"She actually awakened?"

Shanks was quite surprised at Sibel's potential.

Noah raised his eyebrows and said,"I usually teach them Observation Haki, but I didn't expect that Sibel didn't awaken Observation Haki, but awakened Armament Haki first. This is something I didn't expect."

Noah thought to himself that he might have to focus on Armament Haki for those who ate the Mythical Beast and Sibel in the future.


"Do you mean to fight me with this newly awakened domineering aura?"

Duke swung his sword and shook off the frost on it. He felt that Xibel looked down on him.

Xibel smiled and said,"Lord Noah said that the strong are the best teachers. I hope you can teach me more from now on!"

After that, Xibel rushed up fearlessly.

Duke smiled coldly and said,"Your courage is commendable!"

Without any hesitation, he raised his sword and slashed.

Clang clang clang~!

The two collided and fought in a ball. The long swords in their hands were turned into phantoms, and even their shadows could not be seen. All they could see were the sparks that occasionally collided in the air, and the incessant sound of metal and stone colliding.

Strong airflows blew around them from time to time, and even some traces similar to those of swords appeared in some places where the airflow was raging.

During the battle, the deck under the feet of the two was instantly covered with frost.

Duke continued to resist and swung the sword in his hand, while constantly expending his physical strength and domineering aura to dispel the accumulated coldness in his body.

"It seems that Sibel is very motivated!"

Elena smiled while holding the sword.

At this moment, except for a pool of blood on her clothes, her movements did not show that she had just been chopped to the ground.

Kuina also stood beside her, and said with all her might:"You will definitely not be chopped next time."

Irene smiled and comforted:"He is very fast, I thought his strength was strong. If it weren't for the sudden improvement of his observation Haki, I estimate that the knife would hit my vitals."

Kuina also smiled without saying a word. Obviously, she also made a breakthrough, otherwise she would not say that she would not be chopped next time.

But at this moment Kuina did not know how to intervene, and said:"How can we help Sister Sibel? The cold air can't distinguish between friend and foe."

Speaking of that kind of cold air, Kuina couldn't help but shudder.

She had witnessed the power of this kind of cold air when she was sparring with Xibel before. She only had two impressions of that battle - tricky and frustrating.

The invasion of cold air not only made her physical strength deplete faster, but more importantly, the frostbite on her hands made her unable to even hold the sword steadily.

On the contrary, Xibel was like a fish in water in this environment.

Elena shook her head and said,"There is no way. We can only wait until she is tired, and then we take her up."

Irene was a little reluctant and said,"A round-robin battle? It feels even more despicable than a group fight."

Elena stared at Irene with dead fish eyes and said,"Please, this is an enemy, not a sparring match, and this kind of strong man is not something we can deal with one-on-one. It's good enough that we can learn a lot from him."

Kuina also nodded rarely.

Irene waved her hand a little embarrassedly and said,"Okay, I just can't accept that I can't compete one-on-one with such an opponent. Look, Xibel is quickly at a disadvantage." Sure enough.

While the few of them were chatting,

Xibel, who had just been on par with Duke, was already a little flustered.

Duke knew that if he didn't defeat Xibel quickly, his physical exhaustion and frostbite would definitely continue to increase, so a quick victory was the best way.



Duke muttered in disbelief.

Because at the beginning, Sibel's Armament Haki was sometimes visible, but now she can control it freely, and even use it to withstand a lot of his damage.

That's fine, Duke seemed to vaguely feel that there seemed to be some Armament Haki wrapped around her sword occasionally.

This is outrageous!


Although Sibel was at a disadvantage, she was sweating profusely but showed a confident smile on her face.

In this process of constantly brushing shoulders with the god of death, she could feel that she was constantly improving, and even her Observation Haki was awakened.

It's just that it was sometimes effective and sometimes not, so Duke didn't notice it.


After Sibel and Duke clashed with swords, Sibel took the initiative to withdraw from the battle circle, and Duke wanted to chase her closely.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~~~

He was facing three slashes from different directions that blocked his movement.

Duke had no choice but to stop and swing his sword to make two slashes to offset the two attacks from the opposite side, while also deflecting the slashes coming straight at him.

"It's our turn!"

Irene stared at Duke firmly, and together with the other two people, she stood between Duke and Sibel.

Duke's expression finally lost its previous calmness, and he said in shock:"How did you two stand up?!"

But when he had already scanned the place where the two women had just fallen, he had some guesses.

There were two glass test tubes there.

"Are you guys taking drugs too?"

The four girls sneered,"The potions made by our ship's doctor are not comparable to the potions made by your boss."

As she spoke, Sibel took out a bottle of reagent from the four-dimensional pocket on her chest and drank it in one gulp. Her face, which had just turned pale due to physical exhaustion, instantly became rosy.

After doing this, she took out another potion and poured it on her densely packed wounds.

Duke now just wanted to curse.

The referee is cheating!

But soon the three girls rushed forward, and he could only raise his sword to resist.

Clang clang clang clang~~!

The three girls were all swordsmen who focused on skills in swordsmanship. The swords were directed at the vital points and the points where the old strength was exhausted and the new strength was not yet born, so Duke had to deal with it in a hurry.

Especially Elena's swordsmanship,

Duke felt like a dish in front of her. Not only did she hit the vital points accurately, but she seemed to have calculated every inch of muscle on his body. Once he was cut to a certain extent, he would be finished immediately.


Shanks praised:"It seems that the potion made by your ship's doctor is very effective. He can actually make a potion with such a good healing effect, and……"

Shanks said a lot of flattering words, even stepping on his own ship's doctor.

Noah's eyebrows jumped and goose bumps fell down. He couldn't help but interrupt:

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Shanks paused, and then he looked into Noah's eyes with expectation.

Noah rolled his eyes at this shameless guy and said,"Okay, okay, after they finish fighting, you go and trade with Vanessa yourself."

Although Noah is Vanessa's master, he usually won't make the decision for Vanessa.

Shanks smiled happily, clasped his hands together, and said,"Thank you very much!"

He didn't forget his plan to go to the New World in the near future to carve out a piece of territory for Nika's advent.

Don't expect to use potions to speed up the practice, but it's still possible to use potions to save lives, and maybe even save the lives of many brothers!

As for Hongo, I believe he will understand for the sake of his brothers.

Just when Noah wanted to say something, he was stunned, and then smiled and said,"It seems that the mythical beast species is indeed unique."


Joanna and Alyssa's phantom beasts, both with a layer of light armed color wrapped around their claws, kicked Jace's temple fiercely.



Jace spat out blood and looked at the two in disbelief.

Has the Armament Haki been awakened?

Or is it to paralyze him?

In any case, Jace had to say that they were successful.


Just a few minutes ago...

Jace used his fist to hit his leg, fiercely blasting Rosalind's slender legs apart, and laughed arrogantly:"I see, Six Styles? Are you the maids of those Celestial Dragons?"

Rosalind's legs trembled slightly, and using iron blocks and Armament Haki to collide was still far from enough, at least her physique was not enough.

However, after hearing Jace's words, Rosalind ignored the injury on her leg and rushed forward to kick Jace in the face, sneering:"Those idiots are worthy of being our masters!"



A strong wind blew between the two and rushed away at the same time.

Jace's smile remained unchanged, and he easily took Rosalind's attack, and laughed:"That's right, how could the Celestial Dragons train a group of women with such strength?"

As he said that, Jace grabbed Rosalind's ankle with his backhand


Rosalind's expression suddenly changed, and she struggled to get rid of it, but how could Jace give her a chance?


Jace threw Rosalind to the deck.

Rosalind had no choice but to use the iron block to block it.




Although Rosalind had the iron block, she still vomited blood when she was hit on the ground.

If Noah were here, he would definitely teach her a lesson. It's not easy to train the iron block normally. What's the point of only training the lower body?

Just when Jace wanted to take advantage of the situation to give Rosalind an elbow to get rid of an opponent.���

"Firefly bomb!"


Jace suddenly found himself surrounded by dense green lights like fireflies.

He looked up and saw Michelle's hands emitting green lights like fireflies. She clenched them with a sneer.

Jace showed a horrified expression on his face. These little bits of green flames were not simple. They were also the flames condensed by Michelle, and they were incredibly powerful.


A billowing black smoke rose up and covered the area just now.

A figure rolled out with a strong wind.

It was Rosalind.

Rosalind stood up with her hands, shook her dizzy head, and said,"Michelle, you almost killed me too!"

Michelle stuck out her tongue embarrassedly.


Rosalind smiled and gave Michelle a thumbs up, saying,"Well done!"

Alyssa flew over with her wings flapping, her eyes flashing red, and said,"Don't let your guard down! He's not dead yet!"

Joanna was also alert and said,"He's not dead yet?"

Alyssa rolled her eyes and said,"The Armament Haki of a physical master is generally not bad."

Sure enough, Jace suddenly pushed away the dark smoke, covering his right arm, with blood still flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He was panting heavily, with bloodshot eyes, and said,"I was careless, I didn't expect you women to succeed."

The attack of the natural system can't be resisted casually, otherwise it wouldn't be so highly respected even in the new world where armed color masters are everywhere.

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