"How many streets are dead?"

“Is the scope of this evil spirit’s activities so wide?”

Qin Yang frowned.

He has fought against Xie Sui several times.

Evil spirits generally have a fixed range of activities.

But this was the first time he had seen an evil spirit whose activity range expanded to several streets.


"Some evil activities."

"It's not fixed."

Han Qianyue finally spoke.

She put down the brush in her hand and explained to Qin Yang seriously: "Evil spirits exist in various ways, and so far we have discovered the two most common ones."

"One is to cause trouble within a fixed range."

"Everyone who enters the evil spirit's fixed range is likely to be attacked."

"The other kind is more harmful. This evil spirit is attached to items."

"As long as you touch these items, or some stranger things, you will attract evil spirits."

Qin Yang understood: "It seems that this mission is the second situation."

"Well, this mission may be a little more complicated, with a contribution value of 150."

"Do you want to do it or not?"

Han Qianyue didn't talk nonsense at all.

Qin Yang put the case files away: "Wait for my good news."

With the experience last time, Qin Yang is much more skilled.

He carried the Ling Yue Dao on his back and moved Fei Yan Bu all the way, quickly arriving at the Yamen of Shanhe County.

The person responsible for assisting him this time was still an old acquaintance, Meng Feng.

"Captain Meng, we are quite destined."

Qin Yang smiled.

Meng Feng smiled bitterly.

No one in the Yamen is willing to do this kind of thing of assisting the Tiantian Division.

First, there is no oil or water.

You can usually make some money by doing some tasks.

But those who followed the Tianxian Division were dealing with evil spirits and the like.

It is estimated that only King Yama can ask these evil spirits for money.

If you don’t have money, forget it.

The key is that this life is extremely dangerous.

Xie Sui is a cruel and terrifying thing, and its killing methods are even more bizarre.

The police chief would rather catch the gangster than come into contact with the evil spirit.

Meng Feng had little experience in the yamen and had a simple background, so he was naturally sent out.

Qin Yang understood the helplessness in Meng Feng's eyes.

He smiled and said, "As long as I'm here, Captain Meng, don't worry."

Meng Feng nodded: "Then please take care of me, Mr. Qin."

Seeing that it was Qin Yang, Meng Feng was actually a little happy.

This evil-killer is indeed very capable, and it is indeed not that dangerous to follow him.

"Is Wu Da's body still there?"

Qin Yang asked.

"It's still there. It's cold now and the body hasn't rotted too much. It's placed in the room."

Meng Feng nodded.

He led Qin Yang from the front to the most remote courtyard of the Yamen.

Maybe it's psychological reasons.

Or something else.

After Qin Yang walked in here, he always felt a little cold.

There are coffins stacked up in the courtyard, and there are yellow and white paper talismans on the ground.

After walking in, it is the living room.

A thin old man wearing linen was sitting inside, lying on a chair and drinking tea.

Feeling contented.

If you ignore the cold and pale corpses.

"Old Songtou. Is the corpse of Wu Da a few days ago still there?"

Meng Feng asked.

The old man stood up and saw Meng Feng. He smiled and said, "It turns out to be Captain Meng. The body is naturally there."

Although the old man is thin, he is not weak at all.

A body was quickly carried out.

Qin Yang stepped forward to take a look.

Wu Da's body was somewhat rotten, and he died in a horrific manner. His flesh and blood were scratched to pieces by some kind of sharp, possibly claw-like weapon.

He then looked at several other bodies.

The conditions of death are similar.

After Qin Yang took a few glances, he and Meng Feng left the room.

"Captain Meng, can you show me the identity information of these people?"

Qin Yang thought of what Han Qianyue said.

These people must have come into contact with the same thing to cause their deaths.

What I need to do is to find this thing.


Meng Fengxian took Qin Yang to a reception room, while he went to prepare information files.

these ten days.

A total of six people died.

In order of death, they are Wu Da, Wang Youcai, Liu San, Chen Jian, Lu Wenshan, and finally Wu Fang.

Wuhan University sells sesame cakes.

Wang Youcai is an unemployed vagrant who specializes in sneaky things.

Liu San is a thug in a gambling house in the city.

Chen Jian is Liu San's boss.

Lu Wenshan is special. He is the manager of a pawn shop.

The last one, Wu Fang, is an old bachelor who runs a bun shop.

The identities of these six people are very different.

Except for Liu San and Chen Jian, who have a certain connection, the others have no connection at all.

So which thing did they encounter?

"Captain Meng, something has been stolen from the Wu family. Liu San and Chen Jian's belongings are all missing. The money from Wu Fang's family is also missing."

"But Wang Youcai and Lu Wenshan. Why haven't their belongings been lost?"

After Qin Yang read through the case files, he discovered a question.

Why is this thing getting weirder and weirder?

"This Wang Youcai's family has nothing but four walls."

"Lu Wenshan died in his shop. The money and property were indeed not lost. We were also very confused at the time."

Meng Feng said in a deep voice.

"That's strange. What's the use of these gold and silver vulgar things for this evil spirit."

"It's better to go to the incense shop and steal some paper money."

Qin Yang smiled.

"That. We can't say."

"Maybe we need to investigate to know the reason."

Meng Feng shook his head.

"Then let's go."

"In the order of death, start with Wu Fang who died last."

Qin Yang stood up.

This time Meng Feng didn't bring his brothers.

It was just him and Qin Yang.

But after searching Wu Fang's house, Qin Yang didn't find any new clues.

Then it was Lu Wenshan's pawnshop.

The pawnshop was sealed by the government.

But when Qin Yang walked in, he found that the whole pawnshop was empty.

"Didn't Captain Meng say that there was no theft in the pawnshop?"

Qin Yang asked strangely.

Meng Feng touched his nose awkwardly: "It's true that there was no theft. The things in the pawnshop were sent to the government as evidence for safekeeping."

Qin Yang's eyes became even stranger.

"Master Qin, you must believe in my character."

"I didn't take any of these things."

Meng Feng explained loudly.

"Hmm." Qin Yang sorted out his thoughts and felt that the things in the pawnshop should not be what he was looking for.

Otherwise, the matter should have ended here with Lu Wenshan, and Wu Wen would not die.

Wu Wen's death means that this thing is still circulating, but I really didn't find anything weird in his room.

Next is Liu San and Chen Jian.

These two people died together, and the place where they died was Chen Jian's house.

"According to the people in the gambling house, Chen Jian likes men. Liu San is his lover."

Meng Feng's face was strange.

Qin Yang couldn't help scratching his head.

What kind of messed up relationship is this.

After searching in Chen Jian's house, there was no gain either.

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