The Sky Patrol is indeed very large. While leading Qin Yang, Han Qianyue began to give Qin Yang some knowledge.

"The way of cultivation of spiritual masters is very special, completely different from that of warriors. It is another way."

"Their way of cultivation is induction. Induction of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, turning it into their own use."

"However, in this induction process, many spiritual masters will suffer from inexplicable pollution, mental disorders, and even madness."

"So you should be more careful when dealing with spiritual masters in the future. Most spiritual masters' brains are not normal people's thinking, so you need to be careful."

Han Qianyue warned.

When Qin Yang heard this, he knew that Yin He Taoist was definitely a so-called spiritual master.

The brain circuit of this Taoist priest is indeed different from that of others.


Suddenly, several screams came from the distance of the Sky Patrol.

Han Qianyue whispered: "After you are gone, the test will officially begin."

Qin Yang smiled and could only wish those people good luck.

Entering the depths of the Sky Patrol.

This is obviously a place to live, with independent courtyards.

Han Qianyue brought Qin Yang to an exquisite courtyard.

"This is where you will live in the Sky Patrol Department in the future."

"Someone will come to take you to register tomorrow, and you can familiarize yourself with the operation of the Sky Patrol Department."

Han Qianyue said softly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Han." Qin Yang nodded.

"Go to bed early."

Han Qianyue still had to pay attention to the assessment of other people and make an assessment.

After saying this, he left the courtyard directly.

Qin Yang pushed open the house in the courtyard.

The room was simply decorated with a bed and a wardrobe.

Qin Yang had long lost the habit of sleeping, so he came to the bed and sat cross-legged to practice the Turtle Snake Sutra.

There was no conversation all night.

The next day.

Qin Yang heard footsteps coming from the courtyard.

"Is Brother Qin here?"

A loud voice came.

Qin Yang pushed open the door.

I saw a black-faced man standing outside.

"I am Zhang Zhao, and I am also a member of the Evil-Punishment Department like Brother Qin."

The black-faced man smiled.

"It's Brother Zhang!"

Qin Yang clasped his fists.

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, Zhang Zhao led Qin Yang to a canteen for breakfast.

"Brother Qin, the food in this canteen is not bad, three meals a day are all included."

"It's a waste if you don't eat."

Zhang Zhao sat down with a big knife and golden horse, and ordered a lot of food.

All kinds of cakes, buns, noodles, and boiled eggs.

Qin Yang was not polite and ate with an open belly.

At the same time, he was also observing.

I found that there were quite a lot of people in this canteen, but these people seemed to be very lonely and indifferent, and most of them were eating alone in silence.

Zhang Zhao saw this and laughed, "This Patrol Department has five major departments."

"They are Zhuxie, Xuanling, Bingyu, Xunming, and Neiwu."

"You should know what our Zhuxie Department does."

"Xuanling Department has the least people. Only spiritual masters can join. Those guys are supernatural and will assist us when necessary."

"Bingyu is very mysterious. On the surface, it is responsible for guarding the Xuntian Prison, but it seems that there are other duties. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us."

"Xunming is responsible for collecting intelligence. There are all kinds of news."

"Neiwu Department is a kind of miscellaneous work. For example, they are responsible for the canteen."

Qin Yang didn't expect that a patrol department is quite complicated.

Zhang Zhao lowered his voice: "Where there are people, there are disputes."

"Our Shanhe Patrol Department was established not long ago, but there are also factional struggles."

"Deputy Chief Lu is in charge of Zhuxie Department, and another deputy chief Li Qiuhai is in charge of Bingyu Department and Xunming Department."

"Pay attention in the future."

Qin Yang understood as soon as he heard it. As soon as he entered the Zhuxie Department, he was naturally on Lu Shengyue's side.

He didn't care and asked softly, "Who is the chief?"

"There is no chief."

"The Mountain and River Patrol Department has just been established, and the chief has not yet been finalized."

"So the two deputy chiefs are fighting fiercely, just for the position of the chief."

"But we don't need to care about these struggles at the top, just do our own things."

Zhang Zhao smiled.

The two of them ate and drank enough.

Zhang Zhao took Qin Yang to a loft.

After Zhang Zhao's introduction, Qin Yang knew that this was the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After a series of procedures, Qin Yang received a jade token.

The front of the token has a word "Pan" and the back has two words "Qin Yang".

"You must keep this token well."

"This is the work of a spiritual master, and it has the function of recording contribution points."

Zhang Zhao emphasized it.

After that, he took Qin Yang to walk around the Patrol Department.

The Patrol Department is actually divided into four areas, corresponding to the four major departments.

As for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is in the middle.

The four departments do not interfere with each other, and there will be no handover unless there is a mission requirement.

The place where Zhang Zhao took Qin Yang to visit was actually the area of ​​the Patrol Department.

Other areas are not impossible to go to, but there will be some troubles and taboos.

In Zhang Zhao's words, if you can avoid going, don't go.

Zhang Zhao also told some precautions of the Patrol Department.

In terms of residence, the Demon-Slaying Department has no hard and fast rules. You must live in the Patrol Department or in Shanhe City, but you must be available at any time.

As for salary, as a formal demon-slaying person, Qin Yang has 200 taels of silver every month, and three bottles of Qingzhi Dan.

This Qingzhi Pill is a pill that strengthens the body and blood, and is very good for warriors.

Qin Yang felt that the environment of the Xuntian Division was good, and thought about returning to Shanhe City to explain some things first, so he officially moved to Xuntian Division to live.

Just about to say goodbye to Zhang Zhao.

"Are you Qin Yang?"

"You broke my two evil spirits last night?"

A young man with pale skin suddenly appeared in front of Qin Yang and Zhang Zhao.

The way he appeared was also very special.

He fell from a tree, like a hanged ghost, with a white silk wrapped around his neck.

Zhang Zhao may be used to the way this young man appeared, and he was not surprised.

But he was surprised to find that Qin Yang was not scared at all, and was very calm.

"It's me. Who are you?"

Qin Yang asked.

"Not fun"

The young man muttered, and the white silk disappeared automatically with a whoosh, letting him fall from the tree.

"Then remember, my name is Song Lingzi."

"A genius destined to become an immortal!"

Song Lingzi muttered loudly.

"What about those evil spirits in the hall last night?"

"Were they all controlled by you?"

Qin Yang asked softly.

"Of course. It's a pity that you killed them all."

"I wasted my time practicing again."

Song Lingzi seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Last night was a test. You can't make trouble for Qin Yang."

Zhang Zhao thought that Song Lingzi came to find trouble.

After all, he would not be surprised by what these spiritual masters did.

"Does this Taoist look like someone who can't stand losing?"

"I just want to ask him."

"How did you see through my evil spirits."

Song Lingzi explained his purpose.

"It's very simple. There is no shadow." Qin Yang said directly.

"I said this is the problem."

"It seems that I need to improve it in the future."

Song Lingzi clapped his hands.

He might have guessed it in his heart, but he just came to verify it.

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