I Was Considered An Sss Class Fugitive When I Participated In The Show

Chapter 86 Powerful Liu Bochao, Where Is Qin Hao's Upper Limit?

Whether the little girl called the police or not, Qin Hao didn't care too much.

Because he knew that according to the normal program of the show, robbing someone's clothes by himself would be considered a crime.

Even if the little girl doesn't call the police, Li Haoran will definitely call the police.

Of course, it will be at least a few hours later, and within these few hours, the things I want to do have basically been done!

"Every audience, the gift you are looking forward to is here!"

Qin Hao walked out of the little girl's house.

When the audience heard it, they immediately regained their spirits.

As for the woman they saw in the mirror, if they really appeared in front of several team leaders, everyone knew what would happen!

Qin Hao will really succeed!

"Whoa whoa!"

At this moment, the sound of sirens came from a distance.

Qin Hao smiled, he was not at all surprised that the inspector came so quickly.

Now that the number of inspectors has increased, and even the captain and weapons have increased, the monitoring equipment must have been upgraded several levels!

Especially when he was going to Dongcheng District on the highway, it was too obvious!

Immediately, she slowly opened her long legs, stepped on high heels, and walked out step by step with a crisp voice.

That's right, the advanced bone shrinking skill is so strong that even his feet can shrink bones!


"We're about to reach Dongcheng District, let's surround it!"

Wang Bing and Chen Quanci's faces were serious, and they started to deploy with walkie-talkies.

"In addition, since Qin Hao knows disguise and make-up skills, and even has ventriloquist skills, we should not only pay attention to Qin Hao himself, but also other people. As long as there are people with a similar figure to Qin Hao, we will temporarily detain them for questioning."


All inspectors agreed in unison.

"Think very comprehensively!"

In the inspection team, Zhou Jun and several team leaders nodded immediately when they heard this.

"A person can change his face, his voice, and even his gender, but his skeleton, figure, and even temperament cannot be changed!"

At the side, Chen Yalin's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said in a deep voice.

"That's right, a person's bones, from birth to adulthood, are basically completely shaped when they are in their twenties. Unless they undergo surgery, they cannot be changed!"

Sun Xiao nodded in agreement.


However, at this moment, Liu Bochao's voice came from the intercom.

Everyone was taken aback, a little puzzled.

"Theoretically speaking, it is true that bone changes do not exist, regardless of gender, except for surgery, but I don't know if you have heard of shrinking bones?"

As soon as these words came out, many people showed blank expressions on their faces.

The audience was even more puzzled. Although they saw Qin Hao's current appearance, they still couldn't guess how he did it.

Because, in their view, what Qin Hao changed was not only his face, but also his temperament, voice, and even his figure!

"I've heard some."

Zhou Jun frowned, and said thoughtfully: "I heard that there are still people who use this to challenge the Guinness Book of Records, but I just heard my colleagues mention it before, and I didn't pay much attention to it."

Everyone was taken aback, and the audience quickly opened their phones to check.

I found out that there was such a challenge, and it was a success!

For example, a bottle that does not look big can only be stuffed into the palm of a baby, and it is impossible for an adult to stuff it in.

However, under the performance of the bone shrinking master, he forced a palm into it, and took it out without feeling it!

"Wucao, although I know the bone shrinking skill, I thought it should only appear in TV dramas."

"Ahem, to be honest, I always thought that in martial arts movies, I didn't expect it to exist in reality!"

After the audience checked it out, they were all stunned.

In most people's minds, what kind of kung fu, Tai Chi, bone shrinking, Tongbeiquan, etc., all exist in martial arts.

But now, they checked carefully and found that these things all exist!

Of course, it's just not as outrageous as in the movie.

"So, you think Qin Hao can shrink bones?"

Zhou Jun's expression was serious, and he asked in a deep voice.

"If you say someone else, I don't believe it 100%, but if you want to say Qin Hao, then maybe, does he know less?"

Liu Bochao's voice was flat, and a question immediately silenced everyone.

That's right, if you talk about others, you won't believe it even if you beat them to death. After all, although that thing is very powerful, it was cultivated from a young age, and it will be impossible to practice it in a short while!

As for Qin Hao...

"If he really knows how to shrink bones, plus his disguise, make-up, and ventriloquist skills, Teacher An Qi, do you think it is possible for Qin Hao to become a woman? Or, in other words, become another person completely? "

Liu Bochao looked at Captain An Qi beside him, and asked slowly.

"This... To be honest, although I can be regarded as a master of makeup, but such a question, I really can't answer it for a while!"

An Qi smiled wryly, and continued: "All I met before were normal people. Even if there is a half-genius, there is an upper limit. I can't estimate Qin Hao's ability!"

"However, if he can do what you said, then I can only say that he will really become another person. As for what it will look like and where the limit is, then I can't be sure!"


Although there are only a few short sentences, it is completely enough for several team leaders and captains!

Even, let them feel a little scalp tingling!

They couldn't imagine how much more difficult it would be to catch Qin Hao when he became another person!

Although Xiao Hei said before that even if someone who had never appeared before really appeared, he could still find out, after all, everyone nowadays has an ID card.

However, this takes a lot of time to calculate. You must know, how many people are there in the whole country?

Even if the filtering speed is fast, it will take a few days,

One can imagine how difficult it is!

"Hey, I hope it's not what we thought, otherwise..."

Liu Bochao sighed, but did not continue.

But everyone knows what would happen otherwise.

Otherwise, the difficulty of arrest will be raised to an unprecedented difficulty!



Just then, the police cars all stopped.

Chen Quanci and Wang Bing looked at the dilapidated place in front of them, but there was unprecedented solemnity in their eyes.

If those youngsters saw this scene, they would be very shocked.

Because in the past, these two masters were calm even when facing foreign mercenaries, but now they are so dignified!


Many inspectors had just got off the bus when they suddenly saw a woman as beautiful as a fairy coming out from the intersection in Dongcheng District!

All the inspectors were stunned.

This woman is too beautiful, right?

Any description on her seems to be a kind of blasphemy!

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