In the drug dealer's lair beside the bamboo forest on the hillside.

Songpa stood on the bamboo tower and looked quietly into the distance.

Over there, there was fire and darkness.

The barbed wire fence surrounding the entire nest has been reinforced from one layer to three layers, and the height has also been increased from the original 3 meters to a full 5 meters!

And it’s all powered on!

More than a dozen diesel generators are roaring and running there all the time, in order to provide strong current to the three layers of barbed wire.

Now even the drug dealers in their lair don't dare to get too close to the barbed wire fence.

If they get a little closer, they will feel a tingling electric sensation under their feet.

One can imagine how powerful this current is.

And this is just one of the defenses.

A full circle of landmines is buried around the barbed wire fence.

And the trigger weight is set to the lightest!

The density is so terrifying that even a wild boar might step on it and be blown straight into the sky.

It took all the drug dealers in their lair nearly five hours to bury all the landmines, and now even they themselves can hardly figure out which places are mined and which are not.

It feels like it’s everywhere!

So he simply hid in his lair and never came out.

All the subordinates were called back by Songpa, and various weapons and ammunition were distributed as if they were free of charge.

Each subordinate's equipment is fully loaded.

This kind of battle is bigger than the previous fights with other drug lords!

The observation tower behind the barbed wire fence has been directly expanded from the original one!

The distance between each seat is only less than 5 meters! Almost the entire lair was surrounded by a circle!

There are several drug dealers on each tower, holding a heavy machine gun and staring at the outside.

That's it!

That's not all!

In the open space in the center of the lair, there are two rows of huge artillery, one row of mortars, and one row of howitzers.

"Next to"773" is an artillery shell filled with explosive bombs, incendiary bombs and other types of artillery shells!

This is completely a standard weapon in the army. The people responsible for controlling these artillery are men wearing green military uniforms. Soldier Fang!


Songpa on the bamboo tower glanced at the artillery and soldiers below, and the sense of security in his heart continued to rise.

These were his greatest confidence tonight!

"That bastard Delong really did something stupid in the end!"

"He took that guy running around all over the mountains and plains, messing up half of the Golden Triangle!"

"Damn it!"

Songpa said to himself with cold eyes.

When he saw the fires burning from the east to the west, he knew that Delong had led that guy to his own territory.

And he had received Ba Kun's call before. When he called for help, he was even more sure of his guess.

Hey, help?

The fire is burning at the door of the house. Who is still in the mood to help?

Don’t you know that we are all drug dealers?

Songpa once again despised it in his heart. Look at Ba Kun!

At this time, a drug dealer's subordinate hurriedly ran over to report,

"General! Bakun and Delong are both dead!!"

Hearing the news,

Songpa's fingers holding the cigar shook violently. The cigar fell straight from the second floor, drawing a red light in the night.


"die....A good death!"

"Hahaha! What a good death!"

After being stunned,

Songpa's face turned ferocious.

In this area of ​​the Golden Triangle, they are the only three of them who are the biggest drug lords.

They have been fighting with Ba Kun and Delong for countless years.


Those two guys were finally killed!

What does it mean when the other two drug lords are dead?

It means that their share of drugs and their subordinates will all be theirs by then!!

By then, this area of ​​the Golden Triangle, It will all be his territory!

He will become the most powerful poison king in the entire Golden Triangle!

Songpa knows that as long as he does not die today!

As long as he survives tonight, then this wealth will be his turn.!!!

Thinking of this, Songpa's body trembled with excitement.

He turned his head and looked at a military officer standing next to him, and said with a smile

"Colonel Shachu, please help me tell General Song Mutica"

"As long as you help me get through tonight, I will become the biggest drug lord in this mountainous area!"

"Only then will our transaction really begin!"

"No matter what achievements General Song Muticha wants, I, Songpa, will give it to me with my own hands!"

Colonel Fang Fang beside him nodded and smiled jokingly,

"Don't worry, Songpa, he's just a native of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Now we have General Song Muticha to protect you, and I have brought so many weapons and powerful soldiers, you will never be killed by him."

"General Song Muticha said that cooperation is long-term and he is willing to protect his partners"

"Just like the 18 Dragon Kingdom crew members on the Mei River last time, we cooperated very well!"

Hearing what the other party said and looking at the soldiers and artillery below,

Songpa felt that his heart was extremely clear.

He was completely different from the two stupid guys Bakun and Delong.

When he first heard that guy was coming to the Golden Triangle At that time, he had already contacted the military forces behind him to seek cooperation.

So tonight!

Not only will he not die!

Even if he finds a chance, he will tear that guy from the Dragon Kingdom to pieces!

"I also want to thank you for helping me kill two opponents."

"Come on, come on, let's see who will die tonight!"

Looking at the dark night over there,

Songpa licked his lips bloodyly.

In the night,

Lu Shu dragged Delong's body and walked step by step towards the last drug lord's lair.

"I'm coming! he came!"

"Damn it! So nervous!"

"This guy actually walked directly over here....."

"There are so many of us, is he not afraid at all?"

The drug dealers on the tower swallowed nervously as they looked at the figure walking step by step in the night.

And when Lu Shu's figure was completely illuminated by the lights on the wall, they looked at the drug in his hand.

The drug dealers on the tower were shocked again by the corpse.

"he......What he is dragging in his hand is....Is it the body of General Delong?"

"Groove! Delong was actually killed by him!"

"Oh my god! So panicked!"

Lu Shu glanced at the tall towers around his lair and the barbed wire fence with blue currents sizzling out of it, and frowned slightly.

He came here to ask for a commission, and it seemed that the other party had this kind of attitude. Not very friendly?


Lu Shu gently threw Delong's body a few meters away, just enough for the guys on the tower to see Delong's face clearly.

"The bounty target has been killed"

"I'll collect my commission."

The drug dealers on the tower were stunned when they heard this.

"What did he say?"

"It seems that you are here to receive commission?"

"what does it mean......"

"I don’t know, whatever, I’ll go talk to the general first."

The drug dealer on the tower couldn't get down, so he could only shout to the people below.

"Hello! Brothers down there, go report to the general."

"The guy outside said he was coming to get his money! It’s the general’s reward for his head!"

The brother downstairs made a"received" gesture, and then kicked a drug dealer who was guarding the door next to him.

"Go and tell the general, that guy is coming to take the money the general paid for his head!"

Zhengzhou, the drug dealer, nodded and ran towards the bamboo building quickly, and was stopped by the core drug dealer in the defense on the bamboo building.

"Don't go in! If you have anything to say, tell me and I'll report it to the general!"

The drug dealer quickly raised his head and shouted,

"The guy outside said he was coming to get the general's head money."

The drug dealer on the first floor is a bit deaf and missed another word.


"He said he was coming to take the general's head?"

"Grandma’s! Too arrogant"

"You wait here, I'll tell the general!"

The core drug dealer's men hurried upstairs and came to Songpa.

"The general is in trouble, the guy outside said he is coming to take your head!"

"Come and get my head?"

Songpa's face instantly became gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and sneered,

"Oh, it really came after my head!"

"He doesn't even want the 5 million reward I offered, and he wants my head directly?"

"Too arrogant!"

"Go tell him!"

"Want my head? Dream on!"


Songpa originally had a glimmer of hope.

If that guy came here with Delong's body just to collect his reward commission, then maybe everyone could sit down and have a good chat! (For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now!

They asked for his head as soon as they came up?

Not even asking for money?

This is too arrogant!!

It seems that there will be no fight tonight.

He turned to the colonel Fang Fang beside him said,

"Colonel Shachu, there should be no possibility of talking about it."

"Please let your soldiers prepare and shoot him to death in a moment!"

On the other side, the core drug dealer who received the general's message hurriedly ran back downstairs and snorted coldly at the drug dealer waiting there.

"Go, tell him, the general said"

"If you want the general’s head, just dream!"


The drug dealer turned his head and was stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Isn’t what I just said about the general’s head money?"

"Why did it become a human head?"

"Yeah, yeah, I must have heard wrong. The message was"head money""!"

After thinking about it, the drug dealer hurried to the bottom of the tower and shouted to the top

"Tell him, the general said"

"If you want the general's head money, just dream!"

The drug dealer on the tower nodded, indicating that he had received it, and then shouted loudly to the figure outside,

"The general said......"

"If you want a head reward from the general, just dream!"

Lu Shu, who was standing outside quietly waiting for the message to be delivered, frowned after hearing this sentence.

Just in case he heard it wrong,

Lu ShuI turned around to confirm with Ling Feng, who was hiding behind a tree. 0

"What did he just respond to?"

Ling Feng grinned and answered confidently,

"The drug dealer's voice was so loud, I could hear clearly"

"He said that their general said,"

"If you want a head reward from the general, just dream."

After receiving the confirmation, Lu Shu seemed to have a look of disbelief in his eyes, as if he had received some serious blow.

"That is to say......."

"Is he going to pay me a commission?"

Ling Feng touched his chin,

"Yes, I understand that he wants to take advantage of you. This guy"


At this point,

Ling Feng finally reacted like crazy!

My eyes widened instantly! bilk?

No commission?

What were the consequences for those who didn't pay Lu Shu a commission last time? ? ?

Ling Feng's throat suddenly became dry.

"No, no, maybe I heard wrong? ?"

"What is that......"

"Calm down first!"

Ling Feng waved his hands in panic, but he found that Lu Shu's face had turned cold little by little.

His whole body began to exude a cold murderous aura, and he couldn't help but shudder when he saw that murderous aura.


"Blame it on me?"

A sound like ice cream came, bang bang bang, and

Ling Feng heard that the joints on Lu Shu's body had begun to ring.

He slapped his face hard,

"It’s over!"

"It's really over now!"

"If you don't give me money, aren't you looking for death?......" boom! boom! boom!

Just when Ling Feng thought something was getting serious, the drug lord opened fire in his lair!

Mortar shells and howitzer shells rained down on them.

Almost the entire place where they were standing was bombed.

The soldiers of the Wolf Fang Team looked for bunkers and hid around, waiting for this round of artillery fire.

Ling Feng finally found Lu Shu in the smoke.

I could hear Lu Shu's deep breathing in the distance.

"If you don't pay me commission, you're still going to blast me?"

"Please lend me a tactical backpack."

A soldier from the Wolf Fang Team blankly took off his warrior backpack and handed it over.

"Give me all the grenades you have on you."

Lu Shu took the tactical backpack and began to search for the thunder particles on the soldiers of the Langya team one by one.

Then he squatted on the ground, carefully sorted the various types of thunder particles one by one, and stuffed them into the backpack.

Ling Feng walked over to take a look. He glanced at it, his scalp was numb.

Slowly 1.8 Slowly, he took a look at the various grenades in his backpack.

Then he placed a few of his own high-explosives in front of Lu Shu.

He cautiously said:

"Great God"

"Don't get killed"

"That guy is involved in a big case and he needs to be brought back alive."

Lu Shu carried a heavy bag full of Lei Zi on his back, turned around quietly and walked towards the iron barrel-like drug dealer's lair.

"decide as things go."

Looking at Lu Shu's back,

Ling Feng and the entire Langya team felt a cold sweat break out from behind.

"A whole backpack of thunder!"

"Captain, will the master blow up this lair?"

A team member asked extremely nervously.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly.

"It is a must!"

"What is this lair?"

"What do you think the drug lord thought? It was only 5 million, and he was relying on the master's account?"

"How many lives?......"

Ling Feng is already praying for a drug lord in his heart!

The drug lord they want to catch in this operation must be alive!

Many years later, when Ling Feng, who was already a lieutenant colonel, recalled this night, the expression on his face was still rippling.

He could only use two words to describe this night.


Incomparably gorgeous!

The rumbling sound of cannons, the explosions one after another, and the smoke one after another.

The sky full of gunfire and fire.

I wish I could light up the night sky!

The entire drug dealer's lair was blown to pieces.

No drug dealer's body is intact.

And it was against that background of flames that the guy finally walked out of the ruined drug dealer's lair

, carrying a bruised and swollen man with only one breath left in one hand. That scene was simply thrilling!.

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