After dressing up, Krehe and his father were on their way to the slave market, and while sitting in the carriage, Aite suddenly asked Kreher, "How is the fit between the emperor and you?"

"It's not bad, there is no rejection at the moment, I think there should be no problem."

"Uh-huh. Our little Kreher is a genius!! Aite hugged Kreher excitedly, "Little Krehe, pick a slave for a while, you can choose at will, as long as you find one you like." "

Well, I see." Kreher nodded, "Dad, aren't I going out for a workout?" So I'm going to go and develop with the people of the West who are not ethnically diverse.

"Is there a war with those aliens in the west?" Aite shook his head, "I think you're fit to go south, but I'll agree to you wherever you go, but I only have one request, you must be safe."

"I see." Kreher nodded, "Father, I'm going to fight you again before I leave!" "

Oh? Fight with me? Aite smiled slightly, "I'm looking forward to it!" Speaking of which, I really should have to let juniors like you feel how powerful I am. Aite breathed a deep sigh of relief, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, little Klech. "

“?" Klehe looked confused, "Why thank me, Daddy?"

"Because you made me get my old self back." Aite smiled slightly, then hugged Krehe and said, "Your father, I feel like I've found my old self again..."

Your father and I used to be a person with a righteous heart, I don't have to thank you for this, if you hadn't made me remember my old self with practical actions, I'm afraid, I might still be like that..."Aite shook his head, "I have been controlled by interests for too long, I have forgotten my original dream... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that my dream of helping the world needs you to help me come true... Crech, I believe in you, I've always believed in you, my child. You will be able to do what you want to do. "

Hmm," Klech nodded, "I'm a man of destiny!" Kreher replied with a smile.

Soon, the two arrived at the slave market.

After entering a very large slave exchange, a good-looking woman asked the two.

"Are you here to buy slaves?" The woman asked the two.

"Uh-huh, we need a slave who can fight."

"Please come with me to the rest area for a rest." After saying that, the two were taken to the rest area, and then went out.

This lounge area is still quite good, the room design is very good, the sofa is also very comfortable, in short, the two of them feel very good.

Soon, the woman returned to the rest area.

"Come with me, two of you."

Led by the woman, the two slowly entered the slave market.

There were many slaves, each of whom was kept in a cage.

Moreover, Krehe also saw many people who were haggling with the slave traders....

"Please follow me, it's inside." The woman pointed to the iron cage in front of her.

She led the two to the vicinity of the iron cage.

"These are the slaves that meet your needs, these people are all aliens from the north, these are some prisoners of war when General Estes exterminated the aliens in the south, although they may not be very good, but at least they will be much better than those slaves in the empire."

"The aliens of the South?" Aite frowned, "The strength of those people is not very strong, I'm afraid the strongest are still in the north and the west where the power has been established."

"But." The woman frowned, "But you also have to know that this kind of fighting slave is probably only suitable for prisoners of war, and now, the West and the North are not fighting, and we can't get slaves from there at all, so it's good to be able to get these."

"You're right." Ather nodded, "So, lift the cloth and let's see the true face of these slaves!" As soon as she finished speaking, the woman lifted the cloth one by one.

The slaves in the cage immediately hid in the corner of the cage because of the sunlight.

"This one does." The woman pointed to a male slave and said, "This former combatant was discovered by us when he didn't pretend to be dead on the battlefield." After speaking, she also pointed to his muscles and said, "Looking at the strong muscles, he is more or less a practitioner." Well, I think it's okay! The woman asked Aite.

"No, I don't want a male one, I have to want a female one, because this is for my daughter's self-defense, what if the male is rebellious and causes my daughter to lose her virginity?" Aite stared at the woman with an unkind look.

"Oh, sorry, I see." The woman felt a little embarrassed, because she thought it was this man who had found a super small lover, but it turned out that she wanted to split up...

After recovering the cage containing the male slave with a cloth, the woman pointed to the other three uncovered cages.

"For women, there are only these three, but this is the one I recommend." The woman pointed to a slave girl who was looking at everyone viciously.

"I want this, though." Kreher gestured to a slave who was in a daze in the corner of the cage.

"This?" The woman was a little surprised, "This was found in the soil, if it weren't for her popping up, we wouldn't have been able to find her, and this guy doesn't eat much, probably only when he is extremely hungry, so I don't recommend you to choose this." Of

course, the real reason is that this person's yellow-skinned appearance can't be sold for a good price, only because she is a southern alien and adds some money.

"No, that's it." Kreher shook her head and resolutely chose this.

"Well, that's it." Aite also nodded.

Seeing that both of them looked like this, the woman had no choice but to nod and say I understand, and sent the two back to the lounge.

"Kreher, why did you choose that?"

"I think it's the looks that are the most important thing compared to the strength." Kreher shrugged, "Strength can be practiced, but face is a lifetime, isn't it?" "

Hehe, you're just a Yan dog, but it's a coincidence, your father and I are also Yan dog." Aite said with a laugh.

"In short, you can just like it, and look at her body and bones and eat more nutritious things, there is no problem in growing into a beauty, so you are very good at choosing." Aite affirmed her choice, "Hmm. The next step is training..."Aite touched his chin, "Well, little Krehe, I'll try to train a subordinate who can assist you in a year or two, and you can still do what you want to do in your spare time."

"And you're supposed to be going to do something big!" Aite said in her ear, "And you've already started a deal with the Anning Dao Master, right?" "

Huh!" Kreher was a little confused, "Did Cole say that?" "Because there were only three people at the time, the sect leader, she, and Cole, so she must have suspected Cole.

"No, it's not her, it's Mr. Sect Master." Aite shook his head, "It was he who came to visit me personally. "

What? Why? "Krehe is a little confused, obviously the sect leader is very much in agreement with him, how could he do this kind of work?

"Don't blame anyone." Aite shook his head, "He told me he would do his best to support you." Although he said that you are a man of destiny and so on, I don't know if it's true or not, and the reason why he told me about it is actually very simple, because he wants me to do my best to support you.

"And that's exactly what it was going to do." Aite smiled slightly, "Krehe, do whatever you want, I remember that you want to change this empire, right, then I will do my best to support you, even if you fail and you are wanted, then please believe that your father is your strongest backing, when you have no way out, please don't be afraid, because I am here."

"But what if I say what I'm going to do is rebel?"

"Why is it impossible to rebel against the minister?" Aite pinched her face, "We're the Emperor's blade, not the minister's, aren't we?" Isn't it his sin that the minister dominates the court and holds the power alone, and the emperor has become his puppet? Aite patted her on the shoulder, "Go ahead and do it, Destiny'!"

"Father, don't make fun of me... Now that you've agreed, I'm going to try to develop my own power while you train that person. Klehe smiled.

"Two, the person you want is here." The woman took the chosen slave to the two of them in the rest area.

Klehe looked up, and a young girl in handcuffs, bare feet, unkempt and wearing a collar around her neck was being led to them by the woman with a rope.

"Two, it's this guy, so I'll officially start the inspection?"

"Let's check, we will most likely choose this person, of course, this must be in the case of good goods."

"Of course." After speaking, he took off all the girl's clothes directly, "Look, there are no scars on the body." "

Well, that's good." Aite looked at the girl and found that she didn't have deep scars on her body and said, "Yes, but." He looked at Kreher, "Well, have you decided to ask for it?" "

No problem, that's it, I think she's okay."

"Is that so? Then we're going to have this, just change your clothes and send it to Grelett's house, understand? "

Huh? You're Lord Grelett, I see, and I'll arrange it. After speaking, he hurriedly took notes, and then led the girl out of the rest area.

"Let's go, let's go home!" They took Klech's hand and drove home in a carriage...

Not long after arriving home, the slaves were sent home.

At this time, the slave girl was very different from the beginning, and the salesman couldn't help but sigh after looking at the person who was dressed up so beautifully, if she could have found out that this person was so beautiful earlier, she could have rented it to a custom shop at a higher price, although she might make less money when she sold it, but she didn't lose at all, but now there is no way.

"Kreher, you've made a good choice!" Looking at this slave who was dressed up so beautifully, Aite sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, she'll be my person from now on, okay." After saying that, he took her hand and prepared to leave.

"Uh-huh, you go first!" With a wave of her hand, Aite motioned for Creher to take the man back to her room.


"Hello, I'm Kreher Greillette, the eldest lady of this family, and from now on you will be my person, because you have been bought by me."

Klech sat on a chair and crossed Jiro's legs and said to the girl in front of him.

“。" The girl didn't say a word.

"What's your name?" Kreher asked.

“。" She still didn't say a word.

But Kreher was not in a hurry, but smiled and waved his hand, "I didn't buy you just because I was a face control, the most important reason is that I actually saw your determination." Kreher paused, "Death-defying decision."

"I'm very optimistic about people like you who have a determination to die, because the next thing I'm going to do is something that someone who has a determination to die can do."

“。" She still didn't bother with Klehe, but Klehe could tell from the look in her eyes that this person was actually listening.

"Because I'm going to overthrow the current situation of the Empire. I'm going to overthrow this empire controlled by the minister! Klehe whispered in her ear, and she was shocked.

"I know you're probably most concerned about being a slave! So, I can tell you responsibly that I can change your identity, but even if I overthrow the minister's rule, I still won't be able to do the abolition of slavery, but I will do it little by little.

"Well, after listening to what I said, you must have looked confused, it's okay, because I didn't intend to let you understand. But, all you have to do is know that I can free you from slavery, and the price you have to pay is your loyalty. With that, Crehe lifted her chin and touched her face, "I hope you understand." Kreherby made a "shhhh

"Then I'd rather die!" The girl spoke, and the first thing she said was something like that.

"Is that so?" Kreher looked at it playfully and then laughed, "Poofhahaha, die? How could it be! How could I possibly let you die so easily? You are my man, your life and death are controlled by me, you can't just die!

"Finally, the time has come to eliminate my slave status, and in this way I am not still your slave in disguise?"

"Whatever you think, it's impossible for you to die so soon, because you'll have to be my scapegoat!" Hum smiled, Krehe didn't bother with this person anymore, after all, there was really nothing to say, at first she really wanted to be kind to this person, after all, she had already said it so obviously at the beginning, and as a result, it turned out that this opening was going to die, isn't it obvious that she Kreher is not a thing at all? Since she understood it this way, Klehe didn't plan to show mercy, after all, she was just a slave.

「...... Slaves? I hate making people slaves, but if I'm a slave owner, I'm actually pretty happy... So, sure enough, I'm actually a double-standard dog?" With a wry smile, she continued with what she was about to do.

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