Alyssa landed gracefully and smiled gently:"Okay, let’s go, let’s go see Michelle, she is on the next ship, I have seen that there are no cadres on these two ships"

"I really don't understand. These pirates obviously don't have that many officers, so why do they have so many ships!" Rosalind puffed her lips and exhaled speechlessly, puzzled.

"Of course it was for show, so many ships were lined up, and each ship was packed with pirates. Normal pirate groups and passenger ships and cargo ships did not dare to resist, and obediently offered the valuables on their ships."

Liya understood this very well, after all, pirates like show the most, but there was a lot of contempt in her tone, obviously looking down on this kind of pirates

"Well, let's go see Michelle." As she said that, Elisa jumped up, her arms turned into a pair of wings and flew towards the ship not far away.

Rosalind smiled and said,"Elisa is really something. She is probably worried that Michelle might get hurt by accident."

Leah also sighed and said helplessly,"Michelle is a girl who is unpredictable. She might have played too much and was unprepared. Let's go."

Obviously, Liya was deeply touched by Michelle's lively personality, so she understood Elisa's worries.

Rosalind shrugged and followed with easy steps.

Michelle's side

""Oh my, fellow pirates, run!" Michelle laughed and urged the pirates on the other side to run.

The pirates were terrified, and one of them shouted:

""Damn it!"

He raised his pistol and shot at Michelle's chest.


Flames flashed from the pistol, and smoke slowly drifted out.


Michelle's body paused, and then there was a"ding" sound of metal collision, and the bullet was squeezed into a flat shape and fell down.

Michelle smiled and lowered her head and murmured:

"Block of iron!"


The sound of the bullet hitting the ground was particularly dull and clear.

Hearing this dull sound, it seemed like a devil's voice in the ears of the pirates.

"Damn it! What on earth is this woman made of?!"

"Did she eat the Steel Devil Fruit like the boss?!"

"Could it be that there is a steel plate hidden in her clothes?"

"Idiot, it's so thin, how could we not know if there was a steel plate hidden inside?"


Michelle raised her head and laughed,"Uncles, it's my turn!"

Then her eyes became sharp, and she raised her leg and kicked fiercely.

""Lan Jiao!"

A blue slash quickly tore through the air and rushed towards the man who had just fired the gun.

The man was still staring at his pistol in a daze, and was hit head-on.


The blow cut his chest from the right shoulder to the left lower abdomen, and blood gushed out immediately.

The pirate's eyes turned white and he flew backwards. At the same time, the pirates behind him were also caught in the crossfire.


They were then carried away and piled up into a pile.

The people on both sides stared blankly at the tragic scene in the middle, and someone exclaimed:


This brought everyone back from their shock, and then they fled in all directions, still shouting:

"It can't be killed! Everyone, run!"

"Where are you running to?"

"Run where there are more people!"

"Jump in!"


Michelle was very happy to see this chaotic scene, playing the game of eagle catching chicken like a child.

Well, he didn't cut the people in front of him, but kicked the people behind him.

From time to time, when he saw someone trying to jump off the boat, he would shave them and give them a"pointing gun" move.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, everyone had a crazy courage from nowhere.

"Brothers, she can't run away, let's shoot her with guns!"

"Yes! Pick up the gun and shoot her"


Shouting, everyone stopped running and instead picked up their flintlock rifles, aimed and fired.

Bang, bang, bang! Swish, swish, swish!

Facing the rain of bullets, Michelle was not afraid at all, but sneered and whispered:

""Paper painting!"

As he said this, Michelle's body seemed to turn into a piece of paper, floating softly in the wind.

He dodged the oncoming bullets with one move.

For normal people, this scene is like: rain falls from the sky, but no water touches the body!



Gradually, the gunshots stopped. Everyone saw this weird scene. A person dodged countless bullets as easily as paper. Is this normal?

Of course not!

The gun in his hand also slipped to the ground, and even his legs became weak and he knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

One, two, three...

In the end, all the brutal uncles knelt down and begged for mercy to a cute and thin girl. This picture was extremely awkward no matter how you looked at it.

""Tsk, you're not going to fight anymore? Run away!"

Michelle thought it was very funny at first, but suddenly they stopped fighting and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy but looking like they would rather die.

"Spare us! We are willing to work like slaves, please spare us!"

"Yeah, yeah.……"


Michelle was full of black lines, and said with disdain:"What's the use of you? We sisters finally got rid of a bunch of stinky men!"

Michelle was disdainful of these pirates who were slaves to their families and had no skills.

Maybe they also had a tragic past, but for Michelle, she could only say that she understood, but it did not prevent her from hating them.

"Well, okay, who made me so kind all the time!"

Michelle sighed and said helplessly.

The pirates kneeling on the ground looked incredible, and then showed an overjoyed smile, kneeling and kowtowed, shouting"Thank you, beautiful lady" and"You are so kind!" and other free words.

Who knew that Michelle's next words made them���Color change

"The sea is so cruel, lie down and rest early, I hope that the sea will have achieved real peace when I wake up next time."

Michelle said with a look of compassion.

She was not pretending, she really felt that the sea was cruel.

Although she had been laughing and playing, she lost her happy family because of pirates when she was a child, and was later sold as a maid because of human traffickers. If it weren't for Noah, Michelle would have died soon.

Since ancient times, beauties are like famous generals, and they are not allowed to see white hair in the world!

There are many beauties in the sea, but how many of them can have a good end?

When Michelle first came, these pirates also showed obscene smiles, and were not scared by the way Michelle came, which was enough to see the chaos of the sea.

But Michelle did not blame, this sea can only accommodate people who are drunk and dreaming, because sober people are desperate and painful.

They can feel that they are in hell every moment!

Thinking of this, Michelle jumped up, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, her legs became a residual shadow, and she whispered:


Countless air slashes fell on everyone's head like raindrops.

These pirates were drowned by these dense slashes before they even had time to get up and escape.

This left behind painful wails and vicious curses, and only a few showed regretful and relieved smiles and lay on the deck to sleep.

In this regard, Michelle could only whisper and wish them"sweet dreams".

Before she had time to sigh, Leah and others came running over.

Alyssa took the lead, her beautiful wings vibrated to offset the speed, and then she landed beside Michelle.

Michelle returned to her original appearance and said with a smile:"Oh, sister Alyssa, I said I wouldn't be careless, look, I have solved it, haven't I?"

Alyssa smiled gently and nodded, without refutation.

Leah and Rosalind followed closely, and Rosalind joked:"Oh, our lovely Michelle solved it so quickly"

"Of course!"

Michelle raised her head and smiled smugly, and there was no sign that she was the little witch on the battlefield just now.

Leah looked at another ship not far away and said,"That ship seems to be the ship of Cadre Skunk."

Rosalind also stopped joking at this moment, her expression became serious, and said,"It seems that Sister Loran is very interested in him. After all, they are both scientists."

Leah thought of something, and said with a sinister smile,"Ah, he is a scientist, but this scientist is a bit disgusting. I heard that as his name suggests, he likes to study poisonous gas that smells like skunk. I heard that the color is imitated exactly, and the smell is also, hahaha!"

""Ugh, it's so disgusting, can Sister Loran bear it?" Rosalind shrank her head with disgust.

Alyssa covered her mouth and laughed,"Liya, you knew it a long time ago!"

Although Alyssa asked a question, she used an affirmative tone.

Liya hesitated for a moment after hearing it, and said,"I have asked her several times, whether she is sure or not, she is sure and affirmative herself."

In fact, Liya had just started to throw out the stinky���He is a scientist, and his technology level is pretty good, so Roland is interested in him.

To put it bluntly, Liya just doesn't want to fight him, so in order to avoid this situation, she asked Roland to pick up the skunk first.

"Let's go quickly, or the battle will end again."As she said that, Liya took the lead in running away.

Before she arrived, she heard Luolan's screams, which frightened the women and made them speed up their pace.

When they arrived, they found that Luolan was shaking his feet wildly, muttering:

"Die, die, die, you disgusting bastard……"

When Liya saw the yellow smoke floating around, she immediately realized that Luo Lan had been poisoned.

However, the poisonous smoke was obviously not enough to poison Luo Lan, but the disgusting damage caused Luo Lan to break his defense.

""Mr. Skunk!!!"

The people around saw that the situation was originally good, but suddenly turned into this.

A group of people's eyes bulged out, their tongues stuck out, and they looked terrified.

In fact, Roland was quite patient waiting for the skunk's invention to be demonstrated.

But this skunk did not follow the ethics of martial arts and launched a chemical weapon attack. That was fine, but this chemical weapon was smelly.

Roland was so angry that he had a cerebral thrombosis for ten years! He couldn't even make chemical weapons well. Other people's chemical weapons are colorless and odorless first, and colorless and odorous is fine at most, but yours is colored and smelly, and the toxicity is not very good.

If someone knows Caesar, they will definitely say that it is worse than Caesar's.

Although Caesar's poison gas is colored and smelly, it has the advantage of fast diffusion speed, large range, and strong toxicity.

In comparison, the skunk's poison gas is nothing!

But the ability to disgust people is good, and this has irritated Roland.

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