
Noah took a deep breath, and the bow in his hand turned into a blue light and floated away. He curled his lips slightly, smiled and murmured:

"This power is beyond the scope of the program.~"

Yes, he didn't use much magic just now, he just added an extra layer of magic to the arrow. The real big deal was the projection of the treasure.——

【[Pseudo-Spiral Sword]

This is an A-level treasure, and the prototype even reached A+ level!

The magic power contained in it can cause powerful range damage after the illusion collapses.

However, it will consume a lot of magic power to create another one after using it.

Even at this time, Noah can only fire three shots in a row.

"This arrow still has a lot of potential. After all, I didn't use much magic power, let alone domineering power."

Noah suspected that the attack just now should belong to the category of generals.

If magic power and domineering power are added, the generals will probably have to do their best to deal with it or choose to dodge.

Those below the general level will be injured at best, and die at worst.

"However, if you deal with a domineering person at a long distance, it is estimated that he will probably be dodged. If you miss, the damage caused by the attack will be much worse."

Noah frowned, thinking of the super mobility of the domineering person, this kind of arrow attack still needs to be practiced more.

With a year of training and the help of clairvoyance, a natural archer like Noah can easily hit any target within a dozen kilometers, even a stone on the roadside.

But for the high-speed movement and keen observation Haki of the strong, this is a little difficult.

Noah didn't know that the top-level observation Haki can also predict the future, otherwise he would find it even more difficult.

For this level of observation Haki, unless you can see the killing or the observation Haki can see farther than the enemy, or someone helps to entangle, otherwise the probability of this move hitting is frighteningly low.

This is also the reason why archers on the sea are not accepted by the public. The power can be replaced by firearms, and firearms are more labor-saving, plus firearms are easier to carry.

"Well, practice more. This speed is already very fast. If it is closer, those strong men will probably be shot through before they can react."

Noah was not discouraged. After all, the speed of his arrows is very fast. If there is no defense, even a strong person with observation Haki will need more than ten meters or dozens of meters to sense the danger. This distance is equivalent to hitting the face by the time he reacts to the speed of the bow and arrow. As for archers, and archers who can snipe at a super long distance, sneak attacks are the best thing to do!


Noah did not reject sneak attacks or feel ashamed of them.

To him, sneak attacks were just a way to achieve their goals.

Moreover, they were enemies and would do anything on the battlefield. As a king, he naturally had this awareness.

"Masaka! How could Lord Noah's attack be so powerful!"

Leah murmured softly, and felt the insignificance of life under the power of the mushroom cloud in front of her.

Alyssa and Vanessa were no longer smiling and calm at this moment. They said in shock:

"With such power, can all the elite lieutenant generals on the sea launch an attack of this power?"

"How powerful is that admiral?"

Michelle was also in a daze at this moment, and did not speak, but her eyes revealed shock and admiration.

Roland shook her head and said in disbelief:"How is this possible?"

This kind of power exceeded any type of bomb she was familiar with. In her knowledge, only electromagnetic cannons and laser cannons could reach this level.

At this moment, she decided to spend money to build a laboratory after returning, and vowed to build a laser cannon.

To sum up her thoughts at this time, the truth is only within the range of the cannon!

On the main ship. The strong airflow caused by the rotation of the spiral sword blew away everyone around, including Kuina and Irene, who were pierced and flew backwards, and Kuina fell directly into the sea.

"Ah~, Irene!"


Seeing that Guina had fallen into the sea, Irene simply jumped off the boat without resisting the strong wind.

The Great Bear King was blown over and if he had not been stopped by the guardrail on the side of the ship, he would have fallen into the sea.

At this moment, he stared blankly at his left arm that had disappeared.

At this moment, there was no blood gushing out of his left arm. Instead, he could smell a hint of meat fragrance that was not unfamiliar to him. This was the fragrance he liked to smell the most.

Because what he liked most was to use his fruit ability to roast people, but at this moment, this tempting smell of meat made him tremble all over.

After a long while, he let out a deafening wail:

"Ah~! My hand! Ah~!"

"Captain! Are you okay?"

"Idiot, you can tell something is wrong no matter how you look at it!"

"Idiot, what are you two still arguing about? Why don't you call the ship's doctor over?"


A group of pirates gathered around, helplessly watching the giant bear king rolling on the ground in pain and sweating.

The pirates in the distance were stunned and had no intention of fighting.

As for Elena and Joanna, because they were standing far away, they used their hands to block the strong wind and were not blown away.

Elena's forehead was sweating, and she looked at everything in front of her in shock.

"What happened?"

Joanna guessed who did this with some trepidation, and wailed in her heart.

It's over. I will definitely be scolded by Lord Noah when I go back.

She couldn't help but want to burn the Big Bear King to death, but when she thought that he was the test target of Irene, Irena and Sibel, she held back.

Hey? Wait, I seem to have forgotten something?


Elena covered her ears, frowned and asked,"Joanna, what are you crazy about?"

""Where's Sibel?" Joanna asked anxiously.

"She's not there... Eh? She was there just now!"

Elena pointed to where Sibel was just now, but suddenly found that she was gone.

"Here!" Irene's breathless voice came from the side of the boat.

Hearing this, Elena and Joanna hurriedly killed the ignorant and stupid brothers who were blocking their way, and then lay on the side of the boat and looked down.

Irene held Xibel with one hand and shouted upwards speechlessly:"Xibel is adding to my workload!"

Guina floated on the water with ease beside her, and smiled embarrassedly:"Guminase! In my haste, I forgot that I can swim. Hehe……"

Sibel smiled weakly and said,"Gomenase! I'm so sorry to bother you, Irene!"

Kuina quickly said for Sibel,"It's all my fault! If it weren't for me, you two wouldn't have jumped down."

Irene was not confused at this moment, and said,"I say Sibel, haven't you gotten used to your identity as a devil fruit user?"

Sibel just smiled awkwardly.

Irena and Joanna were relieved to see that everyone was safe.

As for Irene and the others, they would run up by themselves.

Sure enough, Irene flew onto the boat with one hand and one foot using the laborious moon step. As soon as Irene got on the boat, she dropped the two girls in her hands on the boat, and then she kept panting, and didn't forget to complain:

"Joanna, Elena, none of you came down to help me. Don't you know how heavy it is to carry two people in the moon step? The most important thing is the weight of Xibel!"

""Hehehehe!" Sibel climbed up with difficulty and laughed.

This was not to insult Sibel, but because the weight had been increased to the right place.

Joanna was being emo at the moment, thinking about how to explain to Noah later, so she had no time to help Irene!

As for Irena, she simply forgot about Joanna's actions.

"Uh... Kuina, private Marseille, I didn't take good care of you just now!"

Joanna ignored Irene and walked straight to Kuina, sincerely apologizing to her.

Kuina was squeezing the moisture out of her hair with her hands. She didn't react to Joanna's words. After a while, she realized that Joanna was Noah coming to take care of her.

A raging fire called"unwilling" ignited in her heart.

But her expression did not reveal any thoughts, but she said embarrassedly:"No, this is my problem, you don't have to feel any guilt."

As she said that, she pulled out the Wado Ichimonji from her waist and continued:"Let's continue, let's get rid of them quickly, otherwise Noah will be anxious."

Without waiting for Joanna to continue speaking, she used a much more skilled"shave" to rush towards the group of pirates.

Joanna could only hesitate and quickly followed.

Irena also followed

"Hey! Those women are coming!"

"What!Σ(っ °Д °;)Uh, what should I do now?!"

"The captain is still receiving treatment!"


Faced with Kuina and others rushing over, the pirates were in a mess, without any fighting power at all.

Kuina hacked the fleeing pirate to death with a knife, gritted her teeth and shouted angrily:"The scar on your back is a shame for a swordsman! Why are you running away!"

"We are pirates! Not swordsmen!"

"Right! I'm not a swordsman!"



Kuina was so angry that a big cross appeared on her head, and she chopped harder with the knife in her hand.

Joanna, who followed her, also killed a pirate with a finger gun, turned her head and comforted her:"Well, well, Kuina and the others are just pirates, it's normal for them to run away."

Elena was no longer entangled in the question of whether to cut the tendons of her hands or feet.

She chose to cut both the tendons of her hands and feet, and even cut off the nerves connected to the respiratory system, so that these pirates could only lie down and slowly suffocate to death.

There is no doubt that the behavior of these pirates who almost killed Kuina just now irritated this"slaughterhouse director""

"Get out of here! Hoho~~"

At this time, a big hand pushed away the pirates who were surrounding him. It turned out to be the big bear king who was rolling around just now.

He panted and looked around vigilantly in the direction where the light just came from. He found that it was shot from the women's boat.

He suspected that this was a powerful black technology laser cannon, and he was greedy and afraid.

He wanted to build a powerful cannon very much, and for this purpose he had already locked onto several islands with advanced mechanical technology.

But now all he had to do was give in!

Yes, give in!

In the face of such an attack, he was equivalent to a shining target in the vast ocean, and there was no possibility of survival!

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