Noah's side.


I saw Elena and Kuina slowly put away their swords and exhaled deeply.

Kuina said helplessly:"What's wrong with these people? Although your face has changed, Sister Liya and the others should be able to recognize you.

They are still clamoring for your head.

What are these people thinking?" Her eyes were fixed on Noah, who was lying on the recliner and being served by the women and fed snacks.

Noah just smiled and clapped his hands gently, saying:"Well fought!

As for the situation you said, it is very normal, which means that the entrance to the new world is not far away.

After all, only fools who don't know how high the sky is will think that dragons and ants are creatures of the same level.


Noah looked at the piles of corpses on the ship with a playful look on his face. It felt like he had watched a good farce.

Especially that big fool didn't even fire his cannon, but directly shouted to get closer.

This made Noah feel a sense of déjà vu for some reason, but he couldn't remember what it was when he thought about it carefully.

Anyway, I think it's very interesting!

It was rare for Loran to come out to serve Noah. She was seen lying in Noah's arms, casually taking a black grape-like fruit and stuffing it into Noah's mouth.

Noah swallowed it without hesitation, and did not forget to tease Loran with his tongue.

Loran did not react much, just rolled his eyes at him, and then said:"[Blood Red Bull] Glaris, bounty of 180 million Baileys, ordinary bull-type devil fruit, I don't know what kind it is, but it can be seen that the talent is not weak, but……"

"Hehehe, it's just that the eyesight is a little bit off!"

Joanna took over the conversation with a smile.

Loran didn't say anything. It can't be said that it's a little bit off. There have always been many idiots in this sea, and the more powerful but not much people are, the more stupid they are.

For example, the future Kidd.

Elena walked slowly, and saw wisps of blood-red breath flowing out of the corpse. The breath on Glaris's body was several times thicker than that of others.

They poured into Elena's body like a flying bird returning to the forest.

Some of Elena's minor flesh injuries were instantly restored, and at the same time, they were as smooth as new, and the physical strength that was originally consumed in the battle began to recover continuously. The most important thing is that the ghost energy in the body awakened by the Shura Fruit has also increased a little.

After this battle, Elena's strength has increased a little.

Elena kicked Glaris's body boredly, looked up and said,"Guina, do you want this corpse?"

Guina curled her lips and said,"I still prefer kendo."

Michelle jumped over and smiled,"Don't be like this, Guina! Look at this guy, he's as strong as a bull, wouldn't it be nice to command him to do some odd jobs!"

Kuina thought about it and it was true. If she had her own energy flowing into the corpse to control it, there would be no talk of rotting. It was still a dead person, so it wouldn't be tired!

Kuina didn't reject it and nodded and said,"Okay!"

Then two tails swam out from Kuina's waist, and Kuina instantly turned into a human-beast form. A stream of energy was released from her tail and poured into Glaris's body in an instant.

Half a minute later, Kuina stopped the energy transmission, and her body staggered forward, scaring the two women on the side to quickly walk over to help, but Kuina stopped her with one hand, and smiled weakly:

"It's okay, just a little tired, just take a rest."

Michelle saw that this didn't seem to be fake, so she was relieved and pretended to be angry,"You, if it's so tiring, just say it directly! At worst, we don't need it, it's not a big deal!"

Kuina's face recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she smiled and said,"If you just give a simple order and let him make a random attack, the physical strength required is actually very small, but if you want to exert the strength before birth or even stronger, you need to consume more energy, just like what happened just now"

"In fact, it is mainly because this way his intelligence is higher and he can handle more things."

Michelle looked at the corpse on the ground in amazement and said,"So is he alive or dead?"

Kuina rolled her eyes at Michelle and said,"Of course he is dead. He still needs me to recharge him on weekdays, so he will automatically sleep when nothing is wrong. Well, just like a robot." Michelle shuddered and said,"Your ability is a bit weird."

Kuina suddenly laughed and said,"There are more interesting things!"

Suddenly, Glaris opened his eyes, turned over and stood up, then knelt on one knee respectfully, and said in a stuttering voice:"Meet... meet... the master!"

Kuina smiled and said,"Glaris, show it to my good sister!"


Glaris stood up, and suddenly two bull horns appeared from his head, and then his whole body was covered with bull hair. At the same time, his hands and feet turned into bull hooves, and the whole person landed on four bull hooves, and he did not forget to snort majestically.

"This, this, this!"

Not only Michelle and Elena were startled, but even the girls on their boat were frightened and stood up straight. However, Noah did not move much, but raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled.


Loran and Vanessa discussed it all at once, their expressions excited like a mad scientist.

"Let me tell you, the so-called devil fruit, especially the animal-type devil fruit, is to transform the body of the eater into a capable person."

"I also said that it was definitely achieved through the transformation of bloodline factors!"

"But if it is a modified bloodline factor, then why didn’t the offspring inherit this ability?"

"Uh... I don't know, how about finding a chance to clone it and try?"

The two girls chattered endlessly, and Noah beside them couldn't help but cover his ears.

Roland and Vanessa ran over, thinking of instigating Guina to help control a superhuman and natural type in the future.

They were very curious whether the corpses of the superhuman and natural types could use their abilities.

Seeing that Noah's face was getting darker and darker, Liya smiled and asked them to come back, otherwise they would probably die in bed at night. However,

Xibel looked at Elena who came back with a little admiration, and said:"Elena, you are so handsome when you fight!"

Elena blushed in embarrassment after hearing this. Although she didn't have any injuries on her body, her clothes were a little torn because she didn't hide from the many flesh wounds. Her fearless appearance also scared many pirates. Moreover, most of the dead pirates died miserably, either with their stomachs ripped open or without their heads. Some were even worse, with their torsos turned into bones, but their internal organs were fine.

Well, this person died of pain before he died from excessive blood loss.

Elena found that she had an inexplicable enthusiasm when fighting, and some new tricks that were not very convenient to her were used to her. Inexplicably, he became proficient, and even occasionally used some antelope-hanging horn-like moves.

Fortunately, it was Kuina who killed the captain, otherwise his body would not be so intact.

Sibel's brain circuits have always been unique, and Elena's bloody fighting posture is inexplicably passionate.

Joanna, Michelle and others opened their mouths speechlessly. It was because they were used to Elena on weekdays and had seen her kill many blind people, so their psychological stress resistance was relatively high, otherwise they would at least vomit bile.

Elena, who ate the Shura Fruit, seemed to be even more perverted.

Well, in every sense...

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