"Masefield Noah."

Noah looked at Uta beside Shanks and said his name with a smile.


Uta felt a little strange that Noah suddenly said this name.

Noah extinguished the two swords in his hands and smiled:"That's my name, cute little lady, what's your name?"

Uta blushed at the handsomeness of this scene, and stammered:"U... Uta! I am the daughter of a pirate! I am the singer of the Red Hair Pirates!"

"Oh?" Noah found Uta's stuttering very interesting and said with a smile:"Please give me your advice, Miss Songstress!"

Uta hid behind Shanks.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Shanks suddenly realized how hateful the boy opposite him was. He actually stole his beloved cabbage in front of his owner!

"Noah boy! Stay away from Uta! Don't treat me as if I don't exist!"


Noah was just happy about Uta's panic, but he felt unhappy when he heard this tone.

"Who do you think you are talking to? A random cultivator!"

Noah's eyes flashed red, and an aura of supremacy rose from his body. In an instant, this aura descended on Shanks, and the air around Shanks seemed to be filled with cement and heavy.

"Conqueror's Haki?"

Shanks was not to be outdone, and a scarlet Conqueror's Haki gushed out as well, competing with Noah's Conqueror's Haki.

Instantly, the entire sea became restless, and two extremely domineering auras descended between the two ships, forming a collision like a shock wave. Dark red lightning raged wantonly, and the hulls of the two ships began to creak and even cracked.

The women and the crew of the Red Hair Pirates were fine, but their foreheads were sweating, and it could be seen that it was difficult for them to withstand the collision of Conqueror's Haki.

Because Uta was too close and was still young, it didn't take long for his eyes to roll up and he fainted on the boat.


"Hmm?" ×2

Noah and Shanks both looked in the direction of Uta, frowned, looked at each other, and retracted their domineering aura at the same time.

Hongo immediately stepped forward and picked up Uta and returned to the cabin.

After Noah took a glance and felt that Uta's physical condition was stable, he turned around and said:"Give the devil fruit back to him, just as a gift for Uta on their first meeting."

The girls curled their lips, but had no objection.

Joanna picked up the devil fruit and stepped on the moon step to throw the box containing the devil fruit to Shanks.

Shanks was also silent at this moment, and reached out to catch the box containing the rubber fruit. Shanks turned his back to his companions and said in a low voice:"Lem Jones! When they are not here, move half of the treasures on the ship over. Humph, that kid wants to use my own things to please Uta, what a dream!"

In addition to the low tone of Shanks at this moment, it also revealed his father's resentment and vigilance towards the stinky pig who was peeping at his own cabbage.

The originally silent scene suddenly turned into laughter

"Hahaha, did you hear that? There's so much resentment in the boss' tone."

"I didn't expect Uta to be so popular."

"Well, Uta is still so young but she can charm that kind of man, that's really amazing!"

"The eldest brother is right. As Uta’s family, we can’t let others look down on Uta. Half the treasure is half the treasure!"

"Is half enough? How about we give it all?"

"Huh? Then there is no money for the party!"

"What are you afraid of? Just rob a few more petty thieves!"


Even Beckman joined in the fun, ignoring the darkening expression on Shanks's face.

"Bastard! What are you talking about! Just relying on that brat, he wants to take Uta away! Not even close! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Shanks roared in anger, but it was obvious that Shanks failed to calm his friends.

The friends looked at Shanks with laughter, and they all wanted to take a mirror to look at his appearance.

Well, a complete daughter slave.

You can take my life, but my daughter? Take my divine dodge!

Noah on this side

"Haha, Lord Noah is such a greedy ghost, he didn't even eat us! He's set his eyes on someone else's princess again!"

Elena used the tone of a woman in the boudoir to denounce her husband's philandering, but she couldn't control the smile on her face.

"Yes, yes!"

Joanna echoed from the side, saying:"And he actually fell in love with such a young girl!"

Liya also laughed and said:"But she is indeed very cute, a beauty, and fierce, and seems to have a strong personality. No wonder Lord Noah likes her."


Noah felt that the chirping noises were a bit noisy. No wonder people say"one woman is equal to 500 ducks". He had eleven of them, and the noise made his head buzz.

"Well, I admit that I do find that little girl interesting."

Noah openly admitted that he had a crush on Uta. There was nothing shameful about the king's desire.

"But, Sister Joanna, I am only twelve years old, I am just a little taller and behave more maturely, she looks only three or four years younger than me."

Noah explained to Joanna that he was not a pervert, he could express his desires without restraint, but he could not stand others calling him a pervert.

"What is that fruit? Have you found it?"

Noah turned his head to look at Roland.

At this moment, Roland was flipping through a thick booklet. She had just written down the appearance characteristics of the fruit.

Not to mention Noah, even the girls were very curious about the fruit. After all, Red-haired Shanks looked like he would exchange it for any amount of treasure.

Roland frowned and said,"Don't make a fuss, Lord Noah. Can't you see I'm looking for it!"


Noah's eyebrows jumped. He was really angry. How dare Luo Lan talk to him in such a tone?

"Ah, I found it."

Luo Lan turned to a page and exclaimed, but soon Luo Lan frowned again.


"What's the matter, Luo Lan?"

The girls came over and looked at the page in Luo Lan's hand.

"How could it be a rubber fruit?"

Roland carefully observed every detail of the fruit and compared it with the details in his mind. There was no difference at all.

Roland was still confident in his memory.

"No way, superhuman rubber? What’s so special about it?"

Michelle was also full of question marks and said disdainfully:"I can melt the rubber with a fire!"

Joanna, who is also an expert in playing with fire, nodded in agreement and said:"Michelle is right!"

"Not necessarily."

At this time, Liya spoke up, pinching her chin and looking like she had a clear mind, and said,"Isn't rubber just a balloon? In this case,……"

As he spoke, a lewd smile appeared on his face:"In this case, wouldn't his model be suitable for all races? Hehehehe……"

The women looked at this occasionally unreliable lecherous head maid speechlessly.

Noah's mouth twitched, and he was shocked by Liya's imagination.

"Never mind, we're all going back anyway."

Sibel waved her hand, interrupting everyone's guesses. For a person like her who is so stubborn, this kind of speculation gave her a headache.

Compared with this, she was more concerned about when to have dinner.

Thinking of the dinner issue, she frantically hinted at Elena and Rosalind.

Elena and Rosalind looked at her speechlessly, got up and went into the kitchen to prepare today's lunch.

Noah was actually very curious, but unlike the other girls who were guessing here, he preferred to play the straight ball.

Well, he planned to ask Shanks directly.

"Come to the shore, Sister Leah!"

Noah looked at the shore and found that someone was already looking at Noah from afar. It was probably because the strange phenomenon caused by the impact of Red-Haired Shanks' domineering color just now attracted the attention of the villagers on the shore.

Noah also discovered that the destination of the Red-Haired Pirates was the island in front of them.

Leah also changed back to her original dignified maid appearance, bowed slightly to indicate that she understood:"Okay, Lord Noah!"

"Left rudder 75 degrees, ready to reef the sail!"



Redhead on board

"Boss, it seems their destination is the same as ours!"

Lachi Lu gnawed on the big meat leg in his hand and pointed to the boat of Noah and his group behind the boat.

Beckman said seriously:"They are probably coming with us, don't be nervous!"

"His crew is a little weaker than ours. Even if Shanks can't beat him, we are not afraid."

Hearing this, Shanks beside him was a little angry and shouted:"Ah? Beckman, what are you talking about? How can I be better than that brat!"

Beckman ignored his"child" captain and said:"And I didn't see any killing intent in that man's eyes."

If Noah were here, he would definitely look at Ben Beckman's insight with new eyes.

He really didn't have any killing intent towards Shanks, or he didn't have any killing intent towards all the pirates he met.

After all, for him, killing these pirates was like gently brushing away the dust on the table with his hands. How could such an ordinary thing have such an emotion as killing intent?

As for why there was no killing intent later, it was because he found Shanks' soul particularly interesting.

He could feel Shanks' excellent physique and domineering talent, but he seemed to be hesitating about something now, so that this domineering aura could not be fully released.

Noah was very curious about his hesitation, and he was also looking forward to Shanks getting out of his hesitation. This should be a good drama.

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