"Okay, sisters, those who haven't got the Devil Fruit don't worry, you will find the right one sooner or later. It's better to exercise your physical strength first!" Noah clapped his hands, signaling the maids to pay attention here, and comforted the maids who didn't get the Devil Fruit.

In fact, there are definitely advantages to getting the Devil Fruit first, such as more exercise, and the physical fitness will definitely be improved faster.

Practicing the fruit ability in your spare time can at least improve your proficiency, and it won't delay your exercise too much.

But Noah will definitely not take it seriously.

"Come on, the fruits have been shared, it's time to eat them." Noah said funny words, looking at them expectantly, he was very curious about the changes in the body after eating the devil fruit.

"Come in order, Sister Alyssa, you go first."Noah looked at Alyssa and motioned for her to eat first.

""Okay, Master Noah." Alyssa did not hesitate and peeled off the fruit skin, revealing the normal-looking flesh inside.

Alyssa felt a little relieved. After all, if it was as colorful as the skin, it would probably be a little difficult to eat.

But Alyssa took a bite and chewed it for a few times.

○| ̄|_Alyssa knelt down, her face livid, and she looked like she had lost all hope in life. o_o....

Everyone looked at Alyssa in silence. Is it that scary?

Noah's face twitched. He wanted to laugh but held it back. He pointed to the remaining fruit and said,"Sister Alyssa, you only took one bite. There are still many."

Alyssa looked up at Noah.


Noah was shocked. What does this devil fruit taste like? It actually makes a big sister like Alisa show such an expression.


Just as Noah was about to comfort Elisa and ask her to finish the rest, Elisa underwent a drastic change.

Elisa, who was kneeling on the ground, first grew a bunch of colorful feathers from the back of her buttocks, then her neck stretched out, her mouth turned into a bird's beak, her entire head turned into a bird's head, and her feet turned into bird claws, and she turned into a colorful peacock.

"This...what's wrong with me?……"Even a big sister like Alyssa was confused by this change. The changes in her vision and body made her feel very uncomfortable and panicked.

Alyssa lost control of her abilities and her colorless and odorless powder spread into the air. Her panicked voice became a little charming when it reached the ears of the girls. In an instant, the girls fell down and some of the maids' eyes turned into hearts.

Only Noah was left to use his magic to form a protective shield to resist.

"Hey! Sister Alyssa, calm down! Feel the power in your body and control it!"

"Oh, okay, Lord Noah." Seeing the sisters around her fall down and Noah's words, Alyssa calmed down and calmed down to control the power in her body.

After a while, Alyssa's figure gradually changed back to human form, and at the same time awakened the girls who were hit.

The unconscious ones are okay, but the sisters who are obsessed with Alyssa are now blushing, and some dare not look at Alyssa.

Well, this does not include the"slut" Liya. Noah even doubts whether Liya will use her power to rule Alyssa.

Because after eating the colorful peacock fruit, Alyssa has become more charming and more beautiful. Obviously, her behavior has not changed, but it is as if a filter has been added, which makes people's heart beat inadvertently.

Noah did not let Alyssa finish the rest of the devil fruit, because he just sensed it with magic, and he found that the energy in the fruit was gone, as if it had turned into a seed and buried in Alyssa's body.

"Well, it seems that you don’t need to finish it, just take a bite."Noah thought for a while and raised his head to tell the girls about his discovery.

But he saw that Elisa really swallowed the remaining bananas with a look of despair, and looked at the remaining four bananas with some despair.

Hearing what Noah said, Elisa was happy at first, and then her fangs turned into fangs and said angrily:"Why didn't you say so earlier!"

Noah could hardly imagine how much grievance Elisa, who had always been a gentle and elegant elder sister, had suffered to be angry. He could only scratch his head and waved his hands embarrassedly and said:"Private Marseille! Sister Elisa!"

Then, Noah changed the subject with a serious face and said to the girls:"It seems that you will lose control after eating the devil fruit. Don't eat it yet. I will treat your fatigue and injuries today, and then take you to the shore to eat."

""Okay, Lord Noah" ×3

So Noah worked as fast as he could and treated every one of the girls. However, because the girls had exercised much more today than usual, they were naturally more injured, so Noah spent a lot more time.

It was almost twelve o'clock when the treatment was completed, but Noah found that Elisa, who had eaten the devil fruit, was much less injured than the other girls, even less than usual, which shows the bonus of animal fruits on physical fitness.

Noah led the girls who had changed their clothes off the boat, and the next one to eat the fruit was Joanna.

Without Noah's reminder, Joanna ran to an open space by herself. When she was about to eat it, she found that her devil fruit was a cantaloupe. Without a knife, she didn't know where to start biting. As soon as

Noah saw Joanna fiddling with the devil fruit, he knew that she didn't bring a knife, so he walked up and snatched the devil fruit, took out a small knife, and in the flash of the knife, the cantaloupe was divided into four parts.

"Here, take it and eat it quickly!" Noah looked at Joanna unhappily. He really felt that this little sister was five years older than him and didn't act like a sister in front of him.

""Hehehe!" Joanna smiled shyly, took the devil fruit from Noah's hand, and took a bite.

(っ °Д °;)っ

Joanna didn't even care about the devil fruit in her hand. She covered her mouth with one hand and her neck with the other. She wanted to vomit, but then she thought of the preciousness of the fruit and swallowed it desperately. Then she looked like she was half dead.

"Weird…weird…no wonder Sister Alyssa looked so hopeless, is this smell dog shit?"Joanna sat on the ground like a duck with her legs spread out. Unlike Alyssa, Joanna said this smell without any image.

""Ah? Really? Joanna." Sibel asked Joanna in shock, hoping to get a joking answer, as she loved food the most.

Unfortunately, what she got was Joanna's big eyes filled with tears and a heavy nod.

""Stay away from Joanna, Sister Sibel!" Noah shouted to Sibel urgently.

Sibel heard Noah's anxious voice and subconsciously ran away from Joanna.

After running ten meters, Sibel felt a hot breath coming from behind.

On Joanna's side, a column of fire shot up from Joanna's body, followed by a pleasant bird song. In the column of fire, Joanna turned into a red bird, as if she had been reborn in the fire. She spread her flaming wings and soared into the sky with a flap of her wings.

"Oh? Joanna was able to control herself very quickly, probably because she was mentally prepared."Noah praised Joanna's performance.

Noah remembered that there was an uncle on guard on the shore. He turned his head and saw the stunned uncle. He waved and shouted,"Uncle, it's okay, this is my crew!"

After hearing Noah's words, the guard uncle was relieved a little. He thought that the people in the village had angered the God of Fire!

After circling in the sky, Joanna slowly fell down and turned into a human form.

Looking at the remaining fireworks around Joanna, reflecting her face and the flying black hair, she looked a bit holy and beautiful.

Even Noah was a little fascinated.

This expression was seen by Joanna. She walked briskly in front of Noah with small jumps, leaned over and looked at Noah, and playfully threw him a wink, saying,"Are you fascinated by me, Lord Noah? Am I very beautiful?"

Noah blushed and dodged after hearing this, and said,"Sister Liya, it's your turn."

But his red ears still made the girls laugh.

Liya didn't waste any time, she walked forward, closed her eyes, opened her mouth and took a bite of the apple-shaped devil fruit in her hand.


Liya's facial features were twisted into a ball, but she still tried her best to swallow the flesh in her mouth, and then threw the fruit in her hand into the sea like a plague god

""Wow, sister Liya littered!" Noah said jokingly.

However, Liya's devil fruit obviously did not go out of control, which disappointed Noah.

Because if it could go out of control, it means that as long as the proficiency is sufficient, there may be no need for specific gestures.

Now it seems that it may be possible to get rid of the gestures after awakening, but it may not be possible.

""Sister Liya, do you want to try it?" Noah asked.

Liya nodded, and then crossed her index and middle fingers.

Noah didn't see any barrier in front of him, but his magic sensed that there was a force gathering in front of Liya.

Noah condensed a treasure, and then magic poured into the hilt. The whole treasure was wrapped in blue flames as if adding special effects.

""One Sword Style: Blue Dragon's Roar!"

Noah's body suddenly accelerated, sparks and lightning all the way, and finally formed a blue dragon roaring towards Liya.

Noah held the knife with both hands and chopped hard at the barrier, and at the same time the dragon also crashed into the barrier.



The knife stagnated on the barrier for a while, and suddenly Noah felt a sense of crisis and wanted to put away the knife, but it was too late!

"Damn it! This barrier actually has anti-armor!"

Noah could only curse indignantly, and then flew backwards gracefully, raising a cloud of dust and knocking down more than a dozen trees before stopping.

""Lord Noah!!"

Before the girls could react, they saw Noah flying backwards like a stream of light, which frightened them.

When they arrived, they saw Noah sitting on a tree stump, his clothes were torn, and there were some scratches on his body, but he didn't seem to be seriously injured.

But the girls knew that Noah had never been injured, so they hurried forward to check.

Seeing the girls' worried expressions, Noah waved his hands to indicate that he was fine, and said with a grin:"Sister Liya, your barrier is strong! It even has a rebound attack. Practice more next time. At least control the rebound, otherwise the other sisters will not be able to compete with you."

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