Totmujika came back to his senses and found that the place was desolate. Except for the group of powerful humans in front of him, all the humans who had fled like ants before had disappeared. This made him a little crazy, and his desire for destruction could not be vented.

Noah said calmly:"It's coming. I'll cover you and you attack!"

Shanks and others responded in a deep voice:"Okay!"

As soon as Totmujika finished speaking, he opened his mouth and fired a"destructive death ray" at Noah and others!


Noah looked at the incoming light cannon indifferently, and waved his hand casually. The surrounding weapons rose from the ground as if they had been summoned, and gathered in the air into a torrent of steel and crashed into the light cannon without fear.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Although Shanks and others were a little shocked, they still used this wave of attacks to cover and rushed towards Totmujika.



Guns and cannons continued to bombard Totmujika's face, slashing at his neck.

Rosalind rushed forward like an arrow, muttering,"Hot Hell·Violent Foot!"

Then she jumped high, turned over and kicked Totmujika in the stomach.


Rosalind's slender legs ignited a dazzling white light, like a flashing spear piercing Totmujika's stomach, and a white flame passed through her body.

Then Rosalind turned over and withdrew from the attack, landing steadily on the ground. As soon as her legs landed, a small piece of the ground was burned black, showing the scorching temperature of her legs and feet.

However, Rosalind's eyes did not relax at all, because after the smoke and dust dissipated, Totmujika's stomach was not hurt at all.

She said to Roland,"It seems that no matter how you attack, he will recover at a very fast speed!"

After hearing this, Roland raised the sniper in his hand and put a bullet flashing with blue light into it.

Roland, who obtained the Swallow Swallow Fruit, had already developed a material that can store Noah's magic 100%.

Roland took aim and pulled the trigger.



With a roar, a breeze blew up in front of Roland, and Totmjika's head was knocked back by something. At the same time, a mushroom cloud with a radius of more than ten meters formed.


Totemjika let out a slight roar of pain, but after the smoke and dust cleared, everyone's pupils shrank slightly, and they saw that Totemjika's head was blown apart, but a steady stream of musical notes gathered around it, and in just a few seconds, the entire head returned to its original shape.

Shanks looked at Uta in Totemjika's belly anxiously, and said,"It looks like we have to wake Uta up!"

"Or there is another way."

Luo Lan took over and said:"That is to exhaust Uta's physical strength!"

"It should be impossible for Uta to create such a powerful monster. He should only rely on Uta's ability to come to reality temporarily at this moment, and he should also be restricted by Uta's physical strength, so there is no way to pull us into the Gege world, otherwise even if we enter that world for just one or two seconds, our bodies in the real world may be attacked during this period!"

Loran analyzed lightly, making people feel that she was a little cold and indifferent.

But it's not that she is not anxious, but for a scientist like her, she knows that anxiety is the most useless emotion and will not bring any help to the problem.

Beckman, who also had a calm face, nodded and agreed:"I think there is nothing wrong with what Loran said."

Noah said:"Then try both methods, Shanks, let's go, the rest of us cover us!"

Shanks held Griffin tightly in his hand and whispered:"No problem!"

""Okay, Lord Noah (Noah)!"

No one had any objection to this. After all, the strongest attacking power among them was Noah and Shanks, and the belly of Totmujika where Uta was located must be his strongest defensive part, so leaving it to Noah and the others was the best decision.

The two of them pointed their toes and turned into two streams of light and rushed towards Totmujika.

Totmujika seemed to be frightened when he saw Noah and leaned back. He could feel that the world was full of the breath of the dwarf in front of him, and the attack that just blew his head off was also full of his breath, so he was a little afraid of Noah.

When Totmujika saw Noah flying over, he immediately shot out lasers from his mouth and eyes.

"Don't try to stop Lord Noah!"

Joanna turned into a flaming Vermillion Bird and flapped her wings. The flames turned into a wall of fire that firmly blocked the laser. At the same time, Rosalind was not to be outdone. She added armament color and fruit ability to her legs, jumped up and kicked the laser firmly.

Beckman certainly couldn't let the girls take all the attention, so he faced the light cannon that burst out of Totumjika's mouth alone and said with a smile:"Don't try to disturb my captain! And...……"

Beckman used his armed color to harden the flintlock in his hand, and swung the gun like a stick to hit the light cannon fiercely, shouting:"Give us our diva back!"


The others were not to be outdone, and quickened their pace to pass Noah and the other person, distracting Totmujika's attention.

As Shanks got closer, he also felt the presence of Uta, who was suspended in Totmujika's stomach with his eyes dull and wrapped in a purple-black energy.

This scene directly made Shanks angry, his eyes were ferocious like a ferocious overlord sea king, and a domineering color burst out from his body. The whole space was filled with dark clouds, and countless lightning bolts were entangled around Shanks.

"Give me back my daughter!"

Shanks immediately wrapped his Conqueror's Haki around Griffin and stabbed Totemugika's belly with a fierce sword. Instantly, Totemugika's belly collided with his sword, and a gust of wind rushed out. Countless black and red lightnings swam around like thin snakes.


Shanks roared and chopped hard at Totmujika's belly, but apart from a slight dent, even if Shanks' forehead veins burst, he couldn't go an inch further.

Suddenly, Totmujika felt the attack on his belly, lowered his head and shot a light cannon at Shanks, the troublemaker.

But how could he succeed with Noah beside him?

Noah kicked the light cannon away with one kick.

Shanks felt the light cannon behind him disappear, and he turned over and jumped back, saying with an ugly face:"Damn, this kind of defense!" Is it really necessary to wait for Uta's physical strength to be exhausted?

But this is just a guess. What if this monster extracts Uta's vitality?

Noah seemed to see what Shanks was thinking, and said with a faint smile:"Of course not, it's just that your strength is not enough."

Shanks was stunned when he heard it, and then smiled in surprise:"Noah, so you can break it?!"

Noah smiled and said:"Of course, it's just to this extent, but I want to give you, Uta's father, a chance to show off in front of your daughter, but what can I do?……"


Noah pretended to be helpless and spread his hands and shook his head, saying:"You are so useless!"

Shanks didn't care about Noah's ridicule at this moment, but urged:"Then save Uta quickly!"

Noah said calmly:"Don't worry, Uta's physical strength has not been exhausted yet, don't worry, I will rescue her now."

As he said that, Noah clenched the Dawn in his hand, took a deep breath, and slowly raised the knife in his hand. At the same time, lightning wrapped around the blade, and he murmured:

"This sword opened up the world, divided the day and the night, narrated the origin, and explained life and death. It is a sword that opened up the world and a sword that separated the world!"

Noah clenched the Dawn in his hand and swung it at Totemjika's waist. The sword seemed unstoppable and split the space. Totemjika's originally indestructible energy barrier was broken like paper.

Even a faint black line appeared in the whole world, as if the whole world was cut open. Fortunately, it was smoothed out by Noah as soon as it appeared.

The slash cut off the lower part of Totemjika in an instant, and Noah shouted at the right time:"Shanks, it's now!"

Shanks quickly came back to his senses from this scene, and saw that Uta had escaped from Totumjika's control, and the energy that enveloped her also dissipated because it was out of Totumjika's control.

Shanks saw his baby daughter in free fall, and rushed over to hug her gently.

Seeing that Uta's breath was stable and there was no damage on her body, Shanks breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, Totumjika roared and disappeared unwillingly on the spot


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