The knife should have been easily dodged, but Borsalino was injured on the cheek. It can be imagined that his mind was not focused on Elena.

Borsalino dispersed the lightsaber and raised his hands, saying slowly:"Please spare me, I dare not be careless in front of the famous Noah."

Elena made a strong decision for Noah and said:"Lord Noah will not attack by surprise!"

Noah nodded and took out a recliner and snacks. He lay on it and raised the cup filled with juice to signal:"You fight, and I will watch."

Borsalino did not hold back and put his hands on his chest.

Eight-foot Mirror!

A beam of light was emitted from his chest. After several refractions, Borsalino suddenly appeared above Elena's head.

"Have you ever been kicked by light?"

Kick at the speed of light!"

After saying the classic line, Borsalino raised his long legs that were glowing with golden light and kicked Elena in the head.

Elina's observation Haki didn't react, but her combat instinct made her roll back quickly.


A flash of golden light passed by, and it was like a flash bomb, followed by a violent explosion.

Under the raging strong wind, Noah put on sunglasses at some point, and exclaimed:"Elena dodged well, and the monkey's long legs are also very smooth!"

Although Elena avoided the frontal attack, the explosion still blew her away.

Fortunately, the mythical beast species is resistant, and she used armed Haki to defend in time, so she was only a little embarrassed.

"Elena (sister)!"

The girls around Noah couldn't help but worry about Elena. Sibel ran over and helped Elena up, asking with concern:

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

Elena didn't even look at Sibel, her eyes were fixed on Borsalino who walked out of the dust leisurely. The fighting spirit in her eyes not only did not retreat because of the powerful attack, but became even more intense like a raging fire.

Sibel was not surprised by this. Since Elena ate the Shura Fruit, she had become more fanatical in fighting than before. Usually, she was no different from before, but as long as she met a strong person, her eyes would be firmly attracted to that person like a magnet.

""Lord Noah!"

Elena suddenly shouted.

Noah immediately understood and materialized two swords. Judging from the sharpness of the two swords, these two swords are not inferior to any big sword.

There is no doubt that they are at least A- fakes.

Noah waved his hand, and then the sword shot out and stabbed in front of Elena.

Elena smiled and said,"I didn't want to use it at first. After all, it looks a bit weird for a girl. But when I meet a strong man like you, as a due respect, I can't hold back."

Borsalino was a little surprised that Elena could dodge his attack. Although he often used this trick to greet, not everyone could dodge it.

Now hearing that Elena seemed to have even stronger abilities, Borsalino instantly thought of the devil fruit.

Sure enough, two heads suddenly popped out on both sides of Elena, and even four more arms.

This is Shura's true fighting posture!

Elena picked up the two knives on the ground and held them in her hands.

Borsalino widened his eyes slightly and said,"Oh~, so scary~, it turns out to be the same mythical beast species as Mr. Sengoku?"

If Zoro in the future saw Elena like this, he would probably say that she looked so familiar.

However, this is different from Zoro's Ashura Sword. Zoro's form is a special combat state, which is only temporary and will consume a lot of physical strength.

But in Elena's form, not only will she not consume a lot of physical strength, but she will recover faster and be stronger!

Elena stepped hard, and instantly the ground under her feet appeared with spider-like cracks, and the whole person rushed in front of Borsalino in an instant.

Borsalino repeated the same trick, disappeared in an instant, and then suddenly kicked from the side, but this time it was easily blocked by Elena. She even used her extra hand to cut his clothes with a knife.

After Borsalino retreated, he murmured:"I like this dress very much. I must ask Mr. Sengoku to reimburse me when I go back."

But seeing that Sibel also rushed over, he sighed and said,"It seems that this fight will take a long time."

So the sky flashed from time to time throughout the night, just like daytime.

The residents of the entire island heard the noise, but they all huddled in their homes and dared not go out. No one went out to check the situation, and they just watched through the windows.

That night, the islanders experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter. Sometimes the weather inexplicably cooled down, and even frost appeared. Sometimes it was hot and hot, and it was still too hot even after taking off clothes.

Because later, Noah asked the other girls to go up and fight with Borsalino.

Except for Elena, the battle maniac who kept fighting and became more and more energetic, the others took turns to attack.

Noah also She saw through Borsalino's conspiracy.

To put it bluntly, she wanted to collect intelligence from the girls, and even relied on her own speed to collect intelligence from Noah. However, she didn't expect that the girls were quite strong and could completely intercept his attacks.

On the second night, Elena's eyes suddenly shone brighter than ever before, and then she fought with Borsalino in human form. She barely dodged Borsalino's light-speed kick and fell unconscious with a smile on her face.

Breakthrough in Observation Haki!

Intermediate Observation Haki → Advanced Observation Haki!

Elena vaguely predicted the future one second later, and then quickly made a dodging gesture.

Noah instantly He appeared beside Elena in an instant. This speed made Borsalino's pupils shrink slightly. More importantly, his observation Haki didn't react at all!

However, Noah turned his back to Borsalino carelessly, as if he was not on guard at all. He stroked Elena's face with his hand tenderly, not minding the dust on her face at all. Then Noah picked her up carefully, taking care not to touch her wound, and disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he had returned to his original position.

During the whole process, Borsalino did not make a move, but looked at Noah warily.

Vanessa happened to be resting there, so she hurried over to help. Busy treating the wounds.

Because Borsalino was the only one there, Elena couldn't recover by killing other people, but Shura's own recovery ability was also top-notch, so she didn't lose as much blood as Tiger.

But she was also seriously injured, with several wounds pierced by lasers, burns from lightsabers, and some injuries caused by kicks.

Vanessa complained:"Lord Noah, this Shura Fruit is too dangerous. It doesn't care about its own body in battle. Although there is no fatal injury, I am very uncomfortable with this kind of behavior of calculating the cost of injury like a machine!"

As a doctor, she is still not used to this kind of behavior of disrespecting her own body.

Noah just said lightly:"This is the path she chose herself. There is no way. You should just keep an eye on her."

Vanessa didn't speak, but she treated the wounds faster


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