I Was Considered An Sss Class Fugitive When I Participated In The Show

Chapter 70 The Crime Is Extremely Heinous, And The Inspection Team Has Been Fully Upgraded.

In recent years, foreign cultures have invaded so much that many people think that foreign countries are good, the moon is round, and the air is sweet!

As a result, Huaxia's culture is gradually being ignored and gradually declining!

And the appearance of Qin Hao is just an opportunity to push him to the top!

Ventricular skills, pickpocketing, mechanism skills, and disguise skills, these are all passed down from the ancestors, isn't it worth promoting?

Isn't it worth the shock?

China has been inherited for five thousand years, how many skills and cultures are there in it?

How can it be compared to other countries for hundreds of years?

"I just realized that we actually have so many skills in ancient China!"

"Fuck, I watched a show about inspectors and arresting criminals, but now Brother Hao has made it popularize Chinese knowledge."

"I have to say, the skills mastered by Brother Hao are really handsome, I want to learn every one of them!"

Now is a fast-paced era, and many people are busy with their lives. Except for professionals, who cares about what happened before?

It's none of your business! Hang up high!

But when they are interested in these things, it's different!

The high-level executives saw this, so they took the opportunity to push Huaxia culture!

"Okay, let's get down to business. Qin Hao has mastered too many skills. Among them, the most critical skills, disguise, ventriloquist, mechanism, and pickpocketing, if used properly, will bring turmoil to the entire China!"

Li Haoran waited for everyone to digest it, and then slowly said: "So, regarding these skill inheritors, I will report to all the police stations in China, and let them pay attention to the criminals in reality, whether there are such people!"

"If there is, we can also find out the method of targeting in the first place, instead of following the standard arrest method. Doing so may bring great distress and a catastrophic blow to the inspectors."

Li Haoran took a deep look at the four team leaders.

"For example, this time, several team leaders did not react and analyze immediately, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army of fifty-two inspectors."

"The only good news is that this is just a show, not reality!"

Hearing this, several team leaders blushed and lowered their heads in shame.

Everyone raised their hands in favor, this decision is undoubtedly beneficial to the country and the people!

It can reduce the unnecessary loss of inspection and prescribe the right medicine!

Can you run cool?


The inspector invites the world's top ten cool running masters, can we win you?

Do you know how to perform tricks?


The inspector invites the big bosses of the Academy of Sciences, and the entire Academy of Sciences studies you!

Can I take you down?

And what if you don't?

A mechanism technique may bring a devastating blow to the inspector, but it is a fresh life!

Isn't the inspector human?

Why be tough when you can reduce losses?

Not to mention that there is no one as powerful as Qin Hao, with more than one billion people in China, who knows what monsters and monsters will appear?

"Support! This decision will undoubtedly add a powerful boost to the inspection in reality!"

"I am the inspector's family member. Thank you Brother Hao and the program team for making my husband less dangerous when fighting criminals!"

"Damn it, brother Hao's contribution is too great unconsciously!"

Many real family members of inspectors appeared in the audience, and they expressed their thanks one after another.

"Okay, I have finished talking about the Huaxia warning!"

Li Haoran added something, and then said seriously: "Next, it's about the program."

"At present, all the inspectors have been killed. To be honest, I didn't expect this. From the first season of the show, I never thought that someone could kill all the inspectors."

Hearing this, Zhou Jun and the others lowered their heads again.


Don't talk about face, even the lining is gone.

"So, next, the program team will supplement the inspection, but..."

Speaking of this, Li Haoran paused for a moment, and continued: "According to the 99% restoration of reality, the death of fifty-two inspectors will cause shocks, and then there will be great changes in personnel mobilization!"

"Next, each team leader's subordinates will increase to fifty inspectors, and the number of elite personnel will increase to four! At the same time, public facilities will be improved!"

"Police cars, firearms, motorcycles, surveillance, etc., have been fully upgraded!"

"In other words, they have the right to mobilize any public resources when necessary!"


Hearing this, everyone gasped in unison.

Is this more than an upgrade?

This is a doubling of geometric multiples!

Originally, each team leader could only mobilize two elite inspectors!

The weapon has been upgraded from an electric baton to a pistol, but the hunting tool has always been a police car!

But now?

Upgrade directly!

All monitoring permissions are turned on, which means that Xiao Hei can directly mobilize the monitoring of the entire Liaozhou City without wasting time on intrusion monitoring, or even applying for a report!

How many times has the efficiency doubled?

Moto, the four are elite inspectors, even if necessary, they can use all social resources!

This permission is too great!

Why do you say that?

Because, in the process of arresting Qin Hao, they can ask anyone for help, car, phone, doctor, anytime, anywhere!

What's more, from the original twenty inspectors, the number has directly increased to fifty!

Five team leaders are fifty team members per person!

Converted down, how much inspection?

Two hundred and fifty people!

A very scary number, just this number alone can kill Qin Hao!

"Wucao, it seems that the program team has spent a lot of money!"

"It's actually quite normal when you think about it. After all, what Brother Hao has done is absolutely incredible. If it happened in reality, do you know how much shock it would cause? I can only say that compared to this Still great!"

"Yeah, I guess, they will be directly suppressed by the army!"

Although many viewers felt that it was too much, most viewers thought it was normal.

"Okay, all the things I want to say have been explained, and I will leave it to you!"

Li Haoran smiled, took a deep look at the four team leaders, turned and left.


Seeing Li Haoran leave, Zhou Jun and others looked at each other and let out a long breath.

The amount of information is a bit large, and they need to digest it carefully.

The audience is also digesting!

After a while, Zhou Jun and Sun Xiao looked at Wang Lei.

"Leader Wang Lei, I need to trouble you next time to analyze Qin Hao comprehensively. Please come up with an efficient and effective arresting method!"

"Our number of elite inspectors has been increased. Although it may seem like a lot, it must be used rationally."


Wang Lei nodded with a serious face, then lowered his head, took out the paper, and began to write vigorously!

(necessary transition)

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