After a month of hard training, the Turtle Snake Art has been cultivated to the third level.

The turtle snake energy filled his whole body, but his body seemed to be a little stronger than before, without the feeling of being burly and strong.

This is the state of the black turtle keeping quiet.

The magical power of rushing back to the sea not only acts on the qi and blood, but also on the internal qi.

Now in his body, the turtle snake energy is constantly circulating throughout the body.

This turtle snake energy will form a very terrifying state of heavy pressure, making Qin Yang seem to be in the deep sea at any time, bearing terrible water pressure.

It can be said that Qin Yang's body is undergoing tempering every moment.

His muscles, tendons, bones, and internal organs gradually remove impurities under heavy pressure, and they will appear stronger than before.

But in fact, his weight has increased rather than decreased.

The law of breaking the military knife has broken through to the great success realm, not far from the state of perfection.

The Hunyuan Yiqi shield has also broken through to the sixth level, and the shield seed located in the heart is larger and tighter, which can form a stronger shield.

After a period of practice, the Thunder Palm has also entered the realm of mastery, and can produce palm power as powerful as thunder.

This feeling of the body becoming stronger and the cultivation level constantly improving makes Qin Yang feel very happy.

"Young Master. Mr. Li sent a few more paintings."

Xiao Huan covered her mouth and walked in with a smile on her face.


Qin Yang was a little speechless.

These days, Li Tong would send portraits from time to time.

Of course, these are not antique paintings, but some portraits of ladies from wealthy families for Qin Yang to choose.

But Qin Yang is obsessed with practice, so he has no time to care about these.

"Young Master, why don't you take a look?"

"At your age, in our village, children can help with cooking."

Xiao Huan joked.

"Let's talk about it after stability."

"Besides, the outer city is getting more and more turbulent now. How can I have this leisure time."

Qin Yang shook his head.

Seeing this, Xiao Huan did not dare to say more and hurriedly left the courtyard.

As a result, as soon as she left, Qian Hai stepped into the yard.

"Master, the Baijiang Gang has expanded its power recently, and it seems a little arrogant."

"They are actually going to acquire our Laifu Restaurant, otherwise we can't do business."

Qian Hai looked annoyed.

"How much silver did the Baijiang Gang give Luo Jian?"

Qin Yang's eyes flashed.

"Five hundred taels of silver."

"This is basically sending away beggars. If you want to rob for free, just say so."

Qian Hai snorted coldly.

"How could Luo Jian do such a thing with his personality?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes.

He had met Luo Jian a few times, and this man was quite mature and steady. Could it be that he had recently swallowed up a little territory and began to expose his ambitions?

"Master, you practice in the courtyard all day long, so you may not know much about what's happening outside."

"In the past two months, the Baijiang Gang has been like crazy, constantly suppressing shops, robbing and robbing, and using any means to rob money."

"I originally thought that as long as they don't mess with us, it's fine."

"I didn't expect Luo Jian to be so arrogant."

"It's simply crazy!"

Qian Hai was very excited and kept denouncing the Baijiang Gang.

"Such a big change"

Qin Yang was a little surprised.

Did he misjudge the person before?


"These days, the Baijiang Gang has robbed a lot of money and many people."

"Now I heard that there are hundreds of people."

Qian Hai calmed down a little.

"What's the use of having so many people?"

"I'll find a time to ask Luo Jian what he means."

Qin Yang smiled slightly.

At night.

A dark figure carrying a big knife quietly climbed over the high wall of the Qin Mansion and quickly merged into the night.

This figure is naturally Qin Yang.

It has been several months since the Baijiang Gang took over the territory of the Shuangshe Gang.

When the Baijiang Gang could not survive at the dock, if Qin Yang had not been willing to give the territory to the Baijiang Gang, the Baijiang Gang would have become history like the Shuangshe Gang and been forgotten in the corners.

This is why Qian Hai was so angry.

In his eyes, the Baijiang Gang's behavior was that of an ungrateful ungrateful bastard.

Qin Yang also knew that people's hearts would change.

If Luo Jian was really like what Qian Hai said, then don't blame him for being cruel.

The Baijiang Gang's base was actually the base of the Shuangshe Gang in the past.

The Baijiang Gang used it directly at the beginning.

Qin Yang crossed two streets and saw a large courtyard with bright lights in the distance.

In the middle of the night, the courtyard was still very noisy, like a market.

Qin Yang quietly climbed over the wall from the side and looked at the situation in the courtyard.

A dozen men set up two tables of wine, drinking, eating snacks, and playing drinking games.

Qin Yang saw this and climbed over the wall, walking like a cat, quietly.

On the way, he occasionally met patrolling Baijiang Gang disciples, all of whom were avoided by Qin Yang one by one.


He went deep into the Baijiang Gang's base.

Compared to the quiet outside, it was very quiet here, and there were no patrols.

Qin Yang hid behind a flower garden first.

There are many houses here, and he didn't know which room Luo Jian lived in.

He planned to wait here for a destined person to pass by, and then ask for directions.

Qin Yang didn't wait for long.

A destined person walked in.

This man looked fierce and evil, and it was Li Yong, the head of the Li Hall, who went to Lai Fu Restaurant to cause trouble today.

In fact, Li Yong had his own mansion in Linjiang City.

But the main reason was that I went to Laifu Restaurant today, and I felt guilty. I was afraid that Qin Yang would come directly to the door, so I simply thought of hiding in the gang station to avoid the limelight these days.

"I don't know what the gang leader thinks."

"Just bully those ordinary people."

"How come you dare to mess with a ruthless character like Qin Yang?"

Li Yong sighed slightly.

He himself didn't want to go.

But Luo Jian had no choice but to suppress him, and it would be impossible if he didn't go.

Now he just hopes that Luo Jian will come forward quickly and resolve this matter.

After thinking about it, he came to his usual place in the gang, took out the key, opened the door, and stepped in.


An iron hand grasped his neck like lightning.

The force squeezing from that big hand was too terrifying.

That moment.

Li Yong really felt that his neck was about to break.

Then, Li Yong was pushed into the room.

Qin Yang closed the door and let go.

"Get to know me."

Qin Yang smiled.

"Hoo ho ho"

Li Yong breathed heavily. Even without the light, he could clearly see the outline of the face.

"Master Qin Qin."

Li Yong was so frightened that his legs trembled.

This is really what I'm afraid of.

"I heard that your gang leader wants to buy my family's Laifu Restaurant."

"I'm here to ask what's going on."

"I didn't scare you."

Qin Yang smiled.

He didn't know that Li Yong was the man who went to Laifu Restaurant to cause trouble today.

But judging from the clothes he was wearing, he looked like an important figure in the Baijiang Gang.

"I'm not scared." Li Yong looked pale.

"That's good."

"Let's sit down and talk."

Qin Yang is not afraid of Li Yong's tricks either.

The gap between him and Li Yong is less than one meter.

With his current explosive power, if there was any abnormality in Li Yong, he could smash his head with one palm.

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