In the Long Kingdom's conference room, because of the angle Lu Shu stood in, the picture of the second defense line of the countries below was clearly presented.

Whenever Lu Shu looked towards a certain place, the big guys sitting in the conference room could faintly see a team member running from that direction.

Looking back to the very beginning, the big bosses gradually discovered that the eight members of the Silver Snake Mercenary Group had such complicated movement trajectories and dense operation locations that they almost covered the entire second line of defense area of ​​Israel! There are many trajectories, not for their own advance, but to cover the evacuation of another group member! After the other group member evacuates to a safe position, he will quickly devote himself to covering the next group member's path forward. Whether it's blocking the entrance of the base and talking trash, or deliberately causing trouble for the patrol team. This is actually to cover the sudden advance of other team members! If you have a God's perspective, you will find that those soldiers from other countries have been constantly pulling and moving. But in the end, not a single target was caught! Because every member of the group will even carefully leave retreat routes and tools for the covering members in advance when they advance! It's between these extreme pulls and protecting each other. Among the eight members of the Silver Snake Mercenary Group, seven have successfully penetrated the entire second line of defense!

"classic! So classic!"

Finally, a big boss in the conference room clapped his hands and laughed slowly.

"Extreme pull and cover"

"It can't be more accurate to break through at a fixed point."

"With just a few members, the entire second line of defense of Israel was thrown into disarray."

"But among the tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers, not even a few members of the mercenary group were captured."

"Tonight, I witnessed an extremely exciting operation behind enemy lines!"

The boss's eyes were full of admiration.

Although this boss's field is not in war.

But even without analyzing the internal complex factors, just from the appearance, he felt that this operation was extremely exciting!

"The members of a 04 mercenary group can actually achieve this level of tacit understanding"

"And this kind of mobility"

"Even our Dragon Kingdom’s special team shouldn’t be able to reach this level, right?"

After the big boss spoke, a big boss from the military department smiled and shook his head.

"Haha, Lao Wang, what you said is only half right."

"This interspersed action is indeed classic"

"The standard of this mercenary group is indeed good."

"But in fact, the members of this mercenary group are only strong in their ability to execute actions."

"What is really powerful is the brain that leads this operation"

"Right? Song Jun?"

The military boss immediately asked the question to Song Jun, with an encouraging look in his eyes.

Song Jun felt the eyes of his direct leaders and knew that this was the old leader deliberately creating opportunities for him to let him sit in front of these big bosses. Show more face in front of you.

After all, there are not many opportunities for so many big guys to sit together.

Song Jun nodded and spoke slowly

"Yes, the members of these mercenary groups are actually just completing instructions one after another."

"At what time, where to arrive, what route to take......"

"These are the instructions they receive constantly"

"All they need to do is complete these instructions."

"No need to worry about anything else at all"

"Because behind them, there is a brain that can deduce the entire battle situation."

"And this brain is their leader."

Song Jun glanced at Lu Shu in the screen.

Just now, those extremely precise instructions came from the mouth of this young regiment leader.

Lu Shu just stood here, as if he could see the entire battlefield.

The regiment members continued to complete a instructions, and then these instructions were connected in series to form one zigzag route after another, and the end points of these routes all lead to the back of the second line of defense.

Lu Shu is the most powerful brain in the whole group!

Accurate Control every action of every team member!

"In the battle just now, several team members actually made mistakes in their actions."

"For example, the member codenamed Big Beard"

"After attracting a wave of pursuers at the A120 base for the first time, the evacuation speed was a bit slow and could not effectively escape."

"So the other two group members who had already passed through the A120 base....."

"Then he turned back and threw a few high-explosive grenades into the base."

"As a result, the Israeli soldiers chasing the bearded man chose to return to the defense base."

Song Jun whispered a detail that no one noticed in the battle just now.

After the bearded man descended from the cliff, although he threw a grenade back to briefly hinder the pursuit, it was not enough to effectively escape. At that time, the two members who had already crossed the A120 base turned back a short distance almost instantly and threw a few grenades into the A120 base to create chaos.

This was the reason why Big Beard really broke away from the pursuit that time!

Speaking of which,

Song Jun showed a look of admiration in his eyes

"The scariest thing is not that this mistake was made up for"


"The moment this mistake occurred, the brain had already changed the combat instructions!"

"Even just for a few seconds"

"He also adjusted the next few chain actions!"

"This ability to respond and control changes in the battle situation......"

"In my opinion, it is almost beyond the limits of human beings......"

"If in a real all-out war, he would definitely be the most powerful commander!"

Song Jun's voice was full of exclamation.

The more he learned, the more he felt that this college student was too powerful and perverted! With such a strong individual soldier ability, he also had such a strong ability to command actions! If such a person becomes a member of the Dragon Kingdom , The soldiers of the army are almost equivalent to the combat power of a military region!

"He is the invisible hand behind this mercenary group"

"Treat each team member as a chess piece and place them where they should appear"

"Now 7 of the 8 members have broken through Israel’s second line of defense."

"Only the last member named Nia and himself are left...."

Song Jun wanted to say something more, but suddenly stopped because the regimental commander who had been standing motionless at this place from the beginning in the camera screen moved! In the scene, Lu Shu bent down and picked up a weapon from the ground. The familiar Sako TRG-42 sniper rifle. The attention of the big guys sitting in the room instantly shifted to the picture. Song Jun was so interested that he stopped talking and turned his head to look at the screen quietly.


"It should be the breakout between you and that member. Song

Jun thought silently in his heart.

In the bustling second line of defense of various countries, a special forces team that was originally performing a free search mission was marching quietly.

Listening to the noise coming from all directions, the captain of the special operations team fiercely frowned

"Made like this by a mercenary group"

"What a shame!"

A member of the special forces asked softly.

"Captain, do we need support?"

"It seems that there are some fights now......lively?"

The captain of the special team shook his head and snorted coldly.

"support? Oh, what a piece of support!"

"Now even the headquarters can't figure out where those guys are."

"How else can we support?"

He had just contacted the frontline headquarters and tried to ask for the last coordinates of the mercenary group's appearance.

But the response he got was.

I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand.

No one knows where they are and where they are running!

It seems like they are everywhere.....

After sneering, the captain of the special forces team carefully analyzed the surrounding movements.

I opened the map and looked at it again.

He said helplessly

"well.....Judging from the current situation"

"It is very possible that most of the mercenary group has passed through our second defense zone."

"Even if there are still a few here, they shouldn't be many."

Putting away the map, the captain of the special operations team took a look around, and then gave an order to a team member.

"The area we are searching now is the most critical location for crossing the defense line."

"If there are still people in that mercenary group who have not escaped, they must pass through this area."

"Contact another special forces team"

"Tell them to cross-search along the originally planned route!"

"If you can’t catch a group, it’s good to catch one!"

After the order was issued, the team members quickly conveyed the news to another special forces team nearby.

And this special forces team had begun searching carefully again.

On the hillside,

Lu Shu held the Sako TRG-42 and passed The night vision high-power lens locked on the special forces team below, and his fingers tapped on the earphones. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"There are two special forces on your evacuation route."

"We expect to contact you in 10 minutes."

Beside a ditch that was about to dry up,

Nia, who was running in hiding, responded in a low voice.

"Do I need to change the route?"

"Need not"

"Just keep going"

"I will make those two special forces afraid to chase you."

Hearing Lu Shu's calm response from the earphones.

A bright smile appeared on Nia's face.

To prevent the two special forces teams from chasing her?

What a sense of security given by the leader ?.......

It's so happy

"Well done, Captain!"

On the hillside,

Lu Shu transferred the high-power night vision scope from Nia's body to the special forces team below.

Then he calmly pulled the trigger, []


The sniper rifle without a silencer made a dull sound.

Below The special forces from all over the world were searching nervously.

The next moment, the soldier walking at the front flew out.



"9 o'clock direction!"

The special operations team leader issued a rapid warning, and instantly found the source of the gunfire.

He hurriedly looked around while hiding, and saw the sniper standing quietly on the hillside one kilometer away.

"distance is too far!"

"Sniper kill him!"

Without any hesitation, the special operations team leader had already given the order.

The sniper in the team had just raised his gun and was about to fight back.


A bullet penetrated the scope of the sniper rifle in his hand and then went directly into his head. inside

"nest grass......"

"So accurate?"

The captain of the special operations team looked at the figure on the hillside in horror.

The guy didn't even hide, he just stood there openly, silently announcing his existence to them.

At this time, a team member suddenly stretched out his finger. Pointed in another direction

"team leader!"

"There is a woman there!"

"He should be from the mercenary group!"

The special operations captain then looked around and saw a woman walking silently less than 500 meters away from them. While the woman was running, she even turned around and gave them a joking smile.


"She actually smiled at us?"

"Too arrogant!"

"Captain, why don't you attack this one?"

Amidst the hurried shouts of the team members, the special operations team leader took a look and saw that the woman was 500 meters away from them and was preparing to cross the defense zone.

The one on the hillside was 1 kilometer away, and one shot at a time.

Obviously, in this situation, priority must be given to Attack that woman!

"Target that woman!"

"Fire and shoot!"

The special operations captain gave the order without hesitation.


A team member just turned the gun, and 837 didn't even have time to aim.


The team member was knocked out!

Another team member who was about to shoot also suffered a fatal blow.

The special operations team leader looked at the moment in horror. death's two men


"What's the meaning?"

Not only this special forces team discovered Niya, but also the other one.

But when those special forces soldiers from all over the world were about to shoot at her, without exception, each one was instantly hit by sniper bullets from one kilometer away. Kill!

Running under the eyes of the enemy, but the enemy can't even fire a gun, this kind of treatment is simply wonderful!

Nia has even given up on evading actions, running straight towards the distance, and then facing the hillside He waved his hands happily

"I love you, Captain!"

The captain of the special operations team frowned deeply, how weird!

As long as the team members showed an attack on the woman, they would all be sniped by the guy on the hillside.

But the team members who didn't take action, nothing happened for the time being!

What does this horse riding mean?

At this time, a team member turned to look at Nia and shouted anxiously,

"Captain, that woman is running away!"

"We can't chase......" boom!

Before he finished speaking, the team member also flew out.

The special operations captain suddenly stared at the guy on the hillside.

He got it!

This time he totally got it.

That guy is showing an attitude!

This woman is his.

No shooting, no attacking, not even a look!

The special operations captain's neck was very stiff.

He subconsciously wanted to turn his head to see where the woman had gone, but he didn't dare!

He knew that as soon as he turned his head and looked around , he would be the one who died in the next moment!

"Who are these people riding horses?......."

"Too domineering!"

The scene became stiff for a moment.

The team members no longer cared about the woman, and the gunshots on the hillside stopped ringing.

More than ten minutes later, a team member said with a wry smile,

"Captain, that woman must have run away."

"But this guy in front of me is still there"

"Are you going to besiege him?"

The special operations captain looked at the silent figure on the hillside, as if waiting for them to pursue him.

He suddenly became timid.


"Face forward and retreat slowly"

"No other actions!"

"This guy......"

"We can't afford it."

The special operations captain led his team members to retreat bit by bit.

After retreating a few hundred meters, he looked up again and saw that the figure on the hillside had disappeared.

The special operations captain's body suddenly collapsed as if he was deflated..

He murmured with dull eyes,


"he is....."

"God's killer?".

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