"Then leave it here. I guarantee that no one can get it."

Noah smiled and stuffed the music score into his own treasure of the king.

Noah specially divided an area for this kind of dangerous and uncontrollable items. The things in it will never appear in the real world.

Gordon looked at the music score that was immersed in the aperture, and his eyes were even more reluctant. If he didn't know that Shanks was doing it for his own good, he would have suspected that Shanks and others were deceiving him, a poor man who almost lost his country.

Seeing this, some ministers whispered,"No, King Gordon!"

But Gordon waved his hand to interrupt their words.

Although Noah, Shanks and others responded to the disaster in time, it also caused the death of hundreds of people, some of whom were soldiers, some were guests, and a small number of them were crushed to death by the houses knocked down by Shanks in the town below.

As for the castle, it was also half-broken and looked shaky. Obviously, it was uninhabitable.

Shanks knew that although it was not his fault, it was summoned by his daughter. He felt guilty, so he left all his treasures and borrowed 1 billion berries from Noah.

Noah said speechlessly:"Shanks, it is wrong for you to do this. It has nothing to do with you. Although it was summoned by Uta, the music score belongs to their country after all. Because they did not preserve it well, it almost killed Uta and the lives of the people."

"In other words, we saved a country's people, but now you do this. Although people who know the cause and effect of the matter will understand and appreciate it, more people who don't know will think that you are admitting that it is your fault, which will cause their resentment."

Just like the"help or not" that the society has been arguing about in the previous life, Judge Wang said it very well and hit the heart:"Since it was not you who hit it, why did you help?"

Shanks didn't mind at all and laughed and said,"It's nothing, I'm a pirate, Noah!"

Shanks turned to face the sea, his eyes revealing light, and said,"As a pirate, you are free, follow your heart, I want to do this, so I did it. As for what you said that it will make them misunderstand and resent, as a pirate, I have never been afraid of other people's resentment. If you want to take revenge, I welcome it."

Noah was stunned for a moment and smiled,"It's just that you have this strength. Otherwise, if you were from this island, someone would break into your house in the dark and kill you in minutes."

Shanks laughed heartily and said,"If I were from this country, I wouldn't have the strength and I wouldn't be able to come up with so much money!"

"Remember to pay back the money!"

"Don’t say that. You are so rich, do you still need this little money?"

"My money didn't come from the wind.……"

"Isn't it? I have seen you many times suddenly pick up a box full of money or treasures on the sea island."

"Uh... Anyway, I feel really unhappy about being taken advantage of for free by others!"


That night, Uta woke up and opened her eyes to see the familiar ceiling.

"How did I get back on the ship?"

Uta sat up, feeling a little confused, and then staggered out of bed.

When Uta opened the door, she saw Shanks and others sitting on the deck drinking.

When the crew saw that Uta woke up, they said to her happily:"Wuta, it's great that you woke up!"

"Mr. Hongo was right. Uta woke up very quickly."

"How does Uta feel?"

"I have fruit tea and some desserts."


When the crew saw Uta wake up, they were all excited and brought over some desserts. After all, Uta was unconscious due to exhaustion, so adding some sugar would undoubtedly make her brain clearer.

Hongo put down the wine and walked over, squatted down, touched Uta's head and whispered:"Uta, how do you feel?"

Uta took the fruit tea and cake with some confusion, and said:"Mr. Hongo, I'm fine, but what's wrong with me? I clearly remember that I should be at the party."

Hongo was a little dumb after hearing this, and turned his head to look at Shanks, not knowing what to say.

Although Uta did not mean it, and did not destroy the Kingdom of Elegia, she still killed hundreds of people in the final analysis.

This sin should not be borne by a nine-year-old child.

Shanks touched her head and said:"At that time, a monster appeared, and Uta was scared to death on the spot. Lulu! Uta is so lame. It's a waste for her to travel to so many islands with us."

Shanks laughed and made a face at Uta, and the taunting was full.

"Shanks, you!"

Uta puffed her lips angrily, but her mind was blank.

How come I have no impression at all?

Could it be that I was really scared to faint?

And was my memory so scared that I closed myself off?

Uta wanted to refute, but she felt a blank in her mind and was a little unconfident.

So she puffed her lips and jumped up angrily, jumping across a distance of several meters to Noah's boat.

Shanks laughed when he saw it,"How cute! He actually ran away shyly."

Beckman shook his head speechlessly and said,"Noah and the others won't say it."

Shanks said confidently,"No, Noah should understand what I mean."

Beckman had a bad feeling when he saw it, but thinking about Noah's brain, he felt that he should understand Shanks's feelings.

Joanna and others were also looking for something to eat and drink, leisurely enjoying the moonlight. After all, they had fought fiercely for more than ten minutes, so the food in their stomachs was gone long ago, but they could still stuff some things in.

The sky was clear, and all the nearby clouds were dispersed by the aftermath of the previous battle.

"Hey, Uta, you're awake. It's so good to see that you're okay!"

Joanna couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Uta could run and jump.

She had treated Uta with the Healing Flame before. Vanessa and Hongo said that Uta was just exhausted and there was no problem.

But now that she saw that Uta was okay, Joanna was relieved.

Uta greeted Joanna and the other girls sullenly, and then said to Joanna:"Did that monster kill many people?"

Uta glanced at the island and found that the most obvious castle on the island was already in ruins. It can be imagined how outrageous the battle was at that time, and she was scared to death. It is estimated that others did not have time to escape.

Joanna asked hesitantly:"Huh? Shanks told you?"

Uta nodded.

Didn't he say that? But being scared to death by a monster is simply a black history, and she should not repeat it.

But in Joanna's eyes, she was extremely surprised, and said in disbelief:"How is it possible? How could Shanks tell you?"

Uta curled her lips and said sullenly,"I said it!"

She also laughed at herself.

Noah also straightened up in surprise and sighed,"Could it be that I underestimated Shanks's domineering and thought that this kind of problem would have to be faced eventually, so I told Uta directly?"

Vanessa and Alyssa looked at Uta with pity on their faces.

Elena brought her homemade dessert and smiled gently,"It might be better to eat something sweet."

Uta was a little confused. She felt that the girls were so gentle, but too gentle. Wasn't he just scared?

He just died a little bit. Why is it like this?

It was Joanna who solved her doubts.

Joanna said with some emotion,"Yes, I heard that more than a hundred people died, but Uta, don't feel too guilty. After all, this was not your intention. It was the monster that controlled you, and it was also King Gordon's fault. He didn't……"


The cup and cake in Uta's hand fell to the ground. Uta's face turned pale at this moment. She looked at Joanna in disbelief and said in a trembling voice:

"Sister Jo... Joanna, what did you just say?

Shanks probably didn't expect that his joke would ruin his secret in less than a minute.


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