Fisher Tiger was watching a little girl named Kerla go home.

When Kerla excitedly threw herself into her mother's arms, Tiger smiled with relief.

But when he noticed the fear and terror in the eyes of the human when he saw him, he frowned and turned back.

Suddenly, a brisk but reluctant voice sounded behind Tiger.

"Uncle, Uncle Tiger! Thank you for keeping your promise! I will never forget Uncle Tiger, Brother Hachi, Uncle Aladdin, and everyone in the Sun Pirates!"

That was Kerla's gratitude!

After hearing this, Tiger's mouth curled up, and he turned around and waved to Kerla to indicate that he understood.

At this moment, Tiger's heart was full of hope, and at the same time he realized something.

The opportunity for peace may lie in the next generation!

But just as Tiger walked to the road not far from the village.

Suddenly, a group of naval soldiers ran over from all directions and surrounded Tiger in front of his astonished eyes.

A major general with a skull as tall as his body came out and said calmly:

"I am Rear Admiral Stoloberg of the Navy Headquarters. We received information from someone on a certain island that you would come to this island. The adults in the village you just went to knew in advance that there might be some chaos here. As a condition for us to let go of the girl who belongs to the Celestial Dragons, Captain Fisher Tiger of the Sun Pirates!

You have two crimes, and you should know them well, attack and escape!"

After saying that, Stoloberi raised his hand and pointed at Tiger.

In an instant, the sound of gunfire resounded through the sky.

At the same time, a row of warships at the dock surrounded Jinpei and others.

Arlong, who hated humans, instantly realized that this was a human leak! Jinpei also thought that Boss Tiger would be in danger, so he asked Arlong to deal with these navy, and he led a group of fishmen to rescue Boss Tiger.

Sure enough.

When Jinpei found his boss, Tiger was covered with gunshot and knife wounds. Jinpei's strength is no less than Tiger, so he immediately rushed up angrily to block Stoloberi, and then the others dealt with the soldiers and fled with the seriously injured Tiger.

Stoloberi looked at the figures of Jinpei and others going away, he waved his hand to stop his men, and said:"No need to chase!"

It was impossible to deal with Tiger before Jinbe arrived.

This was also his purpose.

Otherwise, why do you think he said so much in front of Tiger, and he only went up to touch him occasionally.

As Borsalino's adjutant, he also learned the essence of paddling!

Too much blood loss, at most serious injuries!

Stoloberi secretly analyzed Tiger's injuries and sighed deeply. He knew that his appointment as vice admiral might have to be postponed.

This is why Borsalino apologized.

His subordinates didn't stop him, and it had nothing to do with him.

But he didn't care. After all, his own family knew his own business. His potential to become a vice admiral was the best, and it didn't matter to him sooner or later. It's just that Borsalino may not be able to become an admiral because of this incident. In this way, their faction will have no general to support it.

But... everything is for justice!

Jinbe and others escaped successfully as in the original!


Noah's side

"Report to Lord Noah! A warship appears ahead!"

Joanna saluted playfully.

Leah also saw the shadow of the warship and said in surprise:"It's rare. It shouldn't be coming to find us. The hull looks scarred. It must have experienced a big battle. I don't know whether it won or lost." As we all know, the navy generally likes to use force to overwhelm others, and warships are always lined up in rows.

In the New World, there are even fewer who dare to sail alone on a warship.

Noah was fiddling with the straw boredly, and sensed a weak breath on the ship, and said:"There is a seriously injured person on the ship, you can go and take a look."

"Seriously injured?"

Vanessa murmured, and then gladly requested.

The women had mixed opinions about the navy, so they planned to go and take a look. If they liked it, it would be no harm to treat it.

Of course, if they didn't like it, they would all be killed!

Joanna followed as an assistant and a mount.

When they got close,

Joanna asked in surprise:"What? Why are they a group of murlocs?"

Vanessa also saw that a group of murlocs were blocking the door of the cabin, talking anxiously and worriedly.

"It looks like the one who is seriously injured is the merman!"

Joanna flapped her wings hurriedly, and her speed suddenly increased by several levels.

Originally, she didn't care much about the life and death of the people on the boat, but since it was a merman and she had a good relationship with King Neptune, she couldn't be slow.

Joanna flapped her wings, turned into a beam of fire, and rushed to the deck of the warship.

When the mermen heard the sound, Joanna and Vanessa were already standing on the deck.

The mermen turned around and saw that it was humans. They became nervous and shouted:"Everyone come quickly, there is a human attack!"



In an instant, a group of mermen held knives and guns and faced Vanessa and the other person.

Vanessa raised the medical box in her hand and shouted:"I have a good relationship with King Neptune and Princess Otohime. Our captain said that there are seriously injured patients here, so we are here to save people!"

The fish people looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing this, but after the previous betrayal, everyone did not trust humans from the bottom of their hearts.

Joanna said impatiently:"Sister Vanessa, can't we just knock them down and go in?"

Although this group of fishmen have some strength, they are only about the same as the lieutenants of the Navy Headquarters. To them, they are just miscellaneous soldiers.

As for Jinbei, he is still guarding the house and has not come out.

Vanessa also sensed that the breath in the house was getting weaker and weaker. She could not care less and said sorry. When the fishmen heard this, their muscles tensed up and they did not dare to be careless at all.

But suddenly they felt dizzy, and then a group of fishmen fainted on the ground.

Listening to the symphony of the fishmen, it was obvious that they were knocked out by Vanessa.

Vanessa and Joanna did not delay and rushed in directly.

Jinbei felt that something was wrong outside and was about to go out to see, while Aladdin was persuading Tiger to give him a blood transfusion, but Tiger was determined not to give him human blood. He said bluntly that he could no longer fall in love with humans.

At this time, Vanessa and the others rushed in.

Jinbei shouted vigilantly:"Who are you? What happened to my brothers outside?"

No sound came from outside, not even screams, which made Jinbei feel a little uneasy.

Aaron also shouted angrily with an angry face:"Despicable humans, what have you done to my fellow fishmen!"

Vanessa did not intend to answer them at all. She quickly put down the medical box in her hand, then opened it and took out one of the green and red potions.

But when she heard Aaron's words, she glanced at Aaron and said,"Joanna, teach this fish a lesson and throw it out!"

Joanna's eyes lit up, and she responded with a smile:"Okay!"

Aaron was already angry and depressed because of the serious injury and dying of Big Brother Tiger. After hearing what Vanessa and Joanna said, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and planned to bite off the woman's neck, but he saw the figure of the woman in front of him flash and disappeared from his sight.

Then Aaron felt a cramp in his abdomen, and Joanna suddenly appeared in front of him. A seemingly weak punch made his abdomen dent.

Aaron's eyes widened, bloodshot like spider webs crawling all over his eyeballs, and even the acid in his stomach was vomited out.


Jinbei raised his fist to support, but was stopped by Vanessa.

"If you want to save this fishman, shut up!"

Joanna laughed and lifted Aaron with one hand and walked out of the cabin.

Jinbei could only watch, but after hearing what Vanessa said, it seemed that they were not enemies, otherwise, with the speed of the woman just now, he probably would not be her opponent.

Vanessa murmured:"The injury is not serious, but the blood loss is too much." Aladdin hurriedly said:"Yes, but Boss Tiger is unwilling to give a blood transfusion."

Tiger was already in a trance, and when he was interrupted by Vanessa, he didn't even have time to say that he was a slave.

But he still murmured unconsciously:"I don't want to give human blood, I would rather die than...……"

Vanessa frowned and said,"It's okay. Pour the green potion on the wound and the red potion orally. If you can't open his mouth, feed it to him through his mouth."

Vanessa handed the potion to Aladdin.

Aladdin also quickly poured the green potion on Tiger.

The wound that was still bleeding stopped bleeding instantly.

This gave Aladdin, who was still doubtful before, a lot of confidence, and he quickly fed Tiger the red potion through his mouth.

Vanessa took out the utensils and started to prepare the potion on the spot.

There was no other way, Tiger���The blood took too long. The red potion took time to take effect and produce blood. Tiger might not last more than two minutes, so she had to prepare some life-saving potions.

However, this was easy for Vanessa who had the medicine fruit.

"This medicine is also for oral administration, just drink it and it will be fine!"

Vanessa handed the medicine to Aladdin in a swift and decisive manner.

Aladdin was also convinced by Vanessa at this moment, and hurriedly fed it to Tiger.

Sure enough, Tiger, who was originally breathing weakly, instantly calmed down.

Jinbei asked anxiously:"Aladdin, how is Tiger?"

As the ship's doctor, Aladdin also knew that his boss had been rescued. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After opening his eyes, he looked at Jinbei with a smile and said:

"Boss Tiger is fine now, and the lost blood is being replenished very quickly." Jinbei was stunned for a moment, then he smiled with relief and said with a sob:"That...that's great!"


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