Zhao Tianji was desperate, sad, and heartbroken.

He couldn't believe that his second uncle Zhao Tong, who had been the best to him since he was a child and had spent more time with him than his parents, would actually attack him.

He couldn't even feel the terror brought by the threat of death, but just looked at Zhao Tong unwillingly.

He wanted Zhao Tong to give him an explanation.

What was all this for?

"Hmph, why do you say that? It's all because your grandfather is partial!"

Zhao Tong sneered, then shouted angrily and began to express his dissatisfaction with the Zhao family for so many years.

"You know, your father and I are brothers, and we both had excellent grades at the time. We were both top students at Haida University, and we were both recommended to study in the White Eagle Country. I have the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur like your father, take charge of the Zhao family's industry, and become the helmsman of the Zhao family that everyone envied, and a benchmark."

"But, just because your grandfather wanted to gain a foothold in Haicheng, he chose to let me give up my studies and enter the underworld, and support me to become the number one underworld person in Haicheng, and I also got a nickname that everyone fears, the King of Hell!"

"For so many years, do you think I'm very happy?"

"Every time someone called me the Second Master, I didn't see respect, but only saw fear in their eyes. In their eyes, I was a big evil man like a devil!"

"In my life, no matter how hard I tried, I was just a gangster boss who didn't see the light, and a chamber pot that couldn't be put on the table!"

"All this is because of your father, my good brother, Zhao Zhen!"

Zhao Tong became more and more excited as he spoke, and tears flowed unconsciously.

Like Fang Shizhong, he is a poor son who became a victim because of his father's ambition.

But both of them are pitiful but not sympathetic.

Fang Shizhong himself has a very bad character, and it is inevitable that he will go to the underworld. Fang Tianhao just made a choice for him. Even if it was Fang Shizhong himself, without Fang Tianhao, he would have made the same choice.

As for Zhao Tong, he was more helpless.

Zhao Tianji's originally angry eyes also softened.

He was born in a wealthy family like the Zhao family and knew what was going on.

When he grew up, in order to take over better in the future, his grandfather told him about the history of the Zhao family's rise, as well as the distribution and foundation of the Zhao family's strength.

At the beginning, Zhao Tong was chosen to be the representative of the Zhao family's underworld, develop underground forces, quickly gain a foothold in Haicheng, strongly suppress the three major families, and become the first wealthy family in Haicheng.

Grandpa said that Zhao Tong was the first contributor to the glory of the Zhao family in Haicheng today, and also admitted that Zhao Tong sacrificed for the Zhao family, and felt that he was sorry for Zhao Tong, the second son.

But this is the price of becoming a wealthy family, someone must sacrifice.

When Zhao Tianji asked his grandfather why he didn't choose his father Zhao Zhen, his grandfather just said that there is order between the old and the young, and there is a difference between legitimate and illegitimate children, and Zhao Tianji was completely silent.

He wanted to say that this was unfair to his second uncle, but he couldn't say it, because he was the biggest beneficiary of the legitimate system. If he said it, let alone what his grandfather would think of him, if his grandfather was really persuaded by him, then who would be in charge of the Zhao family's power in the Haicheng underworld and be the knife of him, the future head of the Zhao family?

People are selfish, and Zhao Tianji is no exception.

But thinking of Zhao Tong's love for him, he always felt that he owed Zhao Tong, so he was very close to this second uncle and was willing to believe in him.

But he didn't expect that the trust without a bottom line would create this situation today.

He became the hostage of his second uncle.

"Uncle, it's not too late to stop now. I can ask Grandpa for you. Everything is still in time. I..."

Zhao Tianji was still planning to make a final effort, but Zhao Tong didn't give him a chance at all. He interrupted Zhao Tianji's words crazily and violently, and roared hysterically.

"It's too late! Everything is too late!"

"You don't know what I did at all. Your grandfather will not forgive me! So Tianji, don't blame Uncle, just be my hostage honestly."

"Uncle promises you that as long as you can leave safely today, Uncle will never hurt you!"

Zhao Tianji heard this and wanted to try to persuade Zhao Tong again, but Zhao Tong threw Zhao Tong to A Quan behind him, and then shouted at the three leaders of the bandits.

"Dajun, Awen, Baldy, don't play with that kid anymore, I'm exposed! First control everyone and make them immediately transfer all the cash flow they can mobilize to my account. I will then transfer it to the master's account abroad and leave immediately!"

"Hurry up, the police in Haicheng are not vegetarians, and our old familyGuys, we'll be able to check it out soon. Take advantage of this time and make as much money as you can!"

Zhao Tong has revealed his true colors now, and he's completely ready to go.

In the future, he can only stay with his master. For his future prospects, he must show his ability to do things and try to make as much money as possible for his master.

"Second Master, what about the young master?"

A Quan asked carefully.

"Watch carefully. When we retreat, it will be very smooth to take him as a hostage."

"By the way, keep those two guys under control. When I finish my business, I'm going to get rid of these two bastards."

"Damn it, if it wasn't for that bastard Han Zhe, I wouldn't have been exposed so quickly! "

Zhao Tong glared at Han Zhe indignantly, full of dissatisfaction, and wished he could kill him right now.

But he also knew that Han Zhe was good at fighting, and now he was pushing him too hard. If something unexpected happened, it would delay the work of making money for the master. After all this was done, he would concentrate on dealing with him and slowly relieve his hatred.

"Yes, Second Master."

"You two, come here!"

A Quan agreed, then took out a pistol, pointed it at Han Zhe and Tang Shuai, and forced them to give up resistance and gather with Zhao Tianji for easy control.

Han Zhe and Tang Shuai really cooperated and came over without any resistance.

And the bandits stopped beating Han Zhenghui, and began to force the gamblers to remit money to Zhao Tong's account according to Zhao Tong's arrangement.

Seeing that everything was going on in an orderly manner, Zhao Tong was relieved, turned around and left the hall, and went to the VIP room to find his master to report the situation.

"What's wrong, wilting? "

Han Zhe sat next to Zhao Tianji, asked with a smile, and looked at him jokingly.

"I don't know. I feel very complicated now. I know that my family is sorry for my second uncle, but I have always been sincere to my second uncle. Why doesn't he believe me and tell me? Now he wants to kidnap me as a hostage. Is it possible that the uncle-nephew relationship for so many years has been lied to me? I feel very hurt..."

Facing Zhao Tianji's sadness and confusion, Han Zhe sneered disdainfully.

"If he hurts you, you give it back! No matter if he is a relative or not, you live for yourself, not for your relatives!"

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