Just as Joanna and Michelle were furious about Irene's"betrayal",

Scuyard woke up.

"Ah, here is……"

Scuyard woke up unsteadily, and the doctor who was standing by saw him and ran out to find Marco.

"Squard, you finally woke up."

When Squard's vision was clear again, Marco, his father and several squad leaders came to the bedside.

Marco said happily when he saw Squard wake up:"You are so reckless. You are injured so badly!"

When Marco received Squard from Neptune, he did not recognize that the man in front of him who was tied into a cross with bandages was Squard.

However, as a ship's doctor, Marco immediately discovered the poor health of Squard. Although he saved his life, if it were not for his regeneration flame, Squard would have to find a place to retire.

After Squard drank a sip of water, he first sincerely apologized to his father and brothers. If Marco had not pressed him and his father had not reached out to stop him, he would have even wanted to get up from the bed and kowtow to his father.

Marco joked:"You, don't you look at Shanks' bounty? Is this something you can get by cheating?"

Squard said in a deep voice:"I know his talent. If I don't take action again, I will have no chance in the future. I don't want to be a coward all my life."

Marco listened and patted his shoulder silently, saying:"This sea can contain everyone's ambitions, and it can also contain everyone's hatred. The past is the past."

Marco could pull a few brothers to help teach Shanks a lesson, but it would be impossible to kill Shanks.

Not only because of the Roger Pirates behind Shanks, but also because it was inconsistent with his inner morality.

Squard smiled bitterly and said:"I know, I have tried my best.

Shanks is really a genius. He has realized the King's Color Entanglement at the age of only 26 or 27, and I can feel that his proficiency in the other two-color domineering is not bad."

Whitebeard's eyelids twitched slightly after hearing this, and he laughed:"Gulala! No wonder my beloved son was knocked unconscious for so long."

The King's Color Entanglement comes with mental shock, plus the near-death damage, it is already very good to be knocked unconscious for nine days.

Marco said with a little surprise:"I didn't expect that the interns like me are so strong now!"

As he spoke, Marco's eyes flickered and he felt a little uneasy.

He had experienced the power of Conqueror's Haki, although Shanks' Haki was definitely not as strong as Kaido's, but judging from the injury of Squard, it was definitely not weak.

Whitebeard saw Marco's silence and knew that the boy was a little shocked.

After all, he was five or six years older than Shanks, and he was blessed with a mythical beast species that was rarer than the natural type.

Whitebeard was happy to see this kind of blow.

Under his wings, Marco grew up too smoothly, and Haki could only be fully sublimated in battle, so in terms of Haki, Marco was even better than other children.

The disciples are slightly inferior to the real strong ones.

However, he is not worried about whether Marco can become a strong man at the level of the general emperor. He is just thinking about whether Marco can become a man who can stand on his own, that is, how far he can go as a general emperor.

The general emperors are also divided into high and low levels. People like Whitebeard and Roger are almost at the end of this road.

As for the three future admirals, although they slacked off during the war at the top, it is not difficult to see from the battle of Akainu that they are still quite a distance away from the end of the general emperor.

Whitebeard came with the debuff of hidden injuries all over his body, and was stabbed by the filial son Squard, and then was killed by Akainu because of this knife. His abdomen was pierced, and then he was hit in the face by a cannonball. Because Ace was distracted, Akainu pierced his chest again, burning off half of his face. In the end, he still managed to beat up Akainu and Blackbeard.

Throughout the war at the top, Whitebeard had a lot of debuffs, but even so, Akainu was still seriously injured. This shows that even if the old Whitebeard's strength has declined and he can hardly use his Observation Haki (otherwise he would not have been unable to react to the sneak attack of the filial son), he still has the fighting power to rival the emperor.

You can imagine the gap between the strength of the three admirals and the emperor level.

The admirals fighting against the future four emperors are only limited to delaying them. Don't even think about winning.

Two admirals against one Four Emperors, and the Four Emperors can come and go freely.

Whitebeard thought about Marco's strength. He was already at the level of Quasi-Admiral, but he didn't know how long it would take to step into the level of Admiral and Emperor. Moreover, Marco didn't have any great ambitions. Instead, he was very similar to him. He just wanted to live a happy life with his family. But he was not like him who had God chasing after him to feed him.

Whitebeard was worried about whether Marco could take over the position of captain before his strength declined. Now that Shanks was giving him a warning, he was very happy.

But if Shanks dared to come, he would still have to beat him. After beating his own son, should he give him face?!

"Ah, cut!"

Shanks sneezed in the distance, rubbed his hands, and thought to himself: Could it be that Makino missed me?

Beckman glanced at Shanks expressionlessly and said,"Don't touch me with this hand before washing your hands, or I will kill you, Shanks!"

Facing Beckman's intimidation, Shanks laughed and wanted to pat his shoulder, but when he saw his sharp eyes that were as sharp as substance, he couldn't help but laughed and said,"Hahaha! Hey, Beckman, don't be so serious! We are all men of the sea."

However, seeing Beckman's slightly trembling brows, he decided not to challenge the bottom line of his own"mastermind" and asked seriously:

"How far is Elegia?���?"

Bendik Snake raised his sunglasses and said in a muffled voice,"It's almost there. We'll be there in half a day."

Shanks murmured,"That means tomorrow morning! Just in time, we can go to the island as soon as we get there!"

Thinking about the party, Shanks was very happy and decided to go to bed early tonight.


At night, Noah stopped Joanna and Michelle who were about to leave.

This time, Noah didn't even make up an excuse, and directly said that he had something to tell them.

So Joanna and Michelle stayed there a little uneasy in the gloating eyes of the girls.

After the last pure little white rabbit, Guina, left, the girls outside the door returned to the corridor and whispered,"Lord Noah is going to have a double meal today!"

"Maybe these two little sisters are usually very close, so Lord Noah couldn't bear to separate them."

"Hehehe, you are so bad!"

"I really want to stay and eavesdrop!"

"What are you thinking? This door was made to the highest quality. Noah later renovated it. The soundproofing effect is excellent."

"I guess Lord Noah had thought of doing this at the beginning, so he specially renovated it."

"I...I think so too"

"I left some perfume to cheer me up when I left"

"Wow, sister Vanessa, you are so cruel!"

"I think I left a tiny camera on Mr. Noah."

"The one before?"

"Sister, can you please spare me a moment?"

"Me too!"

"Let's go to the room. It's not good to be seen by Kuina here."


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