as long as normal people."


The girls exclaimed again after hearing this, this time in admiration for Noah who was born with the eternal youth that the sea had always dreamed of.

Many of the strong men in the sea are not afraid of death, but of the decay of their bodies, because this would allow the ants in their eyes to jump in front of their decayed selves, just because their own decayed bodies caused a decline in strength.

Noah said unhappily:"Why? It's just that you can live a little longer. There should be many such means in the sea!"

Unlike in the past, they could only let people study pure gold with great difficulty, and later gave up

"Eh? A lot?"

Michelle looked at Roland with some curiosity and asked for more information.

Roland thought for a while and said,"The devil fruit should be able to do it. I heard that the user of the surgery fruit can make people immortal. I saw this in a miscellaneous book, but it requires the life of the user, so it should be an evil method.

In addition, I heard that there is a magical metal in the world - pure gold. Its radiation can make people eternal. Specifically, it slows down cell division and achieves the purpose of prolonging life.

Other miscellaneous novels, biographies, and unofficial histories also have some methods of longevity, but they don't seem very reliable."

Although Roland said this, everyone was still shocked by these methods. Longevity!

Roland then looked at Noah and said,"By the way, Lord Noah, didn't Sister Liya just say she was going to find you?"

Noah asked around in confusion,"Really?"

Seeing everyone nodded, he wondered in confusion: Is she going to hang the quilt?

Never mind, Noah nodded and said,"She should be hanging my quilt. She was too reckless today and spilled the soy milk on my bed, so I punished her to wash it by hand."

"Ah? Sister Liya is so pitiful."

Michelle felt a little sorry for Liya. Washing the quilt by hand was not an easy job.

But when she heard Noah's half-smile saying that he wanted her to help, she immediately stood up and criticized Sister Liya for being so careless.

As she spoke, she walked over angrily, saying that she wanted Sister Liya to pay attention to washing the quilt gently and not to damage the quilt.

Elena and Rosalind looked at each other and asked,"Isn't it milk for breakfast today?"

"Did you prepare soy milk?"


Noah was instantly embarrassed when he heard the two people's question and answer, and could only change the subject and shouted:"Those who work, work, and those who practice, practice!"

"Joanna, have you practiced Life Return yet? Why are you still wandering around here?"

Joanna touched her head in confusion, walked into the practice room, and muttered,"Have other people learned it?"


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