Even though he had just crossed over, facing the aggressive Twin Snakes Gang, Qin Yang had never suffered such a big loss.

Even though the Twin Snakes Gang could not be compared with the Other Shore Sect, it really annoyed Qin Yang.

"Uncle Qian, recruit more guards first."

"The situation is so chaotic now, the medicine shop and the restaurant also need people to guard them."

Qin Yang said again.

He was practicing in the Qin Mansion, and he didn't have so much energy to look after the shops outside, so he could only add more manpower first.

Qian Hai nodded: "Then I can only go to the martial arts hall to find someone, but the price may be slightly higher."

"Money is not a problem, the main thing is that the person must be reliable, and dare to fight and rush."

Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

"No problem, those young men in the martial arts hall are all brave and fierce."

"I'll go and find a few later."

Qian Hai also felt that this matter could not be delayed.

After the death of two guards, the guards of the Qin Mansion, even if he was counted, there were only four people.

In the current situation where the outer city is becoming more and more chaotic, this number of people is simply not enough.

"After recruiting enough people, we will clean up Fu Restaurant and Dashan Pharmacy."

Qin Yang said softly.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Qian Hai went to the martial arts hall to find someone first.

There are large and small martial arts halls in Linjiang City, which are basically opened by old boxers in the city. You can learn some martial arts by paying money.

Qian Hai just knows the owners of several small martial arts halls. He went to talk to them and it would not be a problem to find someone to come.

Qin Yang sat alone in the hall and pondered.

"After this day, the outer city will definitely be more chaotic."

"If too many blood-moving warriors die, I am afraid that they will become more and more unable to suppress the mobs."

"What's more, there is a sect behind the scenes who is making trouble."

Qin Yang frowned slightly.

He has no way to solve this matter at all.

The world is too chaotic, even making a living may become a luxury, and it is normal for those people who can't survive to listen to the instigation of the sect.

The main reason is that the Other Shore Religion does win over people's hearts. I don't know what means it uses to deceive people, and then distribute most of the money to the poor people.

These people have received the favors of the Other Shore Religion, and with some deceptive means, they can easily be incited.

In addition to the contradictions within itself

Qin Yang only felt that Linjiang City was undercurrent.

"But after this riot, the guys in the inner city should be able to detect the existence of the Other Shore Religion."

"I can only run away from Linjiang City."

"The big forces in the inner city are reluctant to leave, and it is estimated that the two sides will fight soon."

Qin Yang guessed in his heart.

However, no one can predict what the reality will develop into.

All Qin Yang can do is to continue to improve his strength.

"The Blood Moving Realm is still a little short of practicing to the ninth level of Canglang Realm as soon as possible."

"But the Qi Gathering Method has not been found yet. I still have to pay attention."

Qin Yang sighed slightly.

After the blood moving is completed, it is Qi Gathering.

Even Qin Yang's father, Qin Dongsheng, was only a blood-moving warrior, so he naturally wouldn't leave behind a Qi-gathering technique, and Qin Yang would need to find it himself.

Blood-moving is to strengthen Qi and blood, laying a solid foundation for the future martial arts path.

Qi-gathering is to build a framework on this basis.

How big this framework is depends on the amount of Qi and blood.

The thicker the Qi and blood, the more internal Qi that can be condensed, and the greater the power.

Of course, the grade of the technique is also very important.

Qin Yang has been practicing the Canglang Blood-moving Technique for so long, so naturally he would not choose an ordinary Qi-gathering technique to waste his own thick Qi and blood.

"Practice while looking for it."

"But before that, I still have to collect some interest."

"Is my Qin Yang's shop so easy to smash?!"

Qin Yang's face was cold and stern.

At night.

The chaotic outer city finally stopped after a day and returned to silence.

But occasionally, some figures can be seen shuttling through the streets.

These figures kept going in and out of various mansions and houses, most of them wearing yellow clothes.

A masked man in black hid in the shadow of the alley, looking at the yellow-clothed man who flashed by not far from him, with a sneer on his face.

He saw that when these yellow-clothed men left the mansion, they would have a bulging package in their hands.

If I guessed correctly, it should be the gold, silver and jewelry robbed from today's riot.

"This other shore church is really evil. The money that was robbed so hard can be spit out."

Qin Yang was a little surprised.

After these yellow-clothed men left, he walked out of the alley and headed for the mansion of the bald man before.

He went there tonight, naturally to collect money again.

"I wonder if the other shore church will abandon this stronghold after the bald man was smashed to death by me."

Qin Yang didn't know the situation over there, just wanted to try his luck

But when he quietly sneaked into the dark alley, climbed over the high wall, and heard some sharp and strange sounds, he knew there was a play in his heart.

When he came to the familiar corner window, the small hole was still there.

Through the small hole, he saw a strong man with short hair, sitting cross-legged on the ground, reciting strange scriptures.

"The world is a sea of ​​suffering. Hell is terrible. You can transcend by reaching the other shore."

Qin Yang barely heard some words clearly.

Maybe the man spoke some kind of dialect, and his voice was particularly sharp, which made Qin Yang feel angry and wanted to punch the guy inside to death.

He estimated the distance and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

The strong man who was reciting the scriptures was named Feng Li. After the bald man died, he took over his position.

"Today's commotion was so big that a lot of money must have been robbed."

"It looks like I'm going to get rich tonight."

When Feng Li thought of this, he was distracted and could no longer concentrate on his meditation. All he could think about was how much money he was going to make.


The next moment, the window exploded violently.

A masked figure bathed in the moonlight came like lightning.


A golden sledgehammer broke through the airflow and hit Feng Li like a cannonball.

Feng Li felt his scalp tingling at the sound of the airflow.

The horrible death of the bald man instantly popped up in his mind.

The murderer actually dared to show up!

"Powerful Mountain Opening Palm!"

Feng Li roared, and all his strength burst out fiercely, condensing into his right palm and hitting out!


The golden sledgehammer was too powerful, and the moment it came into contact.

Feng Li's entire arm was smashed to pieces by the hammer.

The horrible pain made Feng Li's face distorted, and he wanted to take this opportunity to distance himself.


The opponent hit him with a hammer again!


This hammer hit his chest hard, causing it to cave in, and his internal organs were smashed into minced meat.


Feng Li vomited blood and fell straight to the ground.

"Really can't stand being hit"

Qin Yang shook his head slightly.

He didn't know any hammering techniques at all, and he simply relied on the burst of blood and qi to smash the opponent to death.

After killing the man, Qin Yang pried open the floor tile as before, but found nothing.

"Damn, this guy is not hiding here"

Qin Yang frowned slightly.

It would take a lot of time to search the entire mansion, but he didn't know when those yellow-clothed men would come back.

But a good idea suddenly appeared in Qin Yang's mind.

"If you want to play, play big!"

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