"I can cooperate with you. I promise to give you three years. I can complete the accumulation of original capital and provide you with a cash flow of 10 billion Baileys per year. In a few years, I can even make more, 30 billion, 50 billion, 100 billion!"

Tezulo became more and more confident, and even his face was full of arrogance at the end.

It was as if he was saying: Are you scared? Why don't you pour me tea and wine respectfully?

Who knew that Noah suddenly puffed up his mouth, and finally covered his head with his hands and laughed wantonly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Even the girls stared at Tezoro with interest, as if he were looking at a clown.

Tezoro's forehead was sweating, and he shouted,"What are you laughing at?! What I said is true! As long as we cooperate, all the wealth in the world will be gathered in us!"

At the end, Tezoro was a bit hysterical.

"Haha, you really made me laugh, you're a good clown!"

Noah pretended to be short of breath and stroked his chest, saying with a smile


Noah suddenly stopped smiling and said indifferently:"You should learn the proper manners of a captive and show proper respect to me!"

As he spoke, the sky suddenly darkened, and the lightning and thunder showed the anger in Noah's heart.

"If you can't learn, I can help you break those two legs that can't bend!"

For a moment, in Tezoro's sight, it seemed that Noah's body was getting taller and taller, and the whole person seemed to have become a giant, and he had to look up.

Before Tezoro could speak, an invisible pressure fell on him.


Tezoro felt that this force was like a prehistoric beast that could not be stopped. In an instant, his legs fell to his knees, and even the ground was knocked into a small pit by his kneeling. At the same time, some spider-web-like cracks appeared on the ground.

A series of hegemonic colors spread out like ripples, and countless animals moved away from this area. Those who were closer rolled their eyes and fainted on the ground.

However, Liya and others seemed unaware, but Kerla gently pulled Vanessa's clothes. She felt genuine fear for this scene that seemed like the end of the world.

Vanessa gently touched her head and comforted the little white rabbit softly.

"How is it possible?!"

Tezulo felt his mind being constantly impacted, but it weakened just when he was about to faint. However, the gravity on his body did not seem to be fake. His legs were bleeding from kneeling, and no matter how hard he tried to pull his legs, they did not move at all.

"This is your ability, right? This is definitely your ability! Noah, you hid it so well, I didn't expect you to have multiple fruit abilities!"

Noah ignored Tesoro's hysteria, picked his ears, frowned and said,"Shut up!"

Tesoro wanted to say something, but after meeting Noah's indifferent gaze, he was speechless in an instant.

I'll die! I'll definitely die!

If I dare to say one more word, I'll be killed!

Noah nodded with satisfaction, and then thought to himself:

Did this person appear in the original book?

He should have appeared, such an interesting person.

But I can't remember it, Noah shook his head secretly.

His mind is full of a group of two-dimensional wives, how can I remember a Golden Emperor!

Noah shook his head and said bluntly:"From today on, you are my captive, collecting treasures from all over the world for me, famous swords, devil fruits, I want them all!"

Tesoro just lowered his head, but he said mockingly in his heart:

Sure enough, as long as people are human, they will have desires for money, and the man in front of him is no exception. What a joke, he just feels offended and wants to vent physically to declare his sovereignty.

Tesoro only felt that the idea in his heart became more firm.

After hearing Noah's words, he hurriedly obeyed in an unwilling but helpless tone:"I understand, Lord Noah!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his chest, and then the whole person flew backwards.

Bang bang bang bang!

After breaking several trees in a row, Tesoro stopped in a rock wall.

Tesoro's last consciousness was aggrieved and confused: Why?

Noah stood where Tesoro was kneeling and curled his lips disdainfully, saying:"Dare to make up this king? Do you really think that this king doesn't know what you are thinking? You don't know whether to live or die! It's just a handy tool. Do you really think that this king is short of money?"

Joanna pouted and asked coquettishly,"Lord Noah, what's the point of keeping this person?"

Liya said,"The Gold-Gold Fruit can extract gold from the mines. Although money is nothing to Lord Noah, a huge amount of money still makes it easier for this person to collect treasures for Lord Noah."

Noah nodded slightly, looked at Liya approvingly, and said,"But this is also because this person is very compatible with the Gold-Gold Fruit. Otherwise, unless it is an exposed gold mine, the Gold-Gold Fruit ability user cannot easily extract it at the beginning."

Joanna looked at the man in surprise and said,"I didn't expect this man to be a genius!"

"Genius? Maybe!"

Noah looked at Tesoro with a half-smile.


Can he be better than the sun god? What

Noah remembered most clearly in his previous life was Nika's unreasonable burst of strength. He could complete the journey that others would take a lifetime in just a few days.

"Lord Noah, what's wrong with this person?"

Michelle and Sibel poked Bakara, whose front teeth only had a few black holes, with a branch, and Sibel raised his hand and shouted.

Seeing this, Liya quickly told everyone about her previous experience.

Hearing that Liya actually"saw" the future, the girls were all happy.

Elena smiled and said,"It seems that Sister Liya will soon reach that level."

But Liya waved her hands in distress and said,"This is just the beginning. I don't feel anything now. You are much better than me."

Then Liya looked at Elena with envy.

Originally, Liya had the best talent for observation among the girls, but Elena overtook her.

Elena smiled bitterly and said,"I can't stand the slightest emotional fluctuation. I still have a long way to go."

Not everyone is Luffy, who can comprehend and skillfully apply advanced observation Haki in just one battle. Noah listened to the girls flattering each other commercially, shook his head and said to the sturdy man not far away:"Ada, quickly dig that man out for me, and then take him back with me."

Ada (Glaris) responded:"Yes, sir!"

Noah felt that Glaris's name was too long, so he simply changed his name to Ada.

Then Noah interrupted the maids' flattery and asked them to take the prey and the disfigured woman back to the shore.

Liya tied Tesoro's boat with a rope and left. They didn't have time to find an island to let them get off.

As for the gold on the island, Liya didn't care.

Joanna murmured:"By the way, what was the name of the big guy?"

Michelle tilted his head and thought about it, and finally spread his hands and said:"Who knows?"

Roland said lightly:"What name does a tool need to know?"

"makes sense"



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