"Are you still alive?"

Noah nodded, and then suddenly said to shock the audience:"I'll give you a suggestion, it's better for you to die!"

As soon as he said that, Jinbei shouted angrily:"Even if you are my benefactor's partner, you can't say that about my brother!"

Jinbei clenched his fists and wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Tiger.

""Wait a minute, Jinbei!"

Jinbei immediately stopped where he was, as if he had pressed the pause button, turned his head to look at Tiger, and asked angrily:"Brother Tiger, he actually said such a thing, it's unforgivable!"

But Tiger lowered his head silently.

Noah continued with a smile, as if giving alms:"Whether it is for yourself or your brothers, it is better for you to die. This king can help you"

""Damn it! You bastard!"

Jinbei raised his fist and punched Noah in the chest.

Thin streams of water gathered on Jinbei's fist like a whirlpool.

This is the fishman karate.

""Five thousand tiles punch!"

Noah stood there calmly, staring at Jinbei, and saw a flash of red in his eyes. An invisible pressure instantly descended on Jinbei.

Jinbei seemed to have seen some horrible scene, his pupils shrank, and the movement of his hands softened. He was about to kneel on the ground, but fortunately he reacted in time and knelt on one knee to offset the pressure.


The wooden board on the ground was instantly penetrated by Jinbei's knee.

Jinbei clenched his fists tightly, sweating all over, and the whole person looked like a fisherman fished out of the sea. As if coming up, there was a hint of fear in his eyes, but he still had no intention of retreating, and his eyes were fixed on Noah.

Noah looked at Jinbei with admiration.

Is Jinbei so courageous at this time?

The so-called"mere Four Emperors" arrogance.

Tiger realized that Noah's strength was even stronger than what was reported in the newspapers. With just a glance, he crushed Jinbei, who was equally matched with him.

So he quickly pleaded:"Mr. Noah, please forgive Jinbei's rudeness, I am willing to take the blame for it!"

Noah shook his head, which made Tiger's heart sink, but who knew that Noah turned and said:

"I admire him very much, how could I blame him?!"

Tiger said with a happy face,"Great, thank you very much!"

""Brother Tiger!" Jinbei shouted indignantly.

Tiger interrupted,"Jinbei, Mr. Noah is right, I shouldn't live in this world anymore."

""Brother, why?!" Jinbei said puzzledly with tears in his eyes.

Tiger said with relief:"I'm tired, and as long as I'm here, Princess Otohime's dream will never be realized. I have become a benchmark, an example of being an enemy of humans under the misunderstanding of many fishmen. As long as I'm here, the contradiction between fishmen and humans will continue to intensify."

Another thing he didn't say was that as long as he was alive, the navy would continue to send people to surround and kill him, and even CP would appear to assassinate him.

As a slave, he knew the power of CP, especially CP0. Everyone was not inferior to him, and many were even stronger than him. During this period, there must be many innocent brothers who would die because of him, so he didn't want to live like this.

Jinbei closed his eyes painfully.

At this time, Noah said lazily:"Hey, there are two kinds of death: one is real death, and this king can send you on the road with the king's sword, which is also a fulfillment of your benevolence. After all, you are not qualified to die under my king's sword.

The second way, of course, is to fake death. Luo Lan has the ability to change her appearance, so it's easy for you to ask her to make a real mask for you."

When Jinbei first heard the word"real death", his face was no longer angry, but when he heard the word fake death, his numb face was filled with joy, and he turned his head to ask Vanessa:

"Benefactor, is there really such a mask?"

Vanessa smiled gently and said,"Of course there is, but I never thought I would use it."

At the beginning, Roland accidentally discovered a material with good plasticity and good breathability. With Vanessa's potion, it will not be stuffy at all and can be worn all the time.

The reason why Vanessa said this is because this mask has always been used for the boudoir pleasure between them and Noah.

For example, guess who I am? The real Vanessa, or the fake Vanessa?

Joanna next to her walked out with a slightly red face.

Jinbei immediately knelt down on both knees in front of Noah and said,"I was reckless just now, please help Mr. Noah."

Noah looked at Jinbei with appreciation. Just now, under the pressure of his domineering color, he would rather get one knee injured than kneel down on both knees, but now he kneels very decisively for his eldest brother.


Tiger was so moved that his eyes were filled with tears. He didn't know what to say.

"I have no objection, but……"

Noah looked at Jinbei with interest, but Jinbei's eyes did not waver at all, so he continued:"But if I need you in the future, you have to become my general."


Jinbei was a little confused, but he nodded and agreed without hesitation.

So Vanessa went back to find Roland to prepare the materials, and before leaving, she handed a pill to Jinbei

"This is a fake death drug."

Jinbei was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reached out to take it.

Then Vanessa gave Jinbei and the others a trick with a bad taste.

Jinbei hesitated, but nodded in agreement.

After Vanessa, Noah and others left.

Tiger said with some concern:"Will Aaron be in danger if you do this?"

Jinbei shook his head and said:"Don't worry, brother, I will follow. If he is in danger, I will risk my life to save him." Jinbei is very confident that he can escape unscathed even if he encounters a vice admiral. Of course, the premise is that this vice admiral is not a"fake" vice admiral.

For example, Garp, the shameless old man, and the three monsters who are about to be promoted to admirals.

However, Jinbei feels that he has good luck and should not encounter such monsters.

It was Noah who was in the room at the time who kept looking at her with strange eyes after hearing Vanessa's dark plan.

Noah even used countless means to survey the body that had already been cooked inside and out.

Noah finally murmured:"Strange, there is no problem, is this the power of fate?"

Joanna also heard Vanessa's plan, but she looked at Vanessa with some horror.

That fishman Aaron was so miserable. He actually offended the most sinister sister Vanessa. First, he had his bones and nose broken by himself, and then he was plotted against by sister Vanessa. What a miserable fish!

Joanna looked at Aaron's room with pity.

Back on the boat, Joanna began to chatter and share with her sisters what had just happened on the warship. The highlight was the poor fishman Aaron. The girls all looked sympathetic.

But when they heard that Aaron was a racist, they angrily cursed that he deserved it.

After hearing Vanessa's needs, Roland did not hesitate and directly pulled her into the laboratory to prepare to make a mask.


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