How could Liya tolerate this group of people insulting Noah?

Without waiting for Noah to get angry, she snorted coldly:

"What do you mean? Is this the way of hospitality in your country? Even if we know Dr. Kuleha, so what?"

Liya sneered at Dalton and said,"You seem to be quite polite, but I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. Who do you think you are? You want us not to resist? Do you deserve it?"

Liya looked at Dalton with disgust, especially the sentence"As long as you tell the truth, I will guarantee your safety", which really made her feel a little sick.

"And you still guarantee our safety? Just you? A dog?"

Dalton couldn't help but get angry, not knowing whether he was angry out of shame or something else.

"It seems that you and your people are unwilling to surrender, so let me teach you a lesson."

Dalton pulled out the iron shovel behind him and chopped at her.

Liya sneered and stood there motionless.

Dalton thought Liya was pretending, so he jumped up and chopped her hard.

But when he was less than one meter away from Liya, Dalton was a little panicked, because Liya didn't mean to run away at all. He couldn't help but wonder if Liya was scared, but he couldn't stop at this moment.

The soldiers behind him saw this scene and thought that Liya was scared by Dalton, and they all laughed at Noah and others.

"Humph! I thought you were so awesome! That's it?!"

"When I was training with Captain Dalton, the momentum of the charge alone made my legs weak."

"What a pity for such a woman, she was so scared that she might die soon"


When Dalton was about to chop Liya's head, the soldiers behind him looked at the scene with bloody evil, ready to enjoy the scene of flowers blooming.

Unexpectedly, when Dalton chopped Liya's head, there was only a"bang" sound.

Then Dalton's shovel seemed to hit something very hard.


Dalton spat out a mouthful of blood and flew back to the pile of soldiers.

The soldiers panicked and looked down to find blood on the corner of Dalton's mouth and the shovel was thrown away and stuck aside.

The most terrifying thing was that Dalton's hands were irregular in shape.

There was no doubt that the hand bones were broken into countless pieces.

Vanessa shook her head and said,"This wild bull actually used so much strength."

Michelle also made a face at him and shouted,"You deserve it!"

Uta also made a face at the soldiers next to them, laughing and saying,"You deserve it, wait a minute, I'll let Shanks fix you!"

The soldiers reacted and hurriedly pointed their guns at Noah and others, shouting in trembling voices:

"You did it? What did you do?"

A soldier stood up and said,"You are really not good people. Captain Dalton was kind enough to save your lives, but you actually used such a heavy hand!"

Liya sneered and said,"Is it possible that his kindness is actually the biggest insult to us?"

Liya was not wrong. Apart from anything else, they had the upper hand in terms of force, but there was someone who shamelessly said,"Don't resist, give your life to him, and you can keep yourself safe as long as you do something." Aren't these words ironic and insulting to the strong?

And asking Noah not to resist and to let them torture him honestly is undoubtedly an insult to the king!

The soldiers raised their hands to shoot, and Liya was ready to catch them all in one fell swoop.

At this time, a voice rang out.

"Wait a minute!"

Dalton didn't know when he stood up and shouted,"Put down your guns!"

The soldiers looked around, not knowing whether they should obey.

Seeing that no one listened to his orders, Dalton's face turned black and he shouted,"Put down your guns! Do you want me to serve you in military court?!"

At this time, a soldier put down his gun, two, three, and all the soldiers put down their guns.

Dalton was relieved, and his heart was very heavy.

At first, he thought Noah and others were disciples of the kingdom's nobles, and he didn't care much. After all, he was generally not afraid of these people, anyway, they were not from his own country.

But after he was defeated by the girl in front of him, he didn't know what tricks he used, and he calmed down.

A girl of this strength thinks that her master is not an ordinary person!

He calmed down and kept scanning Noah and others. Suddenly, he found that Noah seemed to give him a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen him somewhere.

The pupils in his eyes shrank fiercely.

He remembered that this man killed the Golden Lion some time ago and was issued a wanted order by the navy two days ago.——

【[Legendary Hunter] Noah, bounty of 500 million Baileys!

This kind of man can do whatever he wants on Drum Island, absolutely must not be provoked.

Dalton took a few steps forward, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, he fell to his knees, buried his head in the snow, and said:

"The famous [Legendary Hunter] Mr. Noah, please forgive me for my poor eyesight at first. I didn’t realize it was you. Please forgive our initial behavior. I am willing to pay the price for it. I only ask you not to harm this country!"

It was normal that Dalton didn’t recognize Noah at first. The Noah in the photo was so domineering, which was quite different from the current modest young man.

When the soldiers heard Dalton’s words, someone stepped forward and grabbed Dalton’s arm, saying,"Captain Dalton, what are you doing? It’s just a group of women and a man, and at most a group of pirates behind them. What are you afraid of?"

But there were also soldiers who liked to read newspapers and wanted posters. They turned pale and sweated. They quickly pulled their confused companions around them and whispered in his ears to explain.

Then, all the people who understood the truth���The soldiers turned pale, and dropped their guns on the ground without picking them up. It was unclear whether it was to show that they had no hostility or because they were frightened.

At this time, Shanks came up and said to Noah with a smile:

"Hahaha, Noah, give me some face and don't embarrass these soldiers. They are just following orders."

Uta pouted dissatisfiedly and said,"Shanks! These people asked us to give up resistance as soon as they came, and they pointed guns at us. Drawing a gun is equivalent to risking our lives, right?"

Shanks touched Uta's head to comfort her irritable mood, but his eyes did not leave Noah.

Noah stared at Shanks' eyes, and after a long time, he glanced at Dalton who was kneeling on the ground and said,"For the sake of you wasting time waiting for me!"

Noah ignored the soldiers and Dalton in front of him, and walked towards the town with the girls.

Shanks waved at Noah's back and smiled,"Hahaha, thank you, Noah!"

Uta made a face at Shanks and said,"Shanks is so annoying!"

After that, she chased after the girls.

Beckman was speechless that his captain wasted Noah's favor for these strangers:


Beckman saw it clearly. From the moment Dalton said the words that made everyone give up resistance, Noah had already been sentenced to death in his heart.

Although Noah just had a gloomy face, Shanks and he both felt very clearly the chilling murderous intent under that gloom.

It can be said that if Shanks hadn't spoken, Dalton might have to turn into mud to calm Noah's anger.

However, Beckman's face was filled with a smile.

Isn't it because such a captain is worthy of his following?

Shanks patted Beckman's shoulder indifferently and smiled:"It's okay, Noah won't mind."

"It's Uta……"

Shanks thought of Uta's angry look just now, scratched his head with a headache, and thought about seeing if there was anything he could give to Uta as a gift when he went to buy supplies.


Michelle kept talking:"If it were me, I would have burned these people to death. It's really that Lord Noah is so magnanimous."

Joanna nodded beside her.

Alyssa pressed the two people's heads and smiled:"Okay, don't let a group of people ruin your mood."

Roland thought:"Why did the minotaur just call Lord Noah?】?"

"It seems that the sea has undergone some changes that we don't know about these days."

Liya also nodded and said,"After we find the civilians, ask if there are any newspapers from the past few days, and we will buy them and have a look."

Noah said indifferently,"It is likely that the navy has already issued a wanted order for me, but I don't know how much the reward is? It's really interesting!"

"However, [Legendary Hunter]? It seems that someone in the Navy Headquarters wants me to have a dog-eat-dog drama with the old immortal from the previous era. What a bold and reckless cultivator!"

Noah said this with a gloomy expression. If Sengoku was in front of him, he would draw his sword at Sengoku without hesitation.

The price of offending the king must be paid with blood!

Vanessa looked at the letter and said distressedly:"Lord Noah, Dr. Kuleha has gone into hiding, and the letter does not mention where Dr. Kuleha might be. What should we do now?"

Noah curled his lips and said,"Simple, the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it."

As Noah said this, he looked at the highest point of the mountain. It was said that the king's castle was there.

Roland reacted and said,"So that's the case. This is a good idea."

The others looked at Roland, hoping to get an explanation.

Roland smiled and said,"Dr. Kuleha hid because of the"Doctor Elimination" operation. As long as we can cancel this operation, Dr. Kuleha will naturally show up."

"As for how to solve it?……"

Luo Lan showed a sinister smile on his face, and laughed:"As long as the person who raised the question is dealt with, the problem is the"Eliminate Doctors" operation, and the person who raised the question is Wapol. I guess Lord Noah intends to kill Wapol."

""Huh?!" ×nThe girls exclaimed

"Really? Lord Noah?"

The girls looked at Noah for confirmation.

Noah didn't shy away and nodded directly:"Of course."

Irene said weakly:"Is this okay? After all, we just seemed to have promised not to harm this country."

Rosalind hugged Irene and said:"Don't be so rigid, did we say anything just now? We just promised Shanks to let them go, we didn't agree to any of his conditions."

Joanna and Michelle nodded:"Yes!"

Vanessa also nodded in agreement and said:"This king is already incompetent. He actually killed all the doctors and left only 20 top doctors. The Drum Kingdom is a medical power and is also ranked among the world's member states. If it is wasted like this, there will definitely be economic problems in the future, and the civilians will suffer in the end.

"And so many doctors died, so many medical talents died, it's a loss to the medical community."

Noah nodded and said:"Everyone in the world is my treasure. I don't want this fake king who wastes talents to live for even a minute. He is simply coveting and wasting my property!" Liya asked

:"Then are we going to the town?"

Noah looked at Liya with a strange look and said:"Does this kind of garbage require a large group of us to go? You just choose a few people to go, I don't want to dirty my hands with this fake king!"

Liya realized that it was Noah who wanted to go to the town to take a look, and they were the ones who were going to work.

Liya turned around and asked:"Does anyone of you want to go?"

Joanna and Michelle raised their hands high, obviously wanting to bully the weak ones.

Vanessa also nodded to indicate that she would go over, for she was afraid that the two girls would carelessly burn some precious medical books in the castle.

Roland also said that he wanted to go and take a look.

Liya looked around at the girls and found that no one had signed up, so she nodded and said,"No problem, you go, there are still enough people left." The four girls nodded.

Michelle used the fruit to propel herself to fly, while Vanessa and Roland were led by Joanna to fly towards the castle.

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