I Was Considered An Sss Class Fugitive When I Participated In The Show

Chapter 103 Qin Hao Wants To Rob The Prison, Everything Is Ready.

The video conference ended and the screen went dark.

But what was reflected was Li Haoran's ever-changing face.

He still doesn't understand, Brother Hao asked what exactly he was going to do?

"Is the prisoner sentenced to death or fixed-term imprisonment? Does it have anything to do with his next actions?"

Li Haoran murmured in a low voice, his eyes flickering.

"Then...... Li Dao, do we need to bring those escaped prisoners back? Put them in prison?"

A staff member whispered something.

"At present, it seems that this is the only way... Wait!"

Li Haoran nodded, but just halfway through speaking, his glasses suddenly widened.

"Could it be that he wants...to rob prison?"

It was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly.

Then, all the staff members stared wide-eyed in shock!

"Prison robbing? Brother Hao is going to rob prison?"

"Wucao, it's really possible. Think about it, as the time of the show goes by, more and more helpers can be called, and there are even people who are wanted by the whole people, especially Brother Hao now only has a disguise mask!"

"Hey, it's really possible when you put it that way. After all, Brother Hao is powerful alone, but he's only one person after all. So, he wants to find a helper?"

Following the words of the staff, Li Haoran became more certain that Brother Hao was planning to rob the prison, so he asked himself if those escaped prisoners were still in prison!

"Tsk! I have to say, brother Hao is really courageous!"

Li Haoran smashed his mouth, it's no wonder the higher ups valued it so much, just this courage alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Now invite those prison escapees again to participate in the show. There is no restriction on their activities in the prison. It will cost one thousand yuan a day, but before Brother Hao enters, they must live in their own rooms."

Li Haoran gave instructions to his subordinates, he paused for a while, and continued: "In addition, anyone who is successfully robbed by brother Hao and taken out will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan a day."


All the staff nodded in unison, and quickly went down to make arrangements.

Li Haoran, on the other hand, looked at the display screen on Qin Hao's side, his eyes flickering.

"It's really getting more and more exciting!"

After a while, Li Haoran sighed softly, his mood is a bit complicated now.

On the one hand, he felt that the theme of the show seemed to be a little bit wrong. It looks more and more like Qin Hao's solo show, and also like a criminal's solo show.

But, the theme of his damn show is to let the audience see that you can't commit a crime, and how miserable life will be after committing a crime!

It's not the way of criminals' counterattack!

However, on the other hand, he wants this show to continue, because this is about to be the strongest stroke of his career!


"Leader, we have arrived at the stadium, but there are too many people present."

At the same time, Chen Quanci's voice sounded in the inspection team.

"Xiao Hei, can you immediately count whether there is Qin Hao in the stadium?"

Zhou Jun looked at Xiao Hei and said in a deep voice.

"No problem. Originally, the registration mechanism of Jiahang Auction House is online registration, and even entering the stadium, it is also a mobile phone identification, so it is very simple to prove their identity!"

Xiao Hei nodded, and then everyone saw his fingers ringing on the keyboard.

"Currently, the number of applicants is around 60,000!"

Half an hour later, Xiao Hei stopped his fingers and said slowly: "And the identities of these people are normal, without any abnormalities."

"Then, can it be identified from on-site monitoring? For example, passers-by, such as spectators. After all, Qin Hao does not have an ID card. It is normal that he cannot register, but it is very likely that he will appear outside."

Liu Bochao's voice sounded from the walkie-talkie.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but if Qin Hao appears outside the surveillance blind spot, there is no way."

Liu Bochao was silent for a while, and then said: "Team leader Xiaohei, please check the people who appear in the surveillance first. We will check the blind spots outside the surveillance."

"Now we can't recognize Qin Hao, so we can only use investigation!"

Everyone nodded, indeed.

If it was before, they could still judge from Qin Hao's temperament, height and figure, etc. Although they dare not say 100%, 70% to 80% are still possible.

But after what happened last time, everyone knows that this method is no longer feasible.

And just as the inspectors were furiously arranging the scene, Qin Hao's side was already ready.

"Rope, javelin, steel wire, gift box, black cloth, princess doll, mask!"

Qin Hao calculated the same thing, and quickly confirmed that he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Okay, audience, today I will take a rest during the day and start to act at night."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he leaned against a pillar in a park and closed his eyes.

"What do you think are the uses of these things Brother Hao prepared?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I can't understand it. No, to be precise, I can't understand every operation of Brother Hao. It's only at the end that I suddenly understand."

"Just say it directly, you can only realize it later, won't it be over?"

The audience watched Qin Hao rest and didn't care, what they cared about was the things Qin Hao had prepared.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the number of people in the gymnasium was increasing.

It can be said that at this moment, the gymnasium is probably the safest place in Liaozhou City!

Because there are security groups, mercenaries, and even inspectors from the inspection team patrolling outside the gymnasium at this time.

There is even Chen Quanci, an instructor of China's No. 1 special forces.

Most of the audience is looking forward to, how will Qin Hao enter?

In front of this level of security, they really couldn't figure out how to get in!

This is simply a net of heaven and earth!

Three in the afternoon - exactly!

"Boss, the total number of applicants is 63,250. There are still more than 2,000 people who have not yet arrived. However, the closing time has come."

In the backstage of the gymnasium, a staff member reported to Zhen Youqian.

"By four o'clock, regardless of whether they are still there or not, the entire auction house will be blocked immediately. It will be too late when it gets dark. That guy Qin Hao will definitely take advantage of the dark and muddy waters to fish."

Zhen Youqian thought for a while and said slowly.


The staff member nodded and walked away.

At this time, Qin Hao had also come to his senses, and went directly to the gift shop by car. Looking at the huge gift box in front of him, which was as tall as himself, a smile appeared on his face.

"Trouble, pull me near the gymnasium and wait for my contact."

Qin Hao checked it carefully, and under the envious eyes of the staff and the proprietress, he took out another princess doll and put it in the gift box. After confirming that there was no problem, he explained it before turning and leaving.

"Is it finally about to start? I can't wait anymore!"

"Hey, I'm the same. From yesterday to now, it's been too ordinary. Brother Hao suddenly doesn't show off. I feel that life has lost all fun."

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